# Brain-dead errors regarding standard language features# W0142 = *args and **kwargs support# W0403 = Relative imports# Pointless whinging# R0201 = Method could be a function# W0212 = Accessing protected attribute of client class# W0613 = Unused argument# W0232 = Class has no __init__ method# R0903 = Too few public methods# C0301 = Line too long# R0913 = Too many arguments# C0103 = Invalid name# R0914 = Too many local variables# PyLint's module importation is unreliable# F0401 = Unable to import module# W0402 = Uses of a deprecated module# Already an error when wildcard imports are used# W0614 = Unused import from wildcard# Sometimes disabled depending on how bad a module is# C0111 = Missing docstring# Disable the message(s) with the given id(s).disable-msg=W0142,W0403,R0201,W0212,W0613,W0232,R0903,W0614,C0111,C0301,R0913,C0103,F0401,W0402,R0914