Add some standard places to PATH if they are not set by login script.
Rearrange the order of paths so system's are first, user's are last.
For Cygwin this helps with Cygwin's paths to be situated before
"C:/Windows" (Emacs is not started from a login shell on Windows!).
--- a/.emacs-my Tue Jun 15 14:54:36 2021 +0300
+++ b/.emacs-my Wed Jun 16 12:50:08 2021 +0300
@@ -230,6 +230,25 @@
(remove-if-not 'identity result) ))
+(defun my-path-append-to-beginning (pathenv path)
+ "Append PATH to the beginning of PATHENV, pruning existing entries."
+ (let* ( (pathenv (concat ":" pathenv ":"))
+ (beg (cl-search (concat ":" path ":") pathenv))
+ lh rh )
+ (when beg
+ (setq lh (substring pathenv 0 beg))
+ (setq rh (substring pathenv (1+ (cl-search ":" pathenv :start2 (1+ beg))) nil))
+ (setq pathenv (concat lh ":" rh)))
+ ;; pathenv keeps ":" as a prefix (OK for the next concat) and suffix (need one to strip).
+ (setq pathenv (substring pathenv 0 (1- (length pathenv))))
+ (concat path pathenv)))
+;; (my-path-append-to-beginning "a:b:c" "a")
+;; (my-path-append-to-beginning "a:b:c" "b")
+;; (my-path-append-to-beginning "a:b:c" "c")
+;; (my-path-append-to-beginning "a:b:c" "d")
(message "lisp, elisp")
@@ -555,13 +574,17 @@
(when (and (eq system-type 'cygwin) (fboundp #'cygwin-winpath-activate))
-;; Add some standard places to PATH as Emacs is not started from login shell
-;; on Windows...
-(when (eq system-type 'cygwin)
- (mapc (lambda (path)
- (unless (cl-search (concat ":" path ":") (concat ":" (getenv "PATH") ":"))
- (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH") ":" path))))
- (list (expand-file-name "~/.local/bin") "/usr/local/bin")))
+;; Add some standard places to PATH if they are not set by login script.
+;; Rearrange the order of paths so system's are first, user's are last.
+;; For Cygwin this helps with Cygwin's paths to be situated before
+;; "C:/Windows" (Emacs is not started from a login shell on Windows!).
+(unless (eq system-type 'windows-nt)
+ (setenv "PATH"
+ (cl-reduce #'my-path-append-to-beginning
+ (list (getenv "PATH")
+ (expand-file-name "~/usr/bin") (expand-file-name "~/.local/bin")
+ "/usr/local/bin" "/usr/bin" "/bin"
+ "/usr/sbin" "/sbin")))
(defun follow-cygwin-symlink ()
"Follow new-style (and also UCS-16) Cygwin symlinks."