author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Thu, 04 Dec 2008 22:19:32 +0200
changeset 352 40040a3896d7
parent 351 3b9d41e1ab5b
child 353 6d29cd30411c
permissions -rw-r--r--
Use interactive bash mode to read profile (~/.bashrc) to override default value of PS1.

# -*- mode: fvwm; -*-

# #################
# Virtual Desktops.
# #################

DesktopSize 3x3
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Work
DesktopName 2 Games
EdgeScroll 100 100
EdgeResistance 150  150
EdgeThickness 1

# #########################
# Mouse and Focus Behavior.
# #########################

ClickTime 350
MoveThreshold 3
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

# ############
# FvwmTaskBar.
# ############

Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

# ############
# Key binding.
# ############

Key F1 A M Menu MenuFvwmRoot
# Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Key Super_L A A WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort
# Key Super_L A A Exec exec rxvt

# #####
# Menu.
# #####

AddToMenu MenuMy Media Title
+ "Peoplenet"     Exec  exec xterm -e /usr/bin/pon
+ VLC             Exec  exec vlc
+ Stardict        Exec  exec stardict
+ xkill           Exec  exec xkill

# Use interactive bash mode to read profile (~/.bashrc) to override default
# value of PS1.
AddToMenu Utilities Utilities Title
+ Xterm           Exec  exec xterm -e bash -i
+ Mc              Exec  exec xterm -fn "-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1" \
                             -geometry 120x42 -e bash -i -c "mc -x"
+ Emacs           Exec  exec emacs

+ debian          Popup "/Debian"
+ my              Popup MenuMy
+ fvwm            Popup MenuFvwmRoot

Mouse 1 R A Menu Utilities Nop

# ##########
# FvwmPager.
# ##########
Style "FvwmPager" NoTitle, Handles, Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, \
  CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Geometry 300x100-0-0
*FvwmPager: Colorset * 9
*FvwmPager: HilightColorset * 10
*FvwmPager: BalloonColorset * 9
*FvwmPager: WindowColorsets 9 10
*FvwmPager: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=12:minspace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=12:minspace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: BallonYOffset +2
*FvwmPager: Window3dBorders
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: Rows 1

Module FvwmPager 0 2