author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Thu, 30 Aug 2012 15:30:02 +0300
changeset 529 f47c396e1cfb
parent 528 88b13c857424
child 530 3411824f28b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove useless image paths: /usr/share/icons - have no images, /usr/include/X11/bitmaps/ - used old '.xbm' file format.

# -*- mode: fvwm; fill-column: 90 -*-

# Help on syntax.

# DestroyFunc FuncName
# AddToFunc   FuncName
# + I (Action to happen immediately)
# + C (Action to happen on a mouse 'click)
# + D (Action to happen on a mouse 'double click')
# + H (Action to happen on a mouse 'hold')
# + M (Action to happen on a mouse 'motion')

# Mouse [(window)] Button Context Modifiers Function
# Button
#   1 left
#   2 right
#   3 middle
# Context
#   ’R’ for the root window
#   ’W’  for  an application  window
#   ’D’ for a desktop application (as kdesktop or Nautilus desktop)
#   ’T’ for a window title-bar
#   ’S’ for a window side, top, or bottom bar,
#   ’[’, ’]’, ´-’ and ’_’ for the left, right, top or bottom  side  only
#   ’F’  for a window frame (the corners),
#   ’<’, ’^’, ’>’ and ’v’ for the top left, top right, bottom right or bottom left corner,
#   ’I’ for an icon window
#   ’0’  through  ’9’  for  title-bar buttons
#   ’A’ is for any context
# Modifiers
#   ’N’ for no modifiers
#   ’C’ for control
#   ’S’ for shift
#   ’M’ for Meta
#   ’L’ for  Caps-Lock
#   ’A’ for any modifier

# Key [(window)] Keyname Context Modifiers Function
# See Keyname on /usr/include/X11/keysymdef.h, without the XK_ prefix.

# Set paths.

m4_define(`m4_IMGPATH', `$[FVWM_USERDIR]/images')m4_dnl
m4_define(`m4_ICONPATH', `$[FVWM_USERDIR]/icons')m4_dnl

ModulePath $[FVWM_USERDIR]:+
ImagePath m4_ICONPATH;.xpm:m4_IMGPATH:+

# Debian paths.
ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/gnome/16x16/places
ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/apps
ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/locolor/32x32/apps
ImagePath +:/usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps
# This paths contain large icons for some apps, they make menus look ugly...
# ImagePath +:/usr/share/app-install/icons/
# ImagePath +:/usr/share/pixmaps

# Set aliases to common values.

m4_define(`m4_MONOFONT', `-misc-fixed-medium-r-*-*-18-*-*-*-*-*-iso10646-1')m4_dnl
# As args expected class name.
m4_define(`m4_XTERM_MC',`xterm -name $1 -fn "'m4_MONOFONT`" -geometry 136x42 -e bash -i -c "mc -x"')m4_dnl

# Startup functions.

# Define places for autoloaded programs.
# StartsOnPage [desk [x y]]
Style "mc-main1"  StartsOnPage 0 1 0, SkipMapping
Style "mc-main2"  StartsOnPage 0 2 0, SkipMapping
Style "goldendict"        StartsOnPage 3 1 2, SkipMapping
Style "XClock"  !Title, Sticky, StaysOnTop, !Iconifiable, FixedPosition, FixedSize, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip

# Run only om sturtup.
DestroyFunc InitFunction
AddToFunc InitFunction
+ I Exec  exec m4_XTERM_MC(`mc-main1')
+ I Exec  exec m4_XTERM_MC(`mc-main2')
+ I Exec  exec goldendict
# Right offset: 80 from FvwmPager + 2*6 from border = 92.
+ I Exec  exec xclock -digit -update 1 -strftime '%F %T %a' -padding 2 -geometry 165x18-92+0 -face Monospace-9 -bg gray

# Run after each restart.
DestroyFunc RestartFunction
AddToFunc RestartFunction

# Run at sturtup and after each restart.
# All fvwm modules exit after restart Fvwm, so you must put they there.
DestroyFunc StartFunction
AddToFunc StartFunction
# + I Module FvwmDebug --xconsole
# + I KillModule FvwmDebug
# + I Module FvwmGtkDebug
# + I Module FvwmConsole
+ I Module FvwmPager 0 4
+ I Module FvwmKbdd.pl
# Add next to load desktop image (must be .xpm or .png)
# + I Exec fvwm-root -r ~/tmp/MagicItemComp2_1280x1024.png

# Window Styles.

Style "*" BorderWidth 6, HandleWidth 6
# NoDecorHint, OLDecor, MwmDecor
Style "*" MwmDecor
# MwmBorder, FvwmBorder, DepressableBorder, FirmBorder
Style "*" MwmBorder
# With Mwm resize and move feedback windows are in the center of the screen, instead of
# the upper left corner. Available: Fvwm, Mwm, Win.
Emulate Mwm
# Mwm and Win style menus popup sub menus automatically and never overlap the parent menu.
# Available: Fvwm, Mwm, Win.
MenuStyle "*" Mwm

# Program Styles.

Style "*"          Icon app/x-32x32.xpm, \
                   MiniIcon app/x-flex-16x16.xpm
Style "XTerm"      Icon app/terminal-16x16.xpm, \
                   MiniIcon app/terminal-16x16.xpm
Style "rxvt"       Icon app/terminal-16x16.xpm, \
                   MiniIcon app/terminal-16x16.xpm
Style "mc-*"       Icon app/mc-16x16.xpm, \
                   MiniIcon app/mc-16x16.xpm

# Window Decor.

DestroyDecor MyDecor
AddToDecor   MyDecor
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified Height 18
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveUp Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 ActiveDown Vector 4 30x30@1 60x60@1 60x30@4 30x60@1 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 1 Inactive Vector 4 30x30@3 60x60@3 60x30@4 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 3 ActiveUp Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 3 ActiveDown Vector 5 30x60@1 60x60@1 60x50@1 30x50@1 30x60@1 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 3 Inactive Vector 5 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x50@3 30x50@3 30x60@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 5 ActiveUp Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 5 ActiveDown Vector 7 30x30@1 30x60@1 60x60@1 60x30@1 30x30@1 30x35@1 60x35@1 -- Flat
+ ButtonStyle 5 Inactive Vector 7 30x30@3 30x60@3 60x60@3 60x30@3 30x30@3 30x35@3 60x35@3 -- Flat
Style "*" UseDecor MyDecor

# Virtual Desktops.

DesktopSize 3x3
DesktopName 0 Main
DesktopName 1 Net
DesktopName 2 Work
DesktopName 3 Media
DesktopName 4 Games
# Percentage of a page to scroll when the cursor hits the edge of a page.
# With 0 0 I can't scroll to other page by hitting edge, but can move app to another page!
# With 100 100 by hitting edge I move to next page.
EdgeScroll 0 0
# Tells how hard it should be to change the desktop viewport by moving the mouse over the
# edge of the screen and how hard it should be to move a window over the edge of the screen.
EdgeResistance 150
Style * EdgeMoveDelay 150
Style * EdgeMoveResistance 150
# Width or height of the invisible window that fvwm creates on the edges of the  screen  that
# are used for the edge scrolling feature.
EdgeThickness 1

# Mouse and Focus Behavior.

ClickTime 350
MoveThreshold 3
# GrabFocusTransient
Style "*" SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

DestroyFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
AddToFunc MyFuncFocusWindow
+ I FlipFocus
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-NewWindow
*FvwmEvent-NewWindow: Cmd
*FvwmEvent-NewWindow: Delay 1
*FvwmEvent-NewWindow: StartDelay 10
*FvwmEvent-NewWindow: add_window MyFuncFocusWindow

DestroyFunc MyFuncStartMaximised
AddToFunc   MyFuncStartMaximised
+ I ThisWindow ("Xpdf") Maximize True
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmEvent-StartMaximised
*FvwmEvent-StartMaximised: Cmd
*FvwmEvent-StartMaximised: add_window MyFuncStartMaximised

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmEvent
AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-NewWindow
AddToFunc StartFunction I FvwmEvent FvwmEvent-StartMaximised

# Screenshot Functions (uses ImageMagick).

m4_define(`m4_SCREENSHOTPATH', `$[HOME]/.screenshot')m4_dnl
m4_changequote(`<--', `-->')m4_dnl

DestroyFunc FvwmWindowScreenshot
AddToFunc   FvwmWindowScreenshot
+ I Exec import -window $[w.id] -quality 100 -silent \
         "m4_SCREENSHOTPATH/$[w.class]-`date +%F[%R]`.png"

# Remember there is 5 seconds pause before screenshot makes!
# For alternative screenshot command with delay you may use:  scrot -d <sec> <file>
DestroyFunc FvwmDesktopScreenshot
AddToFunc   FvwmDesktopScreenshot
+ I Exec import -window root -quality 100 -pause 5 -silent \
         "m4_SCREENSHOTPATH/Desktop-`date +%F-[%H:%M:%S]`.png"

DestroyFunc FvwmScreenshot
AddToFunc   FvwmScreenshot
+ I Exec import -quality 100 -silent \
         "m4_SCREENSHOTPATH/App-`date +%F-[%H:%M:%S]`.png"


# Mouse binding.

DestroyFunc FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
AddToFunc   FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ C Delete
+ D Destroy

DestroyFunc FvwmIconifyOrShade
AddToFunc   FvwmIconifyOrShade
+ C Iconify
+ D WindowShade

DestroyFunc FvwmMaximize
AddToFunc   FvwmMaximize
+ H Nop
+ M Nop
+ C Maximize $0 $1

DestroyFunc FvwmMoveOrIconify
AddToFunc   FvwmMoveOrIconify
+ I Raise
+ M Move
+ D Iconify

# Setup title-bar button actions.
Mouse 1 1 A FvwmDeleteOrDestroy
Mouse 1 3 A FvwmIconifyOrShade
Mouse 1 5 A FvwmMaximize 100 100
Mouse 2 5 A FvwmMaximize 100 0
Mouse 3 5 A FvwmMaximize 0 100
Mouse 1 TI A FvwmMoveOrIconify

# Move windows by right mouse button (pressing anywhere in a window’s border
# except the title-bar buttons).
Mouse 3 FST A FvwmMoveOrIconify

# Key binding.

# Used by WindowList to raise selected windows and to pass focus to it.
DestroyFunc WindowListFunc
AddToFunc WindowListFunc
+ I Iconify off
+ I FlipFocus
+ I Raise
# Place mouse pointer in center of window.
+ I WarpToWindow 50 50

# Prevent show long title.
m4_define(`m4_WINLIST_WIDTH', `60')m4_dnl
# Define switch between aps.
Key Tab A M WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, MaxLabelWidth m4_WINLIST_WIDTH, SelectOnRelease Meta_L
Key Tab A 3 WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, MaxLabelWidth m4_WINLIST_WIDTH

# Close window on Alt+F4 (send SIGHUP).
Key F4 A M Delete

# Make screenshot.
Key Print A N  FvwmScreenshot
Key Print A S  FvwmDesktopScreenshot

Key Scroll_Lock A N Exec  exec xscreensaver-command -activate

# Similar to Vi hjkl:
#              F11 - up
# F9  - left              F12 - right
#             F10 - down

DestroyFunc myGotoPage
AddToFunc myGotoPage
+ I Next (CirculateHit, FvwmPager, Shaded) WindowShade "False"
+ I GotoPage $0 $1

Key F9 A C myGotoPage -1p -0p
Key F12 A C myGotoPage +1p +0p

# Move across page up, if no page more go to last page of prev desk.
DestroyFunc myGotoPageUp
AddToFunc myGotoPageUp
+ I Next (CirculateHit, FvwmPager, Shaded) WindowShade "False"
+ I SetEnv fvwm_page_ny $[page.ny]
+ I Test (EnvMatch fvwm_page_ny 0) Nop
+ I TestRc (Match) GotoDesk -1 0 4
+ I TestRc (Match) GotoPage +0p 2
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) GotoPage +0p -1p
+ I UnSetEnv fvwm_page_ny

Key F11 A C myGotoPageUp

# Move across page down, if no page more go to first page of next desk.
DestroyFunc myGotoPageDown
AddToFunc myGotoPageDown
+ I Next (CirculateHit, FvwmPager, Shaded) WindowShade "False"
+ I SetEnv fvwm_page_ny $[page.ny]
+ I Test (EnvMatch fvwm_page_ny 2) Nop
+ I TestRc (Match) GotoDesk +1 0 4
+ I TestRc (Match) GotoPage +0p 0
+ I TestRc (NoMatch) GotoPage +0p +1p
+ I UnSetEnv fvwm_page_ny

Key F10 A C myGotoPageDown

Key F9 A S CursorMove -50p +0p
Key F10 A S CursorMove +0p +50p
Key F11 A S CursorMove +0p -50p
Key F12 A S CursorMove +50p +0p

# Switch input method.
Key 1 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 0
Key 2 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 1
Key 3 A 3 SendToModule FvwmKbdd.pl kbdd 2

# Win+R like in Windows.
Key R A 3 Exec exec gmrun

Key Page_Up A 3 Exec xdotool click 4
Key Page_Down A 3 Exec xdotool click 5

# Menu.

# Read generated by update-menu "/Debian" menu.
# To add own menu items create proper ~/.menu/app-name file and run update-menu.
# About this you can rean in /usr/share/doc/menu/menu.txt.gz.
Read /etc/X11/fvwm/menudefs.hook quiet
# Read $[FVWM_USERDIR]/menudefs.hook quiet

AddToMenu MenuMy "My Menu" Title
+ HTop            Exec  exec xterm -name htop -geometry +10+10 -e sudo htop
+ Emacs           Exec  exec emacs
+ Firefox         Exec  exec firefox
+ VLC             Exec  exec vlc
+ Skype           Exec  exec skype
+ Goldendict      Exec  exec goldendict
+ xkill           Exec  exec xkill
+ "Peoplenet"     Exec  exec xterm -e /usr/bin/pon

# Drawback - you can not make it smaller.
Style "htop" MinWindowSize 98 98

DestroyMenu MenuWindowOperations
AddToMenu   MenuWindowOperations "Window Operations" Title
+ "Move%menu/window-move.xpm%"  Move
+ "Resize%menu/window-resize.xpm%"  Resize
+ "(De)Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%"  Iconify
+ "(Un)Maximize%menu/window-maximize.xpm%"  Maximize
+ "(Un)Shade%menu/window-shade.xpm%"  WindowShade
+ "(Un)Stick%menu/window-stick.xpm%"  Stick
+ "" Nop
+ "Close%menu/window-close.xpm%"  Close
+ "Delete%menu/window-delete.xpm%"  Delete
+ "Destroy%menu/window-destroy.xpm%"  Destroy
+ "" Nop
+ "StaysOnTop%menu/window-raise.xpm%"  Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 6
+ "Layer +1%menu/window-raise.xpm%"  Pick (CirculateHit) Layer +1
+ "StaysPut%menu/window.xpm%"  Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 4
+ "Layer -1%menu/window-lower.xpm%"  Pick (CirculateHit) Layer -1
+ "StaysOnBottom%menu/window-lower.xpm%"  Pick (CirculateHit) Layer 0 2
+ "" Nop
+ "%menu/window.xpm%App Screenshot"  Pick (CirculateHit) FvwmWindowScreenshot
+ "Screenshot" FvwmDesktopScreenshot
+ "" Nop
+ "Identify%menu/window-identify.xpm%"  Module FvwmIdent

Mouse 3 R A Menu MenuWindowOperations

# Use interactive bash mode to read profile (~/.bashrc) to override default
# value of PS1.
AddToMenu MenuMyRoot Menu Title
+ "Xterm%app/terminal-16x16.xpm%"  Exec  exec xterm -e bash -i
+ "Mc%app/mc-16x16.xpm%"  Exec  exec m4_XTERM_MC(`mc-secondary')
+ ""  Nop
+ Debian%menu/submenu-16x16.xpm%  Popup "/Debian"
+ My%menu/submenu-16x16.xpm%  Popup MenuMy
+ Window%menu/submenu-16x16.xpm%  Popup MenuWindowOperations
+ Fvwm%menu/submenu-16x16.xpm%  Popup MenuFvwmRoot
+ ""  Nop

Key F1 A M Menu MenuMyRoot Root c c
Mouse 1 R A Menu MenuMyRoot Nop

# FvwmTaskBar.

Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle, !Handles, !Borders, Sticky, WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip, StaysOnBottom, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable

# FvwmPager.

# No any button on pager.
Style "FvwmPager" !Button 1, !Button 3, !Button 5, \
         StaysOnTop, Sticky, FixedPosition, FixedSize, !Iconifiable, \
         WindowListSkip, CirculateSkip

m4_define(`m4_PagerInactiveRGB', `rgb:c0/c0/c0')m4_dnl
m4_define(`m4_PagerActiveRGB', `rgb:ef/df/bdc')m4_dnl

DestroyModuleConfig FvwmPager: *
*FvwmPager: Back m4_PagerInactiveRGB
*FvwmPager: BalloonBack m4_PagerActiveRGB
*FvwmPager: Hilight  m4_PagerActiveRGB
*FvwmPager: Geometry 80x500-0+0
*FvwmPager: WindowColors m4_PagerInactiveRGB m4_PagerInactiveRGB m4_PagerActiveRGB m4_PagerActiveRGB
*FvwmPager: Font "xft:Sans:Bold:pixelsize=12:minspace=True:antialias=True"
*FvwmPager: Balloons All
*FvwmPager: BalloonFont "-Misc-Fixed-Medium-R-Normal-*-13-*-*-*-*-*-ISO10646-1"
*FvwmPager: MiniIcons
*FvwmPager: UseSkipList
*FvwmPager: LabelsAbove
# As I use only columns row count calculated automatically.
# *FvwmPager: Rows 5
*FvwmPager: Columns 1

# FvwmAuto.

# The autohiding functions.
# From http://fvwm.org/documentation/faq/#toc_7.17
# See question "Autohiding FvwmButtons or other windows".
DestroyFunc autohide
AddToFunc autohide
+ I ThisWindow ($0) Deschedule $[w.id]
+ I ThisWindow ($0) KeepRc ThisWindow (shaded) WindowShade off
+ I TestRc (!Match) All ($0, !shaded) autohide_hide $1 $2

DestroyFunc autohide_hide
AddToFunc autohide_hide
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] WindowShade $1
+ I Schedule $0 $[w.id] Deschedule $[w.id]

# Add the windows you want to autohide
DestroyFunc enter_handler
AddToFunc enter_handler
+ I autohide FvwmPager 1000 N

AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmAuto 1 -menter enter_handler

# Local variables:
# mode: outline-minor
# outline-regexp: "#\\{64\\}\n# "
# outline-heading-end-regexp: "\\.\n"
# End: