2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko As of ~/.bashrc having space prefixed exclude pattern in HISTIGNORE no need for dedicated file, just add a symlink!
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude space prefixed commands from Bash history. This include Midnight Commander UI prompt (not shell).
2021-09-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash completion for npx.
2021-07-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed debug statement.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed horrible Bash regex performance matching with two placeholders. Instead use fast one and extract remaining part.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use variable to return function result for better performance on Cygwin. Cleanup helper functions from the environment.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Rearrange default UNIX PATHs priority. Under Cygwin that helps with placing Cygwin's paths before Windows'.
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