Swap modifiers to previous assignment because I don't want to fix them in
~/.fvwm. Assign keycode to Caps_Lock before aliasing to LCtrl so ~/.xmodmaprc
script can be re-evaluated without errors.
# -*- mode: conf -*-[user]name = Oleksandr Gavenkoemail = gavenkoa@gmail.com[alias]br = branchci = commit -aco = checkoutcp = cherry-pickgraph = log --graph --oneline --decorateinfo = config --listpop = !git stash apply && git stash clearsb = show-branchst = statusstaged = diff --cachedsummary = log --onelinetags = tag -n1 -lw = whatchangedglog = log --all --graph[core]whitespace=-indent-with-non-tab,trailing-space,cr-at-eolexcludesfile = ~/.gitignore[apply]# fix/strip/nowarn# whitespace = strip[color]pager = trueui = auto[diff]# Makes the diff much shorter when moving or copying files.rename = copy# The number of files to consider when performing the copy/rename# detection; equivalent to the git diff option -l.# renamelimit = 0[merge]conflictstyle = diff3[log]date = iso[push]# Push only current brunch.default = simple