author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Mon, 16 Nov 2020 14:26:40 +0200
changeset 1635 d231b87af643
parent 1517 29677daeb8ab
permissions -rw-r--r--
Grouped related code so paragraph selected text can be evaluated by eval-reegion!

;;; maven.el --- Maven build project helpers.

;;; Commentary:

;;; Code:

(defvar maven-command "mvn")

(defvar maven/help-buffer-name "*Maven Help*")

(defun maven/parse-pom-dependency-in-region (start end)
  (let (groupId artifactId version)
      (narrow-to-region start end)
      (goto-char start)
      (re-search-forward "<groupId>\\([^<]*\\)</groupId>" nil t)
      (setq groupId (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (goto-char start)
      (re-search-forward "<artifactId>\\([^<]*\\)</artifactId>" nil t)
      (setq artifactId (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (goto-char start)
      (re-search-forward "<version>\\([^<]*\\)</version>" nil t)
      (setq version (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (list groupId artifactId version)

(defun maven/parse-pom-dependency (&optional point)
  (let (start end pos groupId artifactId version fs-o bs-o fs-c bs-c)
      (if (looking-at "[^>]*<[^!]")
          (progn (search-forward "<") (backward-char))
        (search-backward "<"))
      (setq point (point))
      (when (re-search-forward "<\\(?:plugin\\|dependency\\)>" nil t)
        (setq fs-o (re-search-backward "<" nil t)))
      (goto-char point)
      (setq bs-o (re-search-backward "<\\(?:plugin\\|dependency\\)>" nil t))
      (goto-char point)
      (setq fs-c (re-search-forward "</\\(?:plugin\\|dependency\\)>" nil t))
      (goto-char point)
      (when (re-search-backward "</\\(?:plugin\\|dependency\\)>" nil t)
        (setq bs-c (re-search-forward ">" nil t)))
       ((and fs-o (= fs-o point) fs-c)
        (maven/parse-pom-dependency-in-region fs-o fs-c))
       ((and bs-o (<= bs-o point) fs-c (<= point fs-c))
        (maven/parse-pom-dependency-in-region bs-o fs-c))
       ((and fs-o fs-c)
        (maven/parse-pom-dependency-in-region fs-o fs-c))
       ((and bs-o bs-c)
        (maven/parse-pom-dependency-in-region bs-o bs-c))
        (list nil nil nil)))
;; (pp (maven/parse-pom-dependency))

(defun maven-help ()
  "Run help:describe for plugin at point."
  (let (dependency groupId artifactId)
    (setq dependency (maven/parse-pom-dependency))
    (setq groupId (elt dependency 0))
    (setq artifactId (elt dependency 1))
    (if (not (and groupId artifactId))
        (message "Can't find `groupId' or `artifactId'")
       (format "%s help:describe -Ddetail -DgroupId=%s -DartifactId=%s" maven-command groupId artifactId)
       (switch-to-buffer maven/help-buffer-name)) )

(defun maven-effective-pom ()
  "Run help:effective-pom for plugin at point."
   (format "%s help:effective-pom" maven-command)
   (switch-to-buffer maven/help-buffer-name)) )

(defun maven-effective-settings ()
  "Run help:effective-settings for plugin at point."
   (format "%s help:effective-settings" maven-command)
   (switch-to-buffer maven/help-buffer-name)) )

(defun maven-dependency-tree ()
  "Run dependency:tree for plugin at point."
   (format "%s dependency:tree" maven-command)
   (switch-to-buffer maven/help-buffer-name)) )

(defun maven/project-root ()
  "Root of project."
  (let ( (dir default-directory) (found nil) )
    (while (and (not found) (> (length dir) 5))
      (when (file-exists-p (concat dir "/pom.xml"))
        (setq found dir))
      (setq dir (expand-file-name (concat dir "/.."))))

(defun maven/file-package ()
  "Return file package."
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (let (pkg cls)
      (re-search-forward "package +\\([[:alnum:]_.]+\\) *;" nil t)
      (setq pkg (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (re-search-forward "class\\s +\\([[:alnum:]_]+\\)\\(\\s \\|\n\\|implements [^{]*\\|extents [^{]*\\)*{" nil t)
      (setq cls (match-string-no-properties 1))
      (when (and pkg cls)
        (concat pkg "." cls))) ))

(defun maven-run-file ()
  "Run exec:java for current file."
  (let* ( (default-directory (concat (maven/project-root) "/")) )
    (if (not default-directory)
        (message "Can't find maven project root")
       (format "%s exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=%s" maven-command (maven/file-package))))))

(defun maven-run-test ()
  "Run test -Dtest=... for current file."
  (let* ( (default-directory (concat (maven/project-root) "/")) )
    (if (not default-directory)
        (message "Can't find maven project root")
       (format "%s test -Dtest=%s" maven-command (maven/file-package))))))

(provide 'maven)

;;; maven.el ends here