Fix 'starttls.el' on native Windows Emacs with gnutls-cli from Cygwin.
'gnutls-cli' run with '-s' opt and process wait for SIGALRM.
But build-in native Emacs 'kill' command can not send such Cygwin
specific sygnal. So 'starttls-negotiate-gnutls' function infinitely
wait for 'gnutls-cli' output.
--- a/.emacs-my Sun Oct 23 22:48:06 2011 +0300
+++ b/.emacs-my Mon Oct 24 01:47:47 2011 +0300
@@ -312,6 +312,23 @@
(modify-coding-system-alist 'process "bash" '(cp1251-unix . cp1251-unix))
+(when (eq window-system 'w32)
+ ;; Fix 'starttls.el' on native Windows Emacs with gnutls-cli from Cygwin.
+ ;; 'gnutls-cli' run with '-s' opt and process wait for SIGALRM.
+ ;; But build-in native Emacs 'kill' command can not send such Cygwin
+ ;; specific sygnal. So 'starttls-negotiate-gnutls' function infinitely
+ ;; wait for 'gnutls-cli' output.
+ (defadvice signal-process (around cygwin (process sigcode))
+ "Use 'kill.exe' instead build-in Emacs 'kill'."
+ (if (eq sigcode 'SIGALRM)
+ (shell-command
+ (format "kill.exe -s SIGALRM %d"
+ (if (processp process) (process-id process) process)))
+ ad-do-it
+ ))
+ (ad-activate 'signal-process)
+ )
(setq explicit-bash-args '("-i"))