Follow common prefixing schema for my functions.
authorOleksandr Gavenko <>
Wed, 22 Feb 2017 11:37:42 +0200
changeset 1490 ab33594a8189
parent 1489 c0c3d88cd779
child 1491 4a9d4d14b87d
Follow common prefixing schema for my functions.
--- a/.emacs-my	Tue Feb 21 11:22:31 2017 +0200
+++ b/.emacs-my	Wed Feb 22 11:37:42 2017 +0200
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
 ;; Also '-q' prevent loading your init file.
 (setq inhibit-default-init nil)         ; t/nil
-(defun my-debug (mode)
+(defun my/debug (mode)
   "With prefix enable enter to debuger and show backtrace when
 problems occur, with double prefix enable debugging on event and
 signal, else disable breaking to debugger."
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
     (insert-file-contents (locate-file library load-path '("" ".el")))
-(my-debug nil)
+(my/debug nil)
 (message "user info")
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@
 (message "my defun, defmacro, defvar")
-(defmacro my-filter (pred list)
+(defmacro my/filter (pred list)
   "Construct list with elements from LIST which satisfy PRED."
   (let ( (r (make-symbol "r_")) )
     `(let ( (,r (list nil)) )
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
        (cdr ,r))))
-(defun my-fold (f x list)
+(defun my/fold (f x list)
   "Recursively applies (F i j) to LIST starting with X.
 For example, (fold F X '(1 2 3)) computes (F (F (F X 1) 2) 3)."
   (let ((li list) (x2 x))
@@ -183,11 +183,11 @@
 (add-hook 'lisp-interaction-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
 (add-hook 'ielm-mode-hook 'turn-on-eldoc-mode)
-(defun my-emacs-lisp-mode-hook ()
+(defun my/emacs-lisp-mode-hook ()
   (setq tab-width 8))
-(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-emacs-lisp-mode-hook)
-(defun my-elisp-find-tag ()
+(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my/emacs-lisp-mode-hook)
+(defun my/elisp-find-tag ()
   (require 'etags)
   (ring-insert find-tag-marker-ring (point-marker))
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@
 ;; Goto elisp definition.
-(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'my-elisp-find-tag)
+(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "M-.") 'my/elisp-find-tag)
 (if (not (fboundp 'global-prettify-symbols-mode))
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
         (1 (progn (compose-region (match-beginning 1) (match-end 1) ,(make-char 'greek-iso8859-7 107)) font-lock-keyword-face)) )))
   (global-prettify-symbols-mode 1))
-(defun my-dump-funcs ()
+(defun my/dump-funcs ()
   "Dump all function calls in current buffer. Useful to explore
 elisp API from somebody else files."
@@ -222,7 +222,7 @@
 (message "mode groups")
-(defmacro my-defun-rename-symb-tree (name doc func)
+(defmacro my/defun-rename-symb-tree (name doc func)
   "Travel by TREE and applies FUNC to each symbol."
   `(defun ,name (tree)
@@ -236,24 +236,24 @@
       (t (error "Only tree of symbols allowed"))
- my-feature2mode
+ my/feature2mode
  "Convert TREE of features to TREE of modes for these features. Single symbol allowed."
  (lambda (symb) (intern (concat (symbol-name symb) "-mode"))))
- my-mode2hook
+ my/mode2hook
  "Convert TREE of modes to TREE of hooks for these modes. Single symbol allowed."
  (lambda (symb) (intern (concat (symbol-name symb) "-hook")))
- my-mode2modemap
+ my/mode2modemap
  "Convert TREE of modes to TREE of keymaps for these modes. Single symbol allowed."
  (lambda (symb) (intern (concat (symbol-name symb) "-map")))
-(defvar my-devel-mode-list
+(defvar my/devel-mode-list
     sh-mode script-mode tcl-mode
     c-mode c++-mode java-mode js-mode
@@ -271,11 +271,11 @@
   "List of development modes.")
-(defvar my-devel-mode-hook-list
-   (my-mode2hook my-devel-mode-list)
+(defvar my/devel-mode-hook-list
+   (my/mode2hook my/devel-mode-list)
   "List of development mode hooks.")
-(defvar my-scroll-margin-mode-list
+(defvar my/scroll-margin-mode-list
@@ -287,11 +287,11 @@
   "List of modes for enabling scroll margin.")
-(defvar my-scroll-margin-mode-hook-list
-  (my-mode2hook my-scroll-margin-mode-list)
+(defvar my/scroll-margin-mode-hook-list
+  (my/mode2hook my/scroll-margin-mode-list)
   "List of mode hooks for enabling scroll margin.")
-(defvar my-text-mode-list
+(defvar my/text-mode-list
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@
   "List of text modes.")
-(defvar my-text-mode-hook-list
-  (my-mode2hook my-text-mode-list)
+(defvar my/text-mode-hook-list
+  (my/mode2hook my/text-mode-list)
   "List of text mode hooks.")
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
 (setq display-buffer-reuse-frames t)
-(defun my-maximize ()
+(defun my/maximize ()
   ;; Next code work with Emacs 21.4, 22.3, 23.1.
   (let (
         (px (display-pixel-width))
@@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
 (when window-system
   (if (fboundp 'toggle-frame-maximized)
-    (my-maximize) ))
+    (my/maximize) ))
 (menu-bar-mode -1)
 (when window-system
@@ -374,15 +374,15 @@
   (tool-bar-mode -1)
   (tooltip-mode -1)
   (setq-default line-spacing nil)
-  (defun my-popup-menu ()
+  (defun my/popup-menu ()
     "Menu from keyboard by emulating mouse event."
      (list (list (/ (display-pixel-width) 2) 10) (get-buffer-window (buffer-name)))
      nil) )
-  (global-set-key [f10] 'my-popup-menu)
-  (global-set-key [apps] 'my-popup-menu)
-  (global-set-key [menu] 'my-popup-menu) )
+  (global-set-key [f10] 'my/popup-menu)
+  (global-set-key [apps] 'my/popup-menu)
+  (global-set-key [menu] 'my/popup-menu) )
 ;; Prefer horizontal windows splitting.
 (when (>= emacs-major-version 23)
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@
 (eval-when 'compile (require 'shell))
-(defvar my-use-windows-shell nil
+(defvar my/use-windows-shell nil
   "If t 'cmdproxy.exe' will be used as shell.
 Affect on \\[shell] like commands. If nil, 'sh' will be used." )
@@ -500,7 +500,7 @@
 (defvar cygwin-mount-table--internal)
-(defun my-dos2cygwin-path (path)
+(defun my/dos2cygwin-path (path)
   "Convert DOS path to Cygwin according to current mount table."
   (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Enter DOS path: ")))
   (setq path (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "/" (expand-file-name path)))
@@ -560,7 +560,7 @@
-(defun my-ansi-color (&optional beg end)
+(defun my/ansi-color (&optional beg end)
   "Interpret ANSI color esacape sequence by colorifying cotent.
 Operate on selected region on whole buffer."
@@ -586,22 +586,22 @@
 (my--eval-after-load term
   (define-key term-mode-map [?\t] #'term-dynamic-complete)
-  (defun my-term-send-delete-word-forward () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\ed"))
-  (defun my-term-send-delete-word-backward () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e\C-h"))
-  (define-key term-raw-map [C-delete] 'my-term-send-delete-word-forward)
-  (define-key term-raw-map [C-backspace] 'my-term-send-delete-word-backward)
-  (defun my-term-send-forward-word () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\ef"))
-  (defun my-term-send-backward-word () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\eb"))
-  (define-key term-raw-map [C-left] 'my-term-send-backward-word)
-  (define-key term-raw-map [C-right] 'my-term-send-forward-word)
-  (defun my-term-send-m-right () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e[1;3C"))
-  (defun my-term-send-m-left () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e[1;3D"))
-  (define-key term-raw-map [M-right] 'my-term-send-m-right)
-  (define-key term-raw-map [M-left] 'my-term-send-m-left) )
-(defun my-term-mode-hook ()
+  (defun my/term-send-delete-word-forward () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\ed"))
+  (defun my/term-send-delete-word-backward () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e\C-h"))
+  (define-key term-raw-map [C-delete] 'my/term-send-delete-word-forward)
+  (define-key term-raw-map [C-backspace] 'my/term-send-delete-word-backward)
+  (defun my/term-send-forward-word () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\ef"))
+  (defun my/term-send-backward-word () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\eb"))
+  (define-key term-raw-map [C-left] 'my/term-send-backward-word)
+  (define-key term-raw-map [C-right] 'my/term-send-forward-word)
+  (defun my/term-send-m-right () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e[1;3C"))
+  (defun my/term-send-m-left () (interactive) (term-send-raw-string "\e[1;3D"))
+  (define-key term-raw-map [M-right] 'my/term-send-m-right)
+  (define-key term-raw-map [M-left] 'my/term-send-m-left) )
+(defun my/term-mode-hook ()
   (goto-address-mode 1))
-(add-hook 'term-mode-hook #'my-term-mode-hook)
+(add-hook 'term-mode-hook #'my/term-mode-hook)
 (setq term-prompt-regexp "^[^#$%>\n]*[#$%>] *")
@@ -621,7 +621,7 @@
 ;; (setq-default show-trailing-whitespace t)
 (setq whitespace-style '(face trailing tabs))
-(setq whitespace-global-modes (append my-devel-mode-list my-text-mode-list))
+(setq whitespace-global-modes (append my/devel-mode-list my/text-mode-list))
   (require 'whitespace)
   (global-whitespace-mode 1))
@@ -721,9 +721,9 @@
  x-gtk-show-hidden-files t
-(defun my-prevent-kill-buffer ()
+(defun my/prevent-kill-buffer ()
   (if (member (buffer-name) '("*scratch*" "")) nil t))
-(add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions 'my-prevent-kill-buffer)
+(add-to-list 'kill-buffer-query-functions 'my/prevent-kill-buffer)
 (define-key global-map "\C-v" nil)
 (define-key global-map "\C-vt" (lambda nil (interactive) (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")))
@@ -731,7 +731,7 @@
 (message "scrolling")
-(defvar my-scroll-margin 4)
+(defvar my/scroll-margin 4)
  ;; Set to zero as this recommend documentation.
@@ -744,13 +744,13 @@
 ;; Set margin only for desired modes! Do not frustrate calendar any more.
 (make-variable-buffer-local 'scroll-margin)
-(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook (lambda nil (setq scroll-margin my-scroll-margin))))
-      (delete-dups (append my-text-mode-hook-list my-devel-mode-hook-list my-scroll-margin-mode-hook-list)) )
+(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook (lambda nil (setq scroll-margin my/scroll-margin))))
+      (delete-dups (append my/text-mode-hook-list my/devel-mode-hook-list my/scroll-margin-mode-hook-list)) )
 (message "chars, unicode")
-(defun my-print-unicode (&optional start end)
+(defun my/print-unicode (&optional start end)
   "Print UNICODE table."
   (interactive "nstart: \nnend: ")
   (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*UNICODE*"))
@@ -817,6 +817,8 @@
     (cl-flet ( (grep-compute-defaults () nil) )
       (call-interactively #'rgrep))))
+(ignore-errors (require 'ag))
 (defun my/ag (regex)
   "Search with ag from project roor without prefix and from
 `default-directory' with prefix."
@@ -825,8 +827,6 @@
       (let ((current-prefix-arg nil)) (ag-regexp regex default-directory))
     (ag-project-regexp regex)))
-(ignore-errors (require 'ag))
 (setq ag-highlight-search t)
 (when (featurep 'ag)
   (global-set-key [f7] 'my/ag))
@@ -877,9 +877,9 @@
 (require 'hl-line)
-(defun my-hl-line-range-function ()
+(defun my/hl-line-range-function ()
   (cons (line-end-position) (line-beginning-position 2)))
-(setq hl-line-range-function #'my-hl-line-range-function)
+(setq hl-line-range-function #'my/hl-line-range-function)
 (set-face-attribute 'hl-line nil :inherit nil :background "light yellow")
 (setq global-hl-line-sticky-flag t)
@@ -905,7 +905,7 @@
 ;; russian-computer for SHIFT 567 is %^&
 (setq default-input-method 'russian-computer)
-(defun my-toggle-input-method (&optional arg)
+(defun my/toggle-input-method (&optional arg)
   (interactive "P")
   (if (numberp arg)
@@ -923,7 +923,7 @@
         (activate-input-method 'TeX)) )
     (toggle-input-method arg)) )
-(global-set-key (kbd "C-\\") 'my-toggle-input-method)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-\\") 'my/toggle-input-method)
 ;; I found this more quick method to allow `forward-word' across pronunciation
 ;; as a whole word.
@@ -1129,7 +1129,7 @@
   "If buffer too large and my cause performance issue."
   (< large-file-warning-threshold (buffer-size)))
-(define-derived-mode my-large-file-mode fundamental-mode "LargeFile"
+(define-derived-mode my/large-file-mode fundamental-mode "LargeFile"
   "Fixes performance issues in Emacs for large files."
   ;; (setq buffer-read-only t)
   (setq bidi-display-reordering nil)
@@ -1141,7 +1141,7 @@
   (set (make-local-variable 'line-number-mode) nil)
   (set (make-local-variable 'column-number-mode) nil) )
-(add-to-list 'magic-mode-alist (cons #'my--large-file-p #'my-large-file-mode))
+(add-to-list 'magic-mode-alist (cons #'my--large-file-p #'my/large-file-mode))
 (message "helm")
@@ -1219,7 +1219,7 @@
 ;;  dired-recursive-copies 'top
 ;;  dired-recursive-deletes 'top)
-(defun my-dired-up-dir ()
+(defun my/dired-up-dir ()
   "'Reuse' buffer if enter to dir or open new buffer if enter to file."
   ;; (dired-current-directory) always end with trailing '/' char.
@@ -1235,9 +1235,9 @@
       (dired-goto-file dir)
-(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<backspace>") 'my-dired-up-dir)
-(defun my-dired-enter-to-dir ()
+(define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<backspace>") 'my/dired-up-dir)
+(defun my/dired-enter-to-dir ()
   "'Reuse' buffer if enter to dir or open new buffer if enter to file."
   (let ( (file (dired-get-file-for-visit)) )
@@ -1246,12 +1246,12 @@
       (find-file file)
 (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<return>")
-  'my-dired-enter-to-dir)
+  'my/dired-enter-to-dir)
 ;; Make behaviour same as in GUI.
 (unless window-system
-  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "DEL") 'my-dired-up-dir)
-  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'my-dired-enter-to-dir))
+  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "DEL") 'my/dired-up-dir)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'my/dired-enter-to-dir))
 ;; Enable 'a' command.
 (put 'dired-find-alternate-file 'disabled nil)
@@ -1326,10 +1326,10 @@
-(defun my-percent-decode (str)
+(defun my/percent-decode (str)
    (let* ( (s (split-string str "%")) )
-     (my-fold
+     (my/fold
       (car s)
@@ -1338,17 +1338,17 @@
        (cdr s))
       )) 'utf-8))
-(defun my-percent-decode-region (beg end &optional arg)
+(defun my/percent-decode-region (beg end &optional arg)
   "Convert percent encoded string to native."
   (interactive "r\nP")
-  (let ( (result (my-percent-decode (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
+  (let ( (result (my/percent-decode (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
     (if (not arg)
       (delete-region beg end)
       (insert result))
     ) )
-(defun my-percent-encode (str)
+(defun my/percent-encode (str)
   (apply 'concat
           (lambda (ch) (if (or (and (<= ?a ch) (>= ?z ch))
@@ -1358,10 +1358,10 @@
                     (format "%%%02X" ch)))
           (encode-coding-string str 'utf-8) )))
-(defun my-percent-encode-region (beg end &optional arg)
+(defun my/percent-encode-region (beg end &optional arg)
   "Encode string to percent encoding."
   (interactive "r\nP")
-  (let ( (result (my-percent-encode (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
+  (let ( (result (my/percent-encode (buffer-substring-no-properties beg end))) )
     (if (not arg)
       (delete-region beg end)
@@ -1379,7 +1379,7 @@
   (setq browse-url-browser-function 'browse-url-mozilla)))
-(defun my-cygwin-search (str)
+(defun my/cygwin-search (str)
   "Search for Cygwin package on-line."
   (interactive (list (read-string "Search for Cygwin package on-line: ")))
   (browse-url (format "" str))
@@ -1429,21 +1429,21 @@
 (message "logging, logs")
-(defun my-auto-revert-tail-mode-hook ()
+(defun my/auto-revert-tail-mode-hook ()
   (when (string-match "/logs?/\\|\\.\\(?:log\\|out\\)\\'\\|/.xsession-errors\\'"
                       (buffer-file-name (current-buffer)))
     (auto-revert-tail-mode 1)
     (log4-hi-mode 1)
-    (setq scroll-margin my-scroll-margin)
+    (setq scroll-margin my/scroll-margin)
-(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'my-auto-revert-tail-mode-hook)
+(add-hook 'find-file-hook 'my/auto-revert-tail-mode-hook)
 (message "auto-fill")
 (setq-default fill-column 78)
-(defvar my-fill-column 100
+(defvar my/fill-column 100
   "I use greater value then 78 for comment in prog source.")
 ;; By default used American convention - sentence and with two spaces. Change
@@ -1460,7 +1460,7 @@
 (setq-default calc-group-digits t)
 (setq-default calc-group-char "'")
-(defun my-calc-region (arg beg end)
+(defun my/calc-region (arg beg end)
   "Calculate the region and display the result in the echo area.
 With prefix ARG non-nil, insert the result at the end of region."
   (interactive "P\nr")
@@ -1473,7 +1473,7 @@
         (insert result)))))
-(defun my-calc-line (arg)
+(defun my/calc-line (arg)
   "Evaluate expression in current line and display the result in
 the echo area by skipping final '=' sign. With prefix ARG
 non-nil, insert the result at the end of line and space if
@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@
     (info-initialize) ))
 ;; Info index nodes for automake under Debian.
-(defvar my-fix-for-automake-info-lookup
+(defvar my/fix-for-automake-info-lookup
   '(("(automake-1.11)Macro Index" nil
      "^`" "['(]")
     ("(automake-1.11)Variable Index" nil
@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@
     ("(automake-1.11)General Index" nil
      "^`" "['(]")))
-;; Add `my-fix-for-automake-info-lookup' entries to the end of doc-spec for
+;; Add `my/fix-for-automake-info-lookup' entries to the end of doc-spec for
 ;; some modes.
 (my--eval-after-load info-look
@@ -1621,7 +1621,7 @@
         (lambda (doc-spec-item)
           (setcdr (last doc-spec) (list doc-spec-item)))
-        my-fix-for-automake-info-lookup)))
+        my/fix-for-automake-info-lookup)))
    '(makefile-mode autoconf-mode))
    :mode 'makefile-gmake-mode
@@ -1673,7 +1673,7 @@
 (message "figlet")
-(defun my-figlet-region (&optional b e)
+(defun my/figlet-region (&optional b e)
   (interactive "r")
   (shell-command-on-region b e "figlet" (current-buffer) t)
   (comment-region (mark) (point)))
@@ -1816,13 +1816,13 @@
 (message "TODO, XXX, FIXME highlight")
-(dolist (mode (append my-devel-mode-list my-text-mode-list))
+(dolist (mode (append my/devel-mode-list my/text-mode-list))
      ( ,(concat "\\<\\(" (regexp-opt '("TODO" "FIX" "FIXME" "HACK" "XXX")) ":?\\)\\>") 1 'font-lock-warning-face t)
      ;; 64 times, for highlight C-u C-u C-u <key>
-     ;; ("\\([^[:space:]]\\)\\1\\{63\\}" 0 'my-contrasty-face t)
+     ;; ("\\([^[:space:]]\\)\\1\\{63\\}" 0 'my/contrasty-face t)
@@ -1833,10 +1833,10 @@
 (setq mail-user-agent 'message-user-agent)
-(defun my-compose-mail ()
+(defun my/compose-mail ()
   (compose-mail nil nil `(("Organization" . ,(getenv "ORGANIZATION")))))
-(global-set-key (kbd "C-x m") #'my-compose-mail)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x m") #'my/compose-mail)
 (setq message-citation-line-format "On %Y-%m-%d, %N wrote:
@@ -1858,11 +1858,11 @@
   (require 'mailabbrev)
   (define-key message-mode-map "\e\t" 'mail-abbrev-complete-alias))
-(defun my-message-mode-hook ()
+(defun my/message-mode-hook ()
   (setq fill-column 78)
   (flyspell-mode 1))
-(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'my-message-mode-hook)
+(add-hook 'message-mode-hook 'my/message-mode-hook)
 ;; Mark all my messages by "common" string in "Message-Id" field to simplify
 ;; lookup for followups to me.
@@ -1941,13 +1941,13 @@
  gnus-save-killed-list t
-(defun my-kill-gnus ()
+(defun my/kill-gnus ()
   "Kill Gnus when exiting Emacs."
   (let ( (gnus-interactive-exit nil) )
 (my--eval-after-load gnus
-  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'my-kill-gnus))
+  (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'my/kill-gnus))
 (my--eval-after-load gnus-art
   (setq gnus-visible-headers (concat gnus-visible-headers "\\|^Archived-At:\\|^List-URL:\\|^Message-Id:")))
@@ -2027,12 +2027,12 @@
     ;; w3m-anchor is macros in newer Emacs, need definition during byte-compilation.
     (require 'w3m-util)))
-(defun my-w3m-view-url ()
+(defun my/w3m-view-url ()
   (browse-url (w3m-anchor)))
 (my--eval-after-load w3m
-  (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map (kbd "RET") #'my-w3m-view-url)
+  (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map (kbd "RET") #'my/w3m-view-url)
   (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map (kbd "S-RET") #'w3m-safe-view-this-url)
   (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map (kbd "<left>") #'backward-char)
   (define-key w3m-minor-mode-map (kbd "<right>") #'forward-char)
@@ -2159,20 +2159,20 @@
   ;; (add-hook 'message-sent-hook 'gnus-score-followup-article)
   (add-hook 'message-sent-hook 'gnus-score-followup-thread))
-(defvar my-gnus-summary-kill-same-subject-min-len 8
+(defvar my/gnus-summary-kill-same-subject-min-len 8
   "Minimal length of subject string to ignore this subject.")
-(defun my-gnus-summary-kill-same-subject (&optional unmark)
+(defun my/gnus-summary-kill-same-subject (&optional unmark)
   "Add negative scores for all articles with same subject."
   (interactive "P")
   (when (or (not (integerp unmark)) (< 0 unmark))
     (let ( (subj (gnus-simplify-subject-fuzzy (gnus-summary-article-subject))) )
-      (when (<= (length subj) my-gnus-summary-kill-same-subject-min-len)
+      (when (<= (length subj) my/gnus-summary-kill-same-subject-min-len)
          "subject" subj
          's (- gnus-score-interactive-default-score) (current-time-string)))))
   (gnus-summary-kill-same-subject unmark))
 (my--eval-after-load gnus-sum
-  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "C-k") #'my-gnus-summary-kill-same-subject))
+  (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "C-k") #'my/gnus-summary-kill-same-subject))
 (defun my/gnus-mark-thread-as-read ()
   "Mark unmarked articles in current thread as read and move to
@@ -2188,13 +2188,13 @@
 (my--eval-after-load gnus-sum
   (define-key gnus-summary-mode-map (kbd "H-k") #'my/gnus-mark-thread-as-read))
-(defun my-gnus-thread-score-function (&rest scores)
+(defun my/gnus-thread-score-function (&rest scores)
   "If any followup have positive score assign greater available
 score to thread, else assign lesser available score."
   (let ( (max (apply 'max scores)) (min (apply 'min scores)) )
     (if (< 0 max) max min)))
-(setq gnus-thread-score-function #'my-gnus-thread-score-function)
-(defun my-gnus-thread-total-score ()
+(setq gnus-thread-score-function #'my/gnus-thread-score-function)
+(defun my/gnus-thread-total-score ()
   "Helper to debug `gnus-thread-score-function' function."
@@ -2295,11 +2295,11 @@
   ;; Handle Emacs exit.
   (add-hook 'kill-emacs-hook 'jabber-disconnect))
-(defvar my-chat-prompt "[%t] %n>\n")
+(defvar my/chat-prompt "[%t] %n>\n")
- jabber-chat-foreign-prompt-format my-chat-prompt
- jabber-chat-local-prompt-format my-chat-prompt
- jabber-groupchat-prompt-format my-chat-prompt
+ jabber-chat-foreign-prompt-format my/chat-prompt
+ jabber-chat-local-prompt-format my/chat-prompt
+ jabber-groupchat-prompt-format my/chat-prompt
  jabber-muc-private-foreign-prompt-format "[%t] %g/%n>\n")
 (let ( (mgs-list '("Я тутачки, а где Вы меня ожидали?"
@@ -2311,13 +2311,13 @@
   (setq jabber-default-status (nth (random (length mgs-list)) mgs-list))
-(defvar my-jabber-users nil
+(defvar my/jabber-users nil
   "Assoc list of jabber user group. Keys are strings, values are lists of JIDs.")
-(defun my-jabber-send (group)
-  "GROUP is keys from `my-jabber-users'"
+(defun my/jabber-send (group)
+  "GROUP is keys from `my/jabber-users'"
-   (list (completing-read "Select group: " my-jabber-users))
+   (list (completing-read "Select group: " my/jabber-users))
   (let (
         (msg (if (use-region-p)
@@ -2330,12 +2330,12 @@
      (lambda (user)
        (jabber-send-message jc user "" msg "normal")
-     (cdr (assoc group my-jabber-users))
+     (cdr (assoc group my/jabber-users))
-(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-j C-s") 'my-jabber-send)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x C-j C-s") 'my/jabber-send)
 (message "erc")
@@ -2400,12 +2400,12 @@
 (setq-default comment-style (quote indent))
 (setq-default comment-column 44)
-(setq-default comment-fill-column my-fill-column)
-(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook (lambda () (setq fill-column my-fill-column)) ))
-      (append my-devel-mode-hook-list my-text-mode-hook-list))
-(mapc (lambda (mode) (add-hook (my-mode2hook mode) #'hs-minor-mode))
+(setq-default comment-fill-column my/fill-column)
+(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook (lambda () (setq fill-column my/fill-column)) ))
+      (append my/devel-mode-hook-list my/text-mode-hook-list))
+(mapc (lambda (mode) (add-hook (my/mode2hook mode) #'hs-minor-mode))
       '(c-mode c++-mode java-mode js-mode lisp-mode emacs-lisp-mode))
 (defun my/company-prog-mode-setup ()
@@ -2430,8 +2430,8 @@
 ;; Disable: sometimes it take a long time to process large hunks.
 ;; Use C-c C-b on hunk by own.
-;; (defun my-diff-auto-refine-mode-on () (diff-auto-refine-mode 1))
-;; (add-hook 'diff-mode-hook 'my-diff-auto-refine-mode-on)
+;; (defun my/diff-auto-refine-mode-on () (diff-auto-refine-mode 1))
+;; (add-hook 'diff-mode-hook 'my/diff-auto-refine-mode-on)
 (when window-system
   (my--eval-after-load diff-mode
@@ -2450,7 +2450,7 @@
 ;; (setq vc-git-diff-switches "-b")
 ;; (setq vc-diff-switches "-b")
-(defun my-vc-root-diff (prefix)
+(defun my/vc-root-diff (prefix)
   "Same as `vc-root-diff' but for Hg with C-u show latest MQ patch and
 with C-u C-u show MQ patch and local changes."
   (interactive "P")
@@ -2468,7 +2468,7 @@
                   (vc-diff-internal t (list 'Hg (list rootdir)) "qparent" nil)) ))))
     (call-interactively 'vc-root-diff nil) ))
-(global-set-key (kbd "C-x v D") 'my-vc-root-diff)
+(global-set-key (kbd "C-x v D") 'my/vc-root-diff)
 (when window-system
@@ -2496,10 +2496,10 @@
      (360 . "#0D80E0")))
-(defun my-log-edit-mode-hook ()
+(defun my/log-edit-mode-hook ()
   (setq fill-column 78)
-(add-hook 'log-edit-mode-hook 'my-log-edit-mode-hook t)
+(add-hook 'log-edit-mode-hook 'my/log-edit-mode-hook t)
 (eval-after-load 'log-edit
   '(remove-hook 'log-edit-hook 'log-edit-insert-message-template))
@@ -2558,24 +2558,24 @@
   (require 'ansi-color)
-  (defun my-colorize-compilation-buffer ()
+  (defun my/colorize-compilation-buffer ()
     (when (eq major-mode 'compilation-mode)
       (ansi-color-apply-on-region compilation-filter-start (point-max))))
-  (add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook 'my-colorize-compilation-buffer))
-(defvar my-comint-send-hist-list nil
-  "History list for `my-comint-send-string'."
+  (add-hook 'compilation-filter-hook 'my/colorize-compilation-buffer))
+(defvar my/comint-send-hist-list nil
+  "History list for `my/comint-send-string'."
-(defun my-comint-send-string (string)
+(defun my/comint-send-string (string)
   "Send string to comint buffers. Useful for *compilation* read-only buffer.
 Automaticaly append final newline."
-   (list (read-string "Type string: " nil 'my-comint-send-hist-list))
+   (list (read-string "Type string: " nil 'my/comint-send-hist-list))
   (comint-send-string (get-buffer-process (current-buffer)) (concat string "\n"))
 (my--eval-after-load compile
-  (define-key compilation-mode-map [C-return] 'my-comint-send-string))
+  (define-key compilation-mode-map [C-return] 'my/comint-send-string))
 (message "scons")
@@ -2618,26 +2618,26 @@
 (setq tags-add-tables t)
-(defvar my-ido-tag-history nil
-  "History of tags selected using `my-ido-complete-tag'.")
-(defun my-ido-complete-tag (&optional substr)
+(defvar my/ido-tag-history nil
+  "History of tags selected using `my/ido-complete-tag'.")
+(defun my/ido-complete-tag (&optional substr)
   "Find a tag using ido."
   (let ( tag-names )
     (mapatoms (lambda (x) (push (symbol-name x) tag-names)) tags-completion-table)
-    (ido-completing-read "Tag: " tag-names nil t substr 'my-ido-tag-history)))
-(defun my-complete-tag (prefix point)
+    (ido-completing-read "Tag: " tag-names nil t substr 'my/ido-tag-history)))
+(defun my/complete-tag (prefix point)
   (interactive "P\nd")
   (if prefix
       (funcall #'complete-tag)
     (let ( (bounds (find-tag-default-bounds)) tag )
       (if (or (not bounds) (< point (car bounds)) (< (cdr bounds) point))
-          (setq tag (my-ido-complete-tag))
-        (setq tag (my-ido-complete-tag (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))
+          (setq tag (my/ido-complete-tag))
+        (setq tag (my/ido-complete-tag (buffer-substring (car bounds) (cdr bounds))))
         (delete-region (car bounds) (cdr bounds)))
       (insert tag))))
-(global-set-key [M-return] #'my-complete-tag)
+(global-set-key [M-return] #'my/complete-tag)
 (message "CEDET, semantic, SRecord")
@@ -2698,7 +2698,7 @@
   (global-srecode-minor-mode 1)
   (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'srecode-minor-mode)
-  (defun my-srecode-reload-templates ()
+  (defun my/srecode-reload-templates ()
     "Reload all templates under `srecode-map-load-path'. Useful
 during template developing."
@@ -2728,13 +2728,13 @@
   ;; (ignore-errors (require 'cedet-idutils))
-  (defun my-c-mode-cedet-hook ()
+  (defun my/c-mode-cedet-hook ()
     ;; (local-set-key [C-return] 'semantic-complete-symbol)
     ;; (local-set-key [C-return] 'semantic-complete-analyze-inline)
     ;; (local-set-key "." 'semantic-complete-self-insert)
     ;; (local-set-key ">" 'semantic-complete-self-insert)
-  (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-cedet-hook)
+  (add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my/c-mode-cedet-hook)
     (require 'semantic/ia)
@@ -2756,13 +2756,13 @@
 (require 'imenu)
-(defun my-imenu-to-menubar ()
+(defun my/imenu-to-menubar ()
   "Force imenu building when (menu-bar-mode -1)."
   (when imenu-generic-expression
     (run-hooks 'menu-bar-update-hook) ))
-(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'my-imenu-to-menubar))
-      my-devel-mode-hook-list)
+(mapc (lambda (hook) (add-hook hook 'my/imenu-to-menubar))
+      my/devel-mode-hook-list)
 (message "windows inf files for driver installin")
@@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@
 (setq c-echo-syntactic-information-p t)
-(defun my-c-mode-common-hook ()
+(defun my/c-mode-common-hook ()
   ;; Automatically inserte newlines after special characters such as brace, comma, semi-colon, and colon.
   (c-toggle-auto-newline -1)
   ;; Delete all preceding whitespace by DEL.
@@ -2833,9 +2833,9 @@
   ;; Auto indent after typing colon according to `c-hanging-colons-alist'.
   (c-toggle-electric-state 1)
-(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-common-hook)
-(defconst my-c-style
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my/c-mode-common-hook)
+(defconst my/c-style
   '((c-tab-always-indent . t)
     (c-comment-only-line-offset . 4)
@@ -2883,8 +2883,8 @@
     (c-echo-syntactic-information-p . t))
   "My C Programming Style")
-(defun my-c-mode-style-hook ()
-  (c-add-style "my" my-c-style t)
+(defun my/c-mode-style-hook ()
+  (c-add-style "my" my/c-style t)
   ;; If set 'c-default-style' before 'c-add-style'
   ;; "Undefined style: my" error occured from 'c-get-style-variables'.
   (setq c-default-style
@@ -2895,7 +2895,7 @@
           (other . "my")
-(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my-c-mode-style-hook)
+(add-hook 'c-mode-common-hook 'my/c-mode-style-hook)
 (message "python, python-mode")
@@ -3085,17 +3085,17 @@
 ;; Automatically save project python buffers before refactorings
 (setq ropemacs-confirm-saving 'nil)
-(defun my-python-add-to-path (path)
+(defun my/python-add-to-path (path)
   (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Enter new path for PYTHONPATH: ")))
   (when (featurep 'cygwin-mount)
-    (setq path (my-dos2cygwin-path path)))
+    (setq path (my/dos2cygwin-path path)))
   (python-send-string (format "import sys; sys.path.append(\"%s\")" (expand-file-name path))) )
-(defun my-python-django-fix (path)
+(defun my/python-django-fix (path)
   "XXX not work on Cygwin + naive Emacs."
   (interactive (list (read-directory-name "Enter new path for PYTHONPATH: ")))
   (when (featurep 'cygwin-mount)
-    (setq path (my-dos2cygwin-path path))
+    (setq path (my/dos2cygwin-path path))
   (let ((file (concat path "")))
     (if (file-exists-p file)
@@ -3269,7 +3269,7 @@
 (message "html")
-(defun my-html-charref-escape-region (start end)
+(defun my/html-charref-escape-region (start end)
   (interactive "r")
@@ -3282,28 +3282,28 @@
       (while (search-forward ">") (replace-match "&gt;"))
-(defun my-html-charref-from-char (char)
+(defun my/html-charref-from-char (char)
   (format "&#%d;" char)
-(defun my-html-charref-from-string (string)
+(defun my/html-charref-from-string (string)
   (let ((res ""))
-     (lambda (char) (setq res (concat res (my-html-charref-from-char char))))
+     (lambda (char) (setq res (concat res (my/html-charref-from-char char))))
     ) )
-(defun my-html-charref-escape-region2 (begin end &optional prefix)
+(defun my/html-charref-escape-region2 (begin end &optional prefix)
   (interactive "r\nP")
   (if prefix
         (goto-char begin)
-        (insert (my-html-charref-from-string (delete-and-extract-region begin end))))
-    (my-html-charref-from-string (buffer-substring begin end))
+        (insert (my/html-charref-from-string (delete-and-extract-region begin end))))
+    (my/html-charref-from-string (buffer-substring begin end))
-(defun my-html-charref-to-string (html)
+(defun my/html-charref-to-string (html)
   "Return string with replaced decimal/hex and string charrefs by
 correcponding UTF-8 symbol."
   (let (str)
@@ -3331,13 +3331,13 @@
             (replace-match "&" t t)))) ))
-(defun my-html-charref-unescape-region (begin end &optional prefix)
+(defun my/html-charref-unescape-region (begin end &optional prefix)
   (interactive "r\nP")
   (if prefix
         (goto-char begin)
-        (insert (my-html-charref-to-string (delete-and-extract-region begin end))))
-    (my-html-charref-to-string (buffer-substring begin end))
+        (insert (my/html-charref-to-string (delete-and-extract-region begin end))))
+    (my/html-charref-to-string (buffer-substring begin end))
@@ -3430,7 +3430,7 @@
 (eval-when 'compile (require 'psgml nil t))
-(defvar my-html-template
+(defvar my/html-template
          "\n<head>" \n
@@ -3448,8 +3448,8 @@
   (unless (featurep 'psgml)
     (setq html-tag-alist
-           my-html-template
-           (my-filter
+           my/html-template
+           (my/filter
             (lambda (item) (not (equal (car item) "html")))
     (add-to-list 'html-tag-alist '("script" (\n) ("type" "text/javascript") ))
@@ -3548,7 +3548,7 @@
 (add-hook 'sql-interactive-mode-hook (lambda () (toggle-truncate-lines 1)))
-(defun my-sql-explain-paragraph ()
+(defun my/sql-explain-paragraph ()
   "Send the current paragraph to the SQL process with \"explain \" keyword.
 Works at least for MySql/MariaDB."
@@ -3561,7 +3561,7 @@
     (sql-send-string (concat "explain " (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))))
 (my--eval-after-load sql
-  (define-key sql-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'my-sql-explain-paragraph))
+  (define-key sql-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-e") 'my/sql-explain-paragraph))
 (message "backuping")