2015-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add option to _hgsyncew.
2015-12-08 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2015-12-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Android Studio.
2015-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko DPMS suspend.
2015-10-30 Oleksandr Gavenko ~/.local/bin used by "pip install --user".
2015-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko gpicview is nice viewer.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Use meta-option and remove individual properties.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Swap order to group related options together.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix other colors.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Bolt yellow are very hard to read on white background.
2015-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Missing dir cause error during installation.
2015-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Add pager preference to ack.
2015-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix NB crash as "echo xmessage" also printed because of wrong
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Better color for background to differ xinit lock terminal from other.
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add background to distinct main shell.
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add error message when search for Netbeans fail.
2015-10-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Add preference for Iceweasel.
2015-10-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Make quick note on current desktop page.
2015-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko chm/hlp viewer.
2015-09-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore file extension case for dev files.
2015-09-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Use ~/usr/bin/ for local installations and to override /bin, but not /sbin.
2015-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko history-beginning-search-backward
2015-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Execute X settings sequentially.
2015-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix sh syntax typo, which cause failing boot xorg.
2015-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Run more stuff in parallel. Run dependent utilities in sequence.
2015-08-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable beeping.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable color prompt for tmux/screen.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Make last prompt line fixed width.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Show current user as this useful then ssh'ing.
2015-06-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Key binding for maximising window.
(0) -300 -100 -50 -30 +30 +50 +100 tip