# HG changeset patch # User Oleksandr Gavenko # Date 1351674090 -7200 # Node ID 3412c9885616912ae331de86e9d3a00cdcf42f8e # Parent 6fc8d8f66917cea1d4eb51b1e887954c981f5abd Lock the computer by xscreensaver. diff -r 6fc8d8f66917 -r 3412c9885616 .fvwm/config --- a/.fvwm/config Wed Oct 31 10:37:37 2012 +0200 +++ b/.fvwm/config Wed Oct 31 11:01:30 2012 +0200 @@ -383,6 +383,8 @@ # Win+R like in Windows. Key R A 3 Exec exec gmrun +# Win+L like in Windows (lock the computer). +Key L A 3 Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock Key Page_Up A 3 Exec xdotool click 4 Key Page_Down A 3 Exec xdotool click 5 @@ -427,6 +429,8 @@ + "Delete%menu/window-delete.xpm%" Delete + "Destroy%menu/window-destroy.xpm%" Destroy + "" Nop ++ "XScreensaver%app/xscreensaver-16x16.xpm%" Exec xscreensaver-command -lock ++ "" Nop + "Move%menu/window-move.xpm%" Move + "Resize%menu/window-resize.xpm%" Resize + "(De)Iconify%menu/window-iconify.xpm%" Iconify diff -r 6fc8d8f66917 -r 3412c9885616 .fvwm/icons/app/xscreensaver-16x16.xpm --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/.fvwm/icons/app/xscreensaver-16x16.xpm Wed Oct 31 11:01:30 2012 +0200 @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * mini-cross_xpm[] = { +"16 16 4 1", +" c None s None", +". c gray50", +"* c blue", +"o c black", +" oooooooooooooo ", +"o..............o", +"o...........*..o", +"o...*......***.o", +"o..***......*..o", +"o...*....*.....o", +"o.......***....o", +"o........*.....o", +"o..............o", +"o..............o", +" oooooooooooooo ", +" o o ", +" o o ", +" o o ", +" o o ", +" oooooooooo " }; + diff -r 6fc8d8f66917 -r 3412c9885616 .xinitrc --- a/.xinitrc Wed Oct 31 10:37:37 2012 +0200 +++ b/.xinitrc Wed Oct 31 11:01:30 2012 +0200 @@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ fvwm -cmd "Module FvwmM4 -m4-prefix -m4-prefix-defines $HOME/.fvwm/config" & fi +if command -v xscreensaver; then + xscreensaver -nosplash & +fi + # Last command. exec xterm -geometry 80x42 -name "xinitrc" -e bash -i diff -r 6fc8d8f66917 -r 3412c9885616 .xscreensaver --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/.xscreensaver Wed Oct 31 11:01:30 2012 +0200 @@ -0,0 +1,255 @@ +# http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/ + +timeout: 0:05:00 +cycle: 0:05:00 +lock: True +lockTimeout: 0:05:00 +passwdTimeout: 0:00:02 +visualID: default +installColormap: True +verbose: False +timestamp: True +splash: True +splashDuration: 0:00:05 +demoCommand: xscreensaver-demo +prefsCommand: xscreensaver-demo -prefs +nice: 10 +memoryLimit: 0 +fade: True +unfade: False +fadeSeconds: 0:00:03 +fadeTicks: 20 +captureStderr: True +ignoreUninstalledPrograms:False +font: *-medium-r-*-140-*-m-* +dpmsEnabled: False +dpmsQuickOff: False +dpmsStandby: 2:00:00 +dpmsSuspend: 2:00:00 +dpmsOff: 4:00:00 +grabDesktopImages: True +grabVideoFrames: False +chooseRandomImages: False +imageDirectory: + +mode: random +selected: -1 + +textMode: url +textLiteral: XScreenSaver +textFile: +textProgram: fortune +textURL: http://planet.debian.org/rss20.xml + +programs: \ + maze -root \n\ + GL: superquadrics -root \n\ + attraction -root \n\ + blitspin -root \n\ + greynetic -root \n\ + helix -root \n\ + hopalong -root \n\ + imsmap -root \n\ +- noseguy -root \n\ +- pyro -root \n\ + qix -root \n\ +- rocks -root \n\ + rorschach -root \n\ + decayscreen -root \n\ + flame -root \n\ + halo -root \n\ + slidescreen -root \n\ + pedal -root \n\ + bouboule -root \n\ + braid -root \n\ + coral -root \n\ + deco -root \n\ + drift -root \n\ +- fadeplot -root \n\ + galaxy -root \n\ + goop -root \n\ + grav -root \n\ + ifs -root \n\ + GL: jigsaw -root \n\ + julia -root \n\ +- kaleidescope -root \n\ + GL: moebius -root \n\ + moire -root \n\ + GL: morph3d -root \n\ + mountain -root \n\ + munch -root \n\ + penrose -root \n\ + GL: pipes -root \n\ + rd-bomb -root \n\ + GL: rubik -root \n\ +- sierpinski -root \n\ + slip -root \n\ + GL: sproingies -root \n\ + starfish -root \n\ + strange -root \n\ + swirl -root \n\ + triangle -root \n\ + xjack -root \n\ + xlyap -root \n\ + GL: atlantis -root \n\ + bsod -root \n\ + GL: bubble3d -root \n\ + GL: cage -root \n\ +- crystal -root \n\ + cynosure -root \n\ + discrete -root \n\ + distort -root \n\ + epicycle -root \n\ + flow -root \n\ +- GL: glplanet -root \n\ + interference -root \n\ + kumppa -root \n\ + GL: lament -root \n\ + moire2 -root \n\ + GL: sonar -root \n\ + GL: stairs -root \n\ + truchet -root \n\ +- vidwhacker -root \n\ + blaster -root \n\ + bumps -root \n\ + ccurve -root \n\ + compass -root \n\ + deluxe -root \n\ +- demon -root \n\ + GL: extrusion -root \n\ +- loop -root \n\ + penetrate -root \n\ + petri -root \n\ + phosphor -root \n\ + GL: pulsar -root \n\ + ripples -root \n\ + shadebobs -root \n\ + GL: sierpinski3d -root \n\ + spotlight -root \n\ + squiral -root \n\ + wander -root \n\ +- webcollage -root \n\ + xflame -root \n\ + xmatrix -root \n\ + GL: gflux -root \n\ +- nerverot -root \n\ + xrayswarm -root \n\ + xspirograph -root \n\ + GL: circuit -root \n\ + GL: dangerball -root \n\ + GL: engine -root \n\ + GL: flipscreen3d -root \n\ + GL: gltext -root \n\ + GL: menger -root \n\ + GL: molecule -root \n\ + rotzoomer -root \n\ + speedmine -root \n\ + GL: starwars -root \n\ + GL: stonerview -root \n\ + vermiculate -root \n\ + whirlwindwarp -root \n\ + zoom -root \n\ + anemone -root \n\ + apollonian -root \n\ + GL: boxed -root \n\ + GL: cubenetic -root \n\ + GL: endgame -root \n\ + euler2d -root \n\ + fluidballs -root \n\ + GL: flurry -root \n\ +- GL: glblur -root \n\ + GL: glsnake -root \n\ + halftone -root \n\ + GL: juggler3d -root \n\ + GL: lavalite -root \n\ +- polyominoes -root \n\ + GL: queens -root \n\ + GL: sballs -root \n\ + GL: spheremonics -root \n\ +- thornbird -root \n\ + twang -root \n\ + GL: antspotlight -root \n\ + apple2 -root \n\ + GL: atunnel -root \n\ + barcode -root \n\ + GL: blinkbox -root \n\ + GL: blocktube -root \n\ + GL: bouncingcow -root \n\ + cloudlife -root \n\ + GL: cubestorm -root \n\ + eruption -root \n\ + GL: flipflop -root \n\ + GL: flyingtoasters -root \n\ + fontglide -root \n\ + GL: gleidescope -root \n\ + GL: glknots -root \n\ + GL: glmatrix -root \n\ + GL: glslideshow -root \n\ + GL: hypertorus -root \n\ + GL: jigglypuff -root \n\ + metaballs -root \n\ + GL: mirrorblob -root \n\ + piecewise -root \n\ + GL: polytopes -root \n\ + pong -root \n\ + popsquares -root \n\ + GL: surfaces -root \n\ + xanalogtv -root \n\ + abstractile -root \n\ + anemotaxis -root \n\ + GL: antinspect -root \n\ + fireworkx -root \n\ + fuzzyflakes -root \n\ + interaggregate -root \n\ + intermomentary -root \n\ + memscroller -root \n\ + GL: noof -root \n\ + pacman -root \n\ + GL: pinion -root \n\ + GL: polyhedra -root \n\ +- GL: providence -root \n\ + substrate -root \n\ + wormhole -root \n\ + GL: antmaze -root \n\ + GL: boing -root \n\ + boxfit -root \n\ + GL: carousel -root \n\ + celtic -root \n\ + GL: crackberg -root \n\ + GL: cube21 -root \n\ + fiberlamp -root \n\ + GL: fliptext -root \n\ + GL: glhanoi -root \n\ + GL: tangram -root \n\ + GL: timetunnel -root \n\ + GL: glschool -root \n\ + GL: topblock -root \n\ + GL: cubicgrid -root \n\ + cwaves -root \n\ + GL: gears -root \n\ + GL: glcells -root \n\ + GL: lockward -root \n\ + m6502 -root \n\ + GL: moebiusgears -root \n\ + GL: voronoi -root \n\ + GL: hypnowheel -root \n\ + GL: klein -root \n\ +- lcdscrub -root \n\ + GL: photopile -root \n\ + GL: skytentacles -root \n\ + GL: rubikblocks -root \n\ + GL: companioncube -root \n\ + GL: hilbert -root \n\ + GL: tronbit -root \n\ + unicode -root \n\ + + +pointerPollTime: 0:00:05 +pointerHysteresis: 10 +windowCreationTimeout:0:00:30 +initialDelay: 0:00:00 +GetViewPortIsFullOfLies:False +procInterrupts: True +xinputExtensionDev: False +overlayStderr: True +