1 # -*- mode: conf -*- |
2 |
3 [user] |
4 name = Oleksandr Gavenko |
5 email = gavenkoa@gmail.com |
6 |
7 [alias] |
8 br = branch |
9 ci = commit -a |
10 co = checkout |
11 cp = cherry-pick |
12 graph = log --graph --oneline --decorate |
13 info = config --list |
14 pop = !git stash apply && git stash clear |
15 sb = show-branch |
16 st = status |
17 staged = diff --cached |
18 summary = log --oneline |
19 tags = tag -n1 -l |
20 w = whatchanged |
21 |
22 [core] |
23 whitespace=fix,-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eol |
24 excludesfile = ~/.gitignore |
25 |
26 [apply] |
27 # fix/strip/nowarn |
28 # whitespace = strip |
29 |
30 [diff] |
31 color = auto |
32 # Makes the diff much shorter when moving or copying files. |
33 rename = copy |
34 |
35 # The number of files to consider when performing the copy/rename |
36 # detection; equivalent to the git diff option -l. |
37 # renamelimit = 0 |
38 |
39 [pager] |
40 color = true |
41 |
42 [status] |
43 color = auto |
44 |
45 [color] |
46 branch = auto |
47 diff = auto |
48 interactive = auto |
49 status = auto |
50 |
51 pager = true |
52 ui = true |
53 |