Change rules size only on SIGWINCH.
$COLUMNS isn't updated on SIGWINCH yet so "tput" is used.
For better performance ruler is calculated by substring.
Moving ruler handler to trap cleans console from garbage when "set -x" is set
in interactive session. It is useful during debugging of bash completion.
# -*- mode: tcl -*-
if {$tcl_interactive} {
catch {
package require tclreadline
namespace eval tclreadline {
if ([regexp "^(xterm|eterm-color)" "$::env(TERM)"]) {
proc prompt1 {} { return "\[0;31m\[1mtcl>\[0m " }
proc prompt2 {} { return "\[0;31m...> \[0m" }
} {
proc prompt1 {} { return "tcl> " }
proc prompt2 {} { return "...> " }