Add score, turn and speed statistic selection.
authorOleksandr Gavenko <>
Thu, 18 Sep 2014 01:05:42 +0300
changeset 75 ab74c80beffd
parent 74 93cb48b73b39
child 76 804bd331bedc
Add score, turn and speed statistic selection.
--- a/2048.html	Thu Sep 18 00:39:41 2014 +0300
+++ b/2048.html	Thu Sep 18 01:05:42 2014 +0300
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ {
       background-color: wheat;
- > h5, > h5 {
+ > h5 {
       margin: 2px 0 2px 6em;
     } {
@@ -90,6 +90,9 @@
     #test {
       display: none;
+ > h5 {
+      margin: 2px 0;
+    } {
       border-collapse: collapse;
       margin: 2px;
@@ -266,6 +269,9 @@
       <div class="setting"><input type="text" id="stat-count-limit" value="100"> times</div>
       <div class="setting">limit to <input type="text" id="stat-time-limit" value="10"> sec</div>
       <button id="statistic">Start</button>
+      <div class="setting"><input type="checkbox" id="report-score"/> score</div>
+      <div class="setting"><input type="checkbox" id="report-turn"/> turn</div>
+      <div class="setting"><input type="checkbox" id="report-speed"/> speed</div>
       <div class="clearfix"></div>
     <div id="reports">
@@ -730,6 +736,9 @@
         if (tsTo - tsLimitFrom >= tsLimit)
+      var scoreChecked = document.getElementById('report-score').checked;
+      var turnChecked = document.getElementById('report-turn').checked;
+      var speedChecked = document.getElementById('report-speed').checked;
       var histo = {};
       for (i = stats.length-1; i >= 0; i--) {
         var stat = stats[i];
@@ -737,23 +746,32 @@
           histo[stat.max] = { n: 0, minSpeed: Infinity, meanSpeed: 0, maxSpeed: 0, minTurn: Infinity, meanTurn: 0, maxTurn: 0, minScore: Infinity, meanScore: 0, maxScore: 0 };
         var row = histo[stat.max];
-        var speed = (stat.turn * 1000.0) / stat.ts;
-        row.minSpeed = Math.min(row.minSpeed, speed);
-        row.meanSpeed += speed;
-        row.maxSpeed = Math.max(row.maxSpeed, speed);
-        row.minTurn = Math.min(row.minTurn, stat.turn);
-        row.meanTurn += stat.turn;
-        row.maxTurn = Math.max(row.maxTurn, stat.turn);
-        row.minScore = Math.min(row.minScore, stat.score);
-        row.meanScore += stat.score;
-        row.maxScore = Math.max(row.maxScore, stat.score);
+        if (scoreChecked) {
+          row.minScore = Math.min(row.minScore, stat.score);
+          row.meanScore += stat.score;
+          row.maxScore = Math.max(row.maxScore, stat.score);
+        }
+        if (turnChecked) {
+          row.minTurn = Math.min(row.minTurn, stat.turn);
+          row.meanTurn += stat.turn;
+          row.maxTurn = Math.max(row.maxTurn, stat.turn);
+        }
+        if (speedChecked) {
+          var speed = (stat.turn * 1000.0) / stat.ts;
+          row.minSpeed = Math.min(row.minSpeed, speed);
+          row.meanSpeed += speed;
+          row.maxSpeed = Math.max(row.maxSpeed, speed);
+        }
       for (var i in histo) {
         var row = histo[i];
         var n = row.n;
-        row.meanSpeed = row.meanSpeed / n;
-        row.meanTurn = row.meanTurn / n;
-        row.meanScore = row.meanScore / n;
+        if (scoreChecked)
+          row.meanScore = row.meanScore / n;
+        if (turnChecked)
+          row.meanTurn = row.meanTurn / n;
+        if (speedChecked)
+          row.meanSpeed = row.meanSpeed / n;
       var reportDom = document.createElement('div');
@@ -766,13 +784,42 @@
         var maxVal = maxVals[i];
         var row = histo[maxVals[i]];
         var perc = parseFloat((100 * row.n / gameCnt).toPrecision(3));
-        var meanScore = parseFloat(row.meanScore.toPrecision(3));
-        tbl.push([maxVal, row.n, perc, row.minScore, meanScore, row.maxScore]);
+        var tblRow = [maxVal, row.n, perc];
+        if (scoreChecked) {
+          tblRow.push(row.minScore);
+          var meanScore = parseFloat(row.meanScore.toPrecision(3));
+          tblRow.push(meanScore);
+          tblRow.push(row.maxScore);
+        }
+        if (turnChecked) {
+          tblRow.push(row.minTurn);
+          tblRow.push(Math.floor(row.meanTurn));
+          tblRow.push(row.maxTurn);
+        }
+        if (speedChecked) {
+          tblRow.push(parseFloat(row.minSpeed.toPrecision(3)));
+          tblRow.push(parseFloat(row.meanSpeed.toPrecision(3)));
+          tblRow.push(parseFloat(row.maxSpeed.toPrecision(3)));
+        }
+        tbl.push(tblRow);
-      var tableDom = ui.dom.table(
-        tbl,
-        ['maxVal', 'n', '%', 'min score', 'mean score', 'max score'],
-        { tableClass: 'report-by-maxval' });
+      var tblCols = ['maxVal', 'n', '%'];
+      if (scoreChecked) {
+        tblCols.push('min score');
+        tblCols.push('mean score');
+        tblCols.push('max score');
+      }
+      if (turnChecked) {
+        tblCols.push('min turn');
+        tblCols.push('mean turn');
+        tblCols.push('max turn');
+      }
+      if (speedChecked) {
+        tblCols.push('min speed');
+        tblCols.push('mean speed');
+        tblCols.push('max speed');
+      }
+      var tableDom = ui.dom.table(tbl, tblCols, { tableClass: 'report-by-maxval' });
       reportsDom.insertBefore(reportDom, reportsDom.firstChild);