author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Wed, 02 Jun 2021 21:46:48 +0300
changeset 986 080abbbb7ba7
parent 635 799341bb0ea7
permissions -rw-r--r--
For my "cygrun.exe" wrapper to work it should be behind shebang scripts in the PATH, so moved ~/usr/bin to the PATH end on Cygwin.

# -*- mode: tcl -*-

if {$tcl_interactive} {
    catch {
        package require tclreadline
        namespace eval tclreadline {
            if ([regexp "^(xterm|eterm-color)" "$::env(TERM)"]) {
                proc prompt1 {} { return "\[0;31m\[1mtcl>\[0m " }
                proc prompt2 {} { return "\[0;31m...> \[0m" }
            } {
                proc prompt1 {} { return "tcl> " }
                proc prompt2 {} { return "...> " }