2020-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Disabled rich terminal support for Gradle under mintty.
2019-09-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Changed EDITOR to vim. Cygwin's vi is very primitive.
2019-09-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Set default editor to vi.
2019-04-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Made idempotent application of Gradle settings.
2019-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Set EDITOR priority.
2018-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added RLWRAP_HOME.
2018-04-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable color in console for Gradle in Cygwin+bash+mintty.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable OpenCSW packages on Solaris.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not set MANPATH on NetBSD, because there is non-GNU man and it does not
2016-05-27 Oleksandr Gavenko ~/usr/bin can't be placed before /bin in PATH because cygrun is recursively
2016-05-27 Oleksandr Gavenko LANG=ru_RU.CP1251 is no longer useful for Cygwin.
2016-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko New path to my projects base directory. Now it shorter!
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Make more stricter pattern checking to avoid double PATH extending
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko "~" expanded only on word start. Use "$HOME" instead of ~ for this
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove fixed path.~
2015-12-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Use terminal emacsclient as EDITOR.
2015-10-30 Oleksandr Gavenko ~/.local/bin used by "pip install --user".
2015-09-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Use ~/usr/bin/ for local installations and to override /bin, but not /sbin.
2014-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Detect empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
2014-05-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Simplify path to my projects.
2013-12-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Set NPM prefix to local user directory.
2013-12-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Mark file as sh script for Emacs.
2013-12-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Use .env file as common env var settings for Bash and Zsh.
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