changeset 478 2913a8a1a474
parent 477 d0c29482707d
child 479 b86a19ce8422
--- a/.fvwm/config	Fri Jul 06 19:29:26 2012 +0300
+++ b/.fvwm/config	Sat Jul 07 02:25:52 2012 +0300
@@ -8,10 +8,10 @@
 SetEnv fvwm_icon $[FVWM_USERDIR]/icons
 SetEnv screenshot_home $[HOME]/.screenshot
-# Set the image path.
+# Set paths.
+ModulePath $[FVWM_USERDIR]:+
 ImagePath $[fvwm_icon];.xpm:$[fvwm_img]
 # #################
@@ -243,9 +243,9 @@
 Key F12 A S CursorMove +50p +0p
 # Switch input method.
-Key 1 A 3 Exec dbus-send --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService /ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.set_layout uint32:0
-Key 2 A 3 Exec dbus-send --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService /ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.set_layout uint32:1
-Key 3 A 3 Exec dbus-send --dest=ru.gentoo.KbddService /ru/gentoo/KbddService ru.gentoo.kbdd.set_layout uint32:2
+Key 1 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 0
+Key 2 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 1
+Key 3 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 2
 # Win+R like in Windows.
 Key R A 3 Exec exec gmrun
@@ -428,8 +428,12 @@
 # First and after all restart.
 # All fvwm modules exit after restart fvwm, so you must put they there.
 AddToFunc StartFunction
+# + I Module FvwmDebug --xconsole
+# + I KillModule FvwmDebug
+# + I Module FvwmGtkDebug
+# + I Module FvwmConsole
 + I Module FvwmPager 0 4
 + I Module FvwmAuto 1 -menter enter_handler
-# + I Module FvwmPerl
++ I Module FvwmKbdd.pl
 # Add next to load desktop image (must be .xpm or .png)
 # + I Exec fvwm-root -r ~/tmp/MagicItemComp2_1280x1024.png