changeset 1403 a04175d20f08
parent 1402 b1a1c92a7f55
child 1404 a93ed2339d77
--- a/.emacs-my	Wed May 18 15:47:16 2016 +0300
+++ b/.emacs-my	Wed May 18 18:29:10 2016 +0300
@@ -440,10 +440,6 @@
 (eval-when 'compile (require 'shell))
-;; Activate Cygwin for native Windows Emacs if available.
-(when (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt) (require 'cygwin-mount nil t))
-  (cygwin-mount-activate))
 (defvar my-use-windows-shell nil
   "If t 'cmdproxy.exe' will be used as shell.
 Affect on \\[shell] like commands. If nil, 'sh' will be used." )
@@ -477,17 +473,16 @@
+;; Activate Cygwin for native Windows Emacs if available.
 (when (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
     (require 'cygwin-mount)
-    (cygwin-mount-activate)
-    )
+    (cygwin-mount-activate))
   (add-hook 'find-file-hook 'follow-cygwin-symlink)
   ;; Workaround for Cygwin shell, when set 'CYGWIN=noglob'. By default 'shell-quote-argument'
   ;; quoted by double '\' chars this cause failure.
   (defun shell-quote-argument (argument)
-    (concat "'" argument "'")
-    )
+    (concat "'" argument "'"))
   ;; Workaround for Cygwin when 'shell-file-name' is 'bash'.
   (setq null-device "/dev/null")
   ;; Use shell from Cygwin/MinGW.