16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Test pattern with the keyword "case".
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Target to install only essential files.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Extracted username from .gitconfig to allow non-specific user install.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Completion based on history.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko magic-space expand sequence referring to the command history in place, so you have a chance to review before executing.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Released undo command.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added Windows' directory "Documents" to CDPATH for better integration with WSL 1.
16 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added "scoop bucket" Bash completion.
23 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Completed migration from ~/devel to ~/work.
2023-02-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for "hgsync status".
2023-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed .npmrc, HOME in Cygwin & running npm outside of Cygwin results in duplicating cache (in Cygwin HOME & in APPDATA).
2023-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Seems M- syntax doesn't work, replaced it with \e.
2023-02-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Added navigation and word deleting commands for Putty.
2022-12-27 Oleksandr Gavenko To avoid specifying "--keyserver".
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko OrangeRed is not recognized by mintty, used hex code instead.
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed Bash completion for the outdated utility "hgsyncew".
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed warning: grep: warning: GREP_COLOR is deprecated; use GREP_COLORS.
2022-12-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Defined completion for mygradle8 mygradle11 mygradle17.
2022-12-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Added which to scoop completion.
2022-12-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for hgsync.
2022-12-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Avoid a warning when HG is operating via SSH:
2022-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Decided transition from ~/devel to ~/work.
2022-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Added a comment.
2022-11-27 Oleksandr Gavenko No need in GRADLE_OPTS "-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true": it is by default in modern Gradle.
2022-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Included time into Bash PS1 header: useful to understand when I called daily login apps.
2022-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Added Bash completion for winget.
2022-06-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Added bash autocompletion for Scoop.
2022-06-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed typo.
2022-06-07 Oleksandr Gavenko myvbox-stop-all: added support for spaces in the response from "vboxmanage list runningvms".
2022-06-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Added utility function for halting all VBox VMs.
2021-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed dangerous git alias.
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: there is no guaranty /etc/mc/mc.ext is in the system.
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko As of ~/.bashrc having space prefixed exclude pattern in HISTIGNORE no need for dedicated file, just add a symlink!
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude space prefixed commands from Bash history. This include Midnight Commander UI prompt (not shell).
2021-09-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash completion for npx.
2021-07-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed debug statement.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed horrible Bash regex performance matching with two placeholders. Instead use fast one and extract remaining part.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use variable to return function result for better performance on Cygwin. Cleanup helper functions from the environment.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Rearrange default UNIX PATHs priority. Under Cygwin that helps with placing Cygwin's paths before Windows'.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko TERM is missing when run non-interactively through SSH. Disable ruler in non-interacticve session.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko For my "cygrun.exe" wrapper to work it should be behind shebang scripts in the PATH, so moved ~/usr/bin to the PATH end on Cygwin.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko No need for ~/usr/xbin. There is standard ~/.local/bin.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Include /usr/local/bin into PATH for "pip install" to be available.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Docs: added link.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Set Node prefix & cache to local directory on Linux.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced regex match with pattern match.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Combined dependent check into "elif".
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed Solaris customization. This OS is dead.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow ~/.env file to be without "export" prefix.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Renamed .env => .bash.env to free .env name for user customization (famous dotenv file).
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Pass TERM as xterm to "vagrant ssh" because Debian doesn't know TERM "mintty".
2021-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko I'm using Ctrl+LCLick or Menu key binding for switching.
2021-04-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled Mercirial extension: histedit.
2021-03-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled rerere. Keeps database of manually resolved conflicts.
2021-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed handling of spaces in path for completion for Bash command "cd".
2021-01-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Utility function to enhance curl with time report.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed: Ignoring unknown option 'BellSound'.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced "~" with $(HOME).
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Create symlink in a one step.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced Bash "for" iteration with "find" utility.
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