author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Sat, 13 Mar 2010 18:27:00 +0200
changeset 26 7eeb81dc4fc5
parent 25 da1d92e3768d
child 27 55688ec975f9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Misc vim stuff.

" On loding VIM search for /etc/vimrc, ~/.vimrc.

syntax on

" Do not emulate old vi bug.
set nocompatible

" Same as set ts=4, by default - 8, how long TAB.
set tabstop=4
" Use spaces instead TAB.
set shiftwidth=4
set smarttab
set et

" Move cursor on RET to previous line indent.
set autoindent
" Indent for C-like languages.
set smartindent

" This setting will cause the cursor to very briefly jump to a
" brace/parenthese/bracket's "match" whenever you type a closing or opening
" brace/parenthese/bracket. I've had almost no mismatched-punctuation errors
" since I started using this setting.
set showmatch

" Turn on incremental search with ignore case (except explicit caps).
set incsearch
set ignorecase
set smartcase

" I find the toolbar in the GUI version of vim (gvim) to be somewhat useless
" visual clutter. This option gets rid of the toolbar.
set guioptions-=T

" This setting prevents vi from making its annoying beeps when a command
" doesn't work. Instead, it briefly flashes the screen -- much less annoying.
set vb t_vb=

" This setting ensures that each window contains a statusline that displays
" the current cursor position.
set ruler

" By default, search matches are highlighted. I find this annoying most of the
" time. This option turns off search highlighting. You can always turn it back
" on with :set hls.
set nohls

" With this nifty option, vim will search for text as you enter it. For
" instance, if you type /bob to search for bob, vi will go to the first "b"
" after you type the "b," to the first "bo" after you type the "o," and so on.
" It makes searching much faster, since if you pay attention you never have to
" enter more than the minimum number of characters to find your target
" location. Make sure that you press Enter to accept the match after vim finds
" the location you want.
set incsearch

" By default, vim doesn't let the cursor stray beyond the defined text. This
" setting allows the cursor to freely roam anywhere it likes in command mode.
" It feels weird at first but is quite useful.
set virtualedit=all

set ruler

" Informative status line
set statusline=%F%m%r%h%w\ [TYPE=%Y\ %{&ff}]\ [%l/%L\ (%p%%)]

" Local Variables:
" mode: fundamental
" comment-start: "\""
" eval: (font-lock-add-keywords nil '( ("^[[:blank:]]*\".*" . font-lock-comment-face) ))
" End: