author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Tue, 27 Oct 2020 18:47:16 +0200
changeset 1260 c756a022c822
parent 1256 dd84b7e74f49
child 1261 40b59528ee1a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fixed some transcriptions + added new articles.

## 544
# 1
- Hello.
- Hi.
# 2
- Goodbye.
- Bye.
# 3
- Bye.
- See you.
# 4
- Good morning.
- Morning.
# 5
- Good afternoon.
- Good afternoon.
# 6
- Good evening.
- Evening.
# 7
- Good night.
- Night.
# 8
- Hello, Ben.
- Hi, Billy.
# 9
- Hi! How are you feeling?
- Not bad. And how about you?
# 10
- Goodbye, dear.
- Goodbye, darling.
# 11
- How are you?
- Fine, thanks. And you?
- I'm fine.
# 12
- How are you?
- Fine, thanks.
# 13
- What's your surname?
- My surname is Brown.
# 14
- Can I ask you a few questions, please?
- Er, OK.
- What's your name?
- My name is Peter.
- ...
# 15
- This is Pete.
- We've met.
# 16
- Have you met?
- No, we haven't.
# 17
- Hello. I'm Bob. I'm a reporter.
- Good afternoon. I'm happy to meet you.
# 18
- Who are you?
- I'm Yuzen Yang.
- Please write it for me.
# 19
- Nice to meet you, Robert.
- Call me Rob.
# 20
- What do you do?
- I'm a welder. What do you do?
- I'm a reporter.
# 21
- Excuse me, sir.
# 22
- Goodbye, Mr. Bishop. Thank you for your time.
# 23
- Tea, Grandpa?
- Yes, please.
- Do you take sugar?
# 24
- Coffee, sir?
- No! Thank you!
# 25
- Would you like tea or coffee?
# 26
- Thank you, Mom.
- You're welcome.
# 27
- Sorry, Grandma.
- That's OK.
# 28
- Let's go to the movie theater.
- Yes, all right.
# 29
- Let's go to the club.
- Sorry, I'm busy. Let's go tomorrow.
- OK.
# 30
- Two apples, please.
- Here you are.
# 31
- Excuse me. May I say something?
# 32
- Let me finish.
# 172
- Let me go on.
# 33
Dear Mr Rich.
I hope to hear from you.
John Smith.
# 34
Hi Bob!
See you soon.
Take care.
# 35
- Could you speak more slowly, please?
# 36
- What time does it start?
- It starts at 9 o'clock.
# 37
- Where does it leave from?
# 38
- Sorry, could you repeat that?
# 202
- Can you repeat that, please?
- 666-666.
- So that's 666-666.
# 203
- How do you say this word?
# 204
- How do you spell it?
# 241
- Could you spell that?
# 39
- Excuse me, ten o'clock?
# 40
- Can you give me some information about...
# 41
- What do you think?
- It's/That's a good idea.
# 42
- Yes, I agree.
# 43
- What do you mean?
# 44
- I think it's important to...
# 45
- I don't agree.
# 46
- It depends.
# 47
- Who's he?
- He's an old friend of mine.
# 48
- That's great!
# 49
- It's not perfect.
# 50
- Oh, that's a shame.
# 51
- I want to talk about...
# 52
- Let me tell you about...
# 53
- I like it because...
# 54
- Can I help you?
- No, thanks. I'm just looking. / Yes. I'm looking for a sweater.
# 55
- How much is it?
- ...
- I need to think about it. Thanks anyway.
# 56
We do apologize.
# 57
- Don't mention it. It's OK.
# 58
- No problem.
# 59
- You don't mind?
- Not at all.
# 60
- Did you have a good weekend?
# 61
- How was your weekend?
- Not bad. / It was OK. / So-so.
# 62
- That sounds good/interesting.
# 171
- That sounds awful.
# 170
- That doesn't sound very good.
# 63
- Why was that?
# 64
- Nothing special.
# 65
- That's great/a shame/terrible.
# 66
- What did you do?
# 67
- Who did you go with?
# 68
- Why? What happened?
# 69
- Is two and three five?
- That's right!
# 70
- Is two by three seven?
- That's wrong / not right!
# 71
- That's all right!
# 72
- It's a pleasure!
# 73
- Thank you very much / so much!
# 74
- I do apologize.
# 75
- Thank you! That's very kind of you.
# 76
- I'd love to ...
# 77
- Can you do Saturday?
- No.
- That leaves Sunday.
# 78
- Tell me the time.
- It's a quarter to nine.
# 79
- What time is it?
- It's half past six.
# 80
- My clock is one minute fast.
- Mine is ten minutes slow!
# 81
- What is the meaning of AM?
- AM is a short form of the Latin words ante meridiem.
# 82
- What does she look like?
- She is tall.
- What is she like?
- She is talkative.
# 83
- He works hard.
- Oh no, he hardly works!
# 84
- Excuse me, where is Art Museum?
- Sorry. I don't know.
# 85
- Where is the Museum?
- Go straight ahead.
# 86
- Where are you from?
- I am from Poland.
# 205
- Where do you come from?
- I am from Italy.
# 87
- What city are you from?
- I am from New York.
# 88
- Where do you live now?
- I live in Baltimore now. I lived in Florida last year.
# 89
- Where do you live?
- I live at 55 Georgia Street.
# 90
- Where do you work?
- I work at National Radio / in a bank.
# 91
- When do you work?
- I work from Monday till Friday.
# 92
- What do they make?
- They make plastic bags.
# 206
- When is your birthday?
# 93
- What is the address?
- 21 California Street.
# 94
- Tell me where you live.
- I live at ...
- Give me your telephone number.
- ...
- Show me your driver's license.
- Here it is.
# 95
- Do you live in a house?
- No, I don't.
- Do you live in an apartment?
- Yes, I do.
# 96
- What's that?
- It's a map.
# 97
- How do you travel to Los Angeles?
- We travel by plane/car.
- How do you travel to New York?
- We take the train.
# 98
- May I help you?
# 99
- What does he look like?
- He's not very tall.
# 100
- What color is his hair?
- He is blond.
# 101
- How long does it take?
- Sometimes it takes an hour.
# 102
- I am sorry I'm late.
- No problem. That's all right.
# 103
- We do apologize.
- Don't worry. It's all right.
# 104
- It's a nice day, isn't it?
# 105
- It's a wonderful day, isn't it?
# 106
- Do you think it will rain?
# 107
- Isn't it hot today?
# 108
- Isn't it cold today?
- Yes, it's a little cold, but I like cold weather.
# 109
- Don't you like cold weather?
# 110
- Don't you like warm weather?
# 111
- Watch your step!
# 112
- Watch your head!
# 113
- What is this? What is the name of this?
# 114
- May I ask you a question?
- Of course. / Sure.
# 115
- May I see your book?
- I don't mind.
# 116
- The sooner the better.
# 117
- What does that mean?
# 118
- Can you explain what the word ferment means?
# 119
- Give me an example.
# 120
- Can you give me an example?
# 121
- Can you explain it to me?
# 122
- What does it mean?
# 123
- What is it?
# 124
- How is your mother?
- She is all right now, but she felt terrible yesterday.
# 125
- How are you Tom?
- I am OK.
- And how is Barbara?
- She is perfect.
# 126
That depends.
# 127
- Anything wrong?
# 128
- Are you in charge?
# 129
- Don't be embarrassed.
# 130
- Excuse me!
# 183
- Pardon me!
# 182
- Wait a minute!
# 181
- Hold on!
# 180
- May I add something?
# 179
- Just a moment/minute!
# 131
- Keep calm!
# 132
- How do you like it?
# 178
- Do you really like it?
# 177
- What do you think of my work so far?
# 176
- So what do you think?
# 175
- What do you think of that?
# 174
- Do you think so?
# 173
- Do you like that idea?
# 133
- I feel bad/terrible about it/this.
# 134
- What's the trouble?
# 135
- Isn't he the greatest?
- I've never seen anyone better.
# 136
- He has done such a good job.
# 137
- I really admire him.
# 138
- I think he is marvelous.
# 139
- I'm sorry, I'm late.
- Don't let it happen again.
# 140
- I'm very/really/terribly/so sorry. I'm late.
- Don't worry about it.
# 141
- Sorry to be late. I'm afraid I didn't hear my alarm clock.
- That's OK. No problem. / I don't believe you.
# 142
- I'm so sorry I missed the meeting. I feel awful about it.
- No, really. It's fine.
# 228
- I'm afraid I lost my keys.
- Don't let it happen again.
# 143
- Hello, may I speak to Ann?
- I'm sorry, Ann's not at home. What can I do for you?
- Please tell her I want to speak to her.
# 144
- Hello, is that John?
- No, John doesn't live here. You must have the wrong number.
# 145
- There's small problem here.
# 146
- I can't believe it.
# 147
- You don't understand. Let me explain you one more time.
# 148
- Can I speak to the person in charge, please?
# 149
- I hate it when kids run around and scream.
# 150
- Let's do something different.
- How about going to the theater?
- Why don't we go to a dance performance?
- No, thanks.
# 151
- I don't feel like doing that.
# 152
- No, it's not for me.
# 153
- What's the weather like?
- It's stormy.
# 237
- How's the weather?
- It's cold outside.
# 238
- What was the weather yesterday?
- We had a storm yesterday.
# 154
- The best time to visit London is July because the weather is usually OK.
- Be prepared for small rain.
- Bring a raincoat and a hat.
# 155
- I feel tired/better.
- You shouldn't go back to work too soon.
# 156
- I have a terrible headache.
- When did it start?
- Can you recommend anything?
- Take these tablets two times a day.
# 157
- Thank you for your help.
# 158
- Thank you for the update.
# 159
- I hope you're doing well.
# 160
- I hope you enjoyed your weekend.
# 161
- I hope you're having a great week / a wonderful day.
# 162
- It's great to hear from you.
# 163
- I'm reaching out about...
# 164
- Thank you for your help.
# 165
- Thank you for the update.
# 166
- Thanks for getting in touch.
# 167
- Thanks for the quick response.
# 168
- Can you provide me with an update on...
# 169
- To follow up on our meeting...
# 184
- You make mistakes because you are doing two things at the same time.
# 185
- Finally - and this is the big one - your stress level goes up.
# 186
- I'll let you know what happens.
# 187
- Let me help.
# 188
- Oh, don't move! I'll do it.
- Thanks a lot.
- No problem.
# 189
- Er, excuse me.
- Yeah.
- You dropped this.
- Oh. Thanks so much.
- That's OK.
# 190
- Shell I carry your bag?
- No, no. It's fine, thanks.
# 191
- It's cold in here.
- Shell I close the window?
# 192
- I don't understand. Can you explain?
# 193
- Cloud you give an example?
# 194
- Do you agree with him?
# 195
- What do you mean?
# 196
- Can you tell us more about that?
# 197
- I've got a question for Chris.
# 198
- Here are three pieces of advice I can give you.
# 199
- What's the matter?
- I've got a terrible cough.
# 200
- What's wrong with you?
- I have a bad sore throat.
- I can't stay here. I'm off!
# 201
- Could you ring/call/phone me back?
- Of course. Could you give me the number?
- Just a moment. It's 123-456.
- Let me check that. 123-456.
- That's right.
- Fine. Hang up and I'll call you back straightaway.
# 207
- Could I have one of those batteries, please?
- Yes of course. Here you are.
# 208
- How much does it cost?
# 210
- Are you free tonight?
- Sorry, I'm busy.
# 211
- What would you like to do?
# 212
- When would you like to go?
# 213
- What time's good for you?
- How about meeting at 9 o'clock?
- OK. See you there.
# 214
- Would you like to visit our parents on holidays?
- Sounds good.
# 215
- The coffee here is never hot!
# 216
- Here you are.
- Thanks a lot. That's kind of you.
- You're welcome.
# 217
- Can I have a glass of water, please?
- Yes, certainly.
# 218
- I'd like some vegetarian soup, please.
- I'm sorry, we don't have any soup.
# 219
- Excuse me? Can you tell me the way to the station?
- It's past the bank.
# 220
- Excuse me, how can I get to Baker Street?
- Turn left at the crossroads.
# 221
- Excuse me, is there a post office near here?
- It's on the corner of the street.
# 222
- Can you tell me the way to the beach?
- Yes, you turn left at the theater. Then go straight on for about 5 minutes.
# 223
- Can you recommend an interesting book?
- How about Harry Potter?
- What's it about?
- It's about ...
# 224
- I don't really like horror films.
# 225
- I really like sci-fi books.
- What are they about?
# 226
- What kind of films do you like?
# 242
- What film did you see?
# 227
- I think you'd like it.
# 229
- What about having lunch now?
- Sounds good.
# 230
- Could I leave a message for him?
- Just a moment. Let me get a pen.
# 231
- When do you want to come back?
# 232
- When is the next train to London?
# 233
- What time does it leave?
# 234
- Is there a cafe in the hotel?
# 235
- When does the restaurant open for dinner?
# 236
- The gift shop is over there.
# 239
- What would you like for dinner?
- Well... Oh, I don't know.
# 240
- Excuse me sir. Do you have a moment?
- Yes, OK.
- Can I ask a couple of questions?
# 243
- What time did you get back?
# 244
- Do you think my wife would like it?
# 245
- Go straight on for about 300 meters.
# 246
- Is this seat free?
- Sure.
- Thanks a lot.
# 247
- We could take a taxi instead.
- Or we could leave tomorrow morning.
# 248
- Shall we leave our bags here?
# 249
- You could buy a ticket online.
# 250
- Why not get up and go early tomorrow morning?
# 251
- Do I need to take this medication with food?
# 252
- Are there any foods, drinks, or other drugs that can change the strength or effectiveness of this medication?
# 253
- How long will I need to take this medication?
# 254
- Why is it important for me to follow a schedule while taking this medication?
# 255
- What should I do if I miss a dose?
# 256
- What are the common side effects of this medication?
# 257
- Can I crush my pills?
# 258
- What follow-up tests will I need to monitor the medication's effectiveness?
# 259
- What should I do if I experience an unexpected side effect to the medication?
# 260
- Take 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills in the evening.
# 262
- Take 1 pill at bedtime.
# 261
- Inject 24 units before breakfast and 12 units before dinner.
# 263
- I beg your pardon young man, what did you just say to me?
# 264
- I don't think her cakes are any better yours.
# 265
- May his soul rest in peace.
# 266
- Go to Hell.
# 267
- Have a nice trip.
# 268
- Good luck!
# 269
- God save the king!
# 270
- Wishing you a speedy recovery!
# 271
- May you be happy and peaceful.
# 272
- May you be healthy and strong.
# 273
- Let there be light.
# 274
- Let there be peace on earth.
# 275
- May the best man win!
# 276
- May you have a long life!
# 277
- Pass me the sauce, please.
- Yes, here you are.
# 278
- Come to the party tomorrow!
# 279
- So help me God.
# 280
- Long live the Republic.
# 281
- God/The Lord/Heaven bless you!
# 282
- God/The Lord/Heaven forbid!
# 283
- God/The Lord/Heaven help us!
# 284
- The devil take you.
# 285
- May you always be happy!
# 286
- May all your troubles be small!
# 287
- May you break your neck!
# 288
- Does this dress suit me?
# 289
- I'll be right back!
# 290
- We'd like to invite you to our dinner this Friday.
- Wonderful. We'd love to come.
# 291
- Everything was delicious. Thank you.
- The table looks beautiful.
# 292
- It was a good idea at the time.
# 293
- Enough is enough!
# 294
- Let me give you some more meat.
- No, thank you. I can't eat any more.
# 295
- May I have a little more?
- Yes. certainly. Let me help you to some more.
# 296
- May I have another cup of tea?
- Certainly. Help yourself.
# 297
- Be so kind as to pass me the bread please?
- Certainly. Here you are.
- Thank you very mach.
- It's a pleasure.
# 298
- How many lumps of sugar do you take in your tea?
- I don't take any sugar.
# 299
- What have you had for breakfast?
# 300
- Which bus/tram goes to the park?
# 301
- Please tell me the way to the city center.
# 302
- How it's going?
- I've been very busy.
# 303
- How are you doing?
- Oh, pretty well.
# 304
- How's life?
- Don't even ask, man.
# 305
- How are things?
- Much the same as usual.
# 306
- What are you waiting for? Jump in!
# 307
- I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name.
- It's Joan.
# 308
- Do you know each other / him / her?
- Yes. We worked together.
# 309
- How do you know each other?
- We used to work together.
# 310
- Do you have any plans for the summer?
# 311
- How long have you lived here?
- I've only just arrived / A few months / Just over three years.
# 312
- How long are you planning to stay here?
- Another year.
- Do you like it here?
- I like it a lot.
- What do you like about it?
- I like the food/weather/people.
# 313
- Who do you live with?
# 314
- Do you live with anybody?
- I live with a friend.
# 315
- Do you live on your own?
- I share with one another person.
# 316
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- No, I'm an only child.
# 317
- Do you have any children?
- I don't have any children.
# 318
- Are your parents still alive?
# 319
- Do you have a boyfriend?
# 320
- What do you like doing in your spare time?
- I love going out / I enjoy traveling.
# 321
- Do you play any sports?
- Yes, I play tennis.
# 322
- Do you play any instruments?
- I'm in a band.
# 323
- What sort of work do you do?
- I work as a teacher.
# 324
- What line of work are you in?
- I work in sales / I stay at home and look after the children.
# 325
- I've been made redundant.
- I'm retired.
# 326
- Who do you work for?
- I work for myself / I have my own business.
# 327
- I'm training to be an engineer.
- I'm a trainee accountant.
# 328
- Which university are you at?
- I am at Harvard University.
- Which year are you in?
- I'm in my final year / I've just graduated.
# 329
- What religion are you?
- I'm Christian.
# 330
- Can I buy you a drink?
- Sorry, you're not my type!
# 331
- Would you like to join us?
# 332
- Is this your first time here?
# 333
- Have you been here before?
# 334
- You're really good-looking.
- Thanks for the compliment.
# 335
- Shell we go somewhere else?
- I know a good place.
# 336
- When can I see you again?
# 337
- Would you like some more?
- I'm full.
# 338
- Would anyone like dessert?
# 339
- Please, take your shoes off.
# 340
- Did you have a good journey?
# 341
- Have you ever been to Italy?
- I've never been but I'd love to go someday.
# 342
- How long does the journey take?
# 343
- Excuse me. I'm looking for this address.
- It's this way / Take this road / Go down there / You're going the wrong way.
- Is it a long way?
- It's not far / It's quite a long way.
# 344
- Could you take me to the city center?
# 345
- Could you wait for me here?
- How long will I have to wait?
# 346
- When will you be coming back?
# 347
- Do you mind if I open the window?
# 348
- How much do you want to pay?
# 349
- What sort of room would you like?
- I'd like a double room.
# 350
- Can you offer me any discount?
# 351
- Could I see the room?
# 352
- I'd like to pay my bill, please.
- How would you like to pay?
- I'll pay in cash.
# 353
- Shall we go for a drink?
# 354
- Could we see a menu, please?
# 355
- Was everything alright?
# 356
- Do you want to try this on?
- Yes.
- What size are you? / What size do you take?
- I take a size 10.
- Where's the fitting room?
# 357
- Is that a good fit?
- It's a bit small / It's just right.
# 358
- Can I have a look at it?
# 359
- We need somewhere to stay.
# 360
- I want to make a withdrawal.
# 361
- How much are the tickets?
- 10$
- Is there a discount for students?
# 362
- What time do you open/close?
# 363
- Can I take photographs?
# 364
- How are you feeling?
- I've got flu.
- I think you should go and see a doctor.
# 365
- Are you filling any better?
- I need to see a doctor.
# 366
- I hope you feel better soon.
# 367
- I'm going out for lunch. I'll be back at 2AM.
# 368
- How do you get to work?
# 369
- What time does the meeting start/finish?
# 370
- Can I see the report?
# 371
- What are the hours of work?
# 372
- Will I have to work shifts?
# 373
- I'd like to take the job. When do you want me to start?
# 374
- We'd like to invite you to the interview.
# 375
- We need someone with experience.
# 376
- Could you ask him to call me?
# 377
- Is it convenient to talk at the moment?
- Sorry, my battery's about to run out / I'm about to run out of credit.
# 378
- I'll send you a text/mail.
# 379
- Look forward to see you soon.
# 380
- Where did you learn your English?
- I taught myself.
# 381
- How do you pronounce this word?
# 382
- Are you waiting for someone?
# 383
- Are you working tomorrow?
# 384
- At what time did it happened?
# 385
- What did you do last night?
# 386
- When will he be back?
- He'll be back in 15 minutes.
# 387
- Have you arrived?
# 388
- Have you done this before?
# 389
- How do I use this?
# 390
- How does it taste?
# 391
- Do you have any money?
- A few dollars.
# 392
- Do you hear that?
# 393
- Do you know what this means?
# 394
- Do you need anything else? / Is there anything else?
# 395
- Do you think it's possible?
# 396
- Don't do that!
# 397
- I'm leaving. I've had enough of all this nonsense!
# 398
- I'm dying for a cup of coffee.
# 399
- I'm not sure if you remember me.
# 400
- I never miss a change.
# 401
- What you see is what you get.
# 402
- Where is Margaret?
- They told me she had gone to a birthday party.
# 403
- He's pretty good, but not nearly as good as Mike.
# 404
- How long have you been absent?
- I was away three months or so.
# 405
- What beautiful roses! How king of you to bring them!
# 406
- What a day! So rainy.
# 407
- What a nice garden!
# 408
- What a silly thing to do!
# 409
- How nice of you to help me out!
# 410
- How well he speaks!
# 411
- It actually goes a little bit deeper than that.
# 412
- I hope you will get well soon.
# 413
- So be it.
# 414
- A good example that comes to mind...
# 415
- I'm particularly proud of...
# 416
- That's absolutely right.
# 417
- Well said, Anna!
# 418
- See what I mean!
# 419
- But goodness! She likes to talkā€¦
# 420
- How are you feeling Anna?
- Oh, a little nervous but I really want this job.
- Well don't worry Anna, as long as you say the right things, you'll be fine.
# 421
- You're on your own now.
# 422
- Above all, the reason I want this job is...
# 423
- Can I make a suggestion?
# 424
- Why don't you try...?
# 425
- Have you tried asking your colleagues?
# 426
- I have an idea!
# 427
- Maybe we could...?
# 428
- Hello, I don't think we've met.
- No.
- You must be Tom. I'm Anna. I've just joined the team.
# 429
- Have you worked here long?
# 430
- I've just joined the team.
# 431
- Sorry, I'm quite busy right now.
# 432
- I was wondering if you could do something for me...
# 433
- Would you be able to print out a file for me?
# 434
- Could I have it within ten minutes please?
# 435
- Could you possibly help me with the printer?
# 436
- Would you mind writing your email later?
# 437
- I speak only a little Thai.
# 438
- How old are you?
- I'm 13.
# 439
- The bill, please!
- Here you are.
# 440
- I'd like a cheaper one.
# 441
- Can you help me?
- Sure.
# 442
- When all you have is a hammer, everything starts to look like a nail.
# 443
- There's a good view from the living room. What floor are we on here?
- The third floor. Well, what do you think?
- Well, it's in a quiet location. And ...
# 444
- We are going to the pub for lunch. Do you want to join us?
- No, sorry. Look at all this work. I'm going to be very busy today.
# 445
- We used to have parties every Friday.
- When was that?
- About ten years ago, I suppose.
- Oh, I didn't use to come here in those days.
# 446
- Have you been waiting long?
- No, I haven't. Where's Marry?
- She'll be here is a minute... Oh, here she is now.
# 447
- Sorry, we're late.
- It's OK. I haven't been waiting long.
# 448
- What is your company?
- My company's name's /I work for Silicon Corporation.
- Where's your head office?
- Our head office is in NY.
# 449
- Hi! Thank you for calling. It's Mike Random, Pencil Corporation. How can I help you today?
# 450
- Good morning. Maria speaking!
# 451
- I'm sorry, Richard is not in the office / he's out.
# 452
- I'm writing about ...
# 453
- Please find attached the development plan.
# 454
- Can I take a message for him?
- ...
- I'll give Sam your message.
# 455
- I'm calling about the new website.
# 456
- Please call me back as soon as possible.
# 457
- I'd like to order a package.
- Do you have the item number?
- The item number is 1234.
# 458
- What's the price?
- The total price is ...
- Does that include delivery?
# 459
- Can you confirm my order by email?
# 460
- Sarah is pregnant!
- When is she having the baby?
# 461
- I'm not sure if we can be together anymore.
- What are you trying to tell me?
# 462
- See you Mike.
- See you later / at the party.
# 463
- See you later.
- Take care.
# 464
- Catch you later, Bob.
- Yep. Take it easy.
# 465
- Have a good day / a nice day / a good one.
# 466
- Enjoy the rest of your day.
- You too. Be good.
# 467
- I gotta go /run / jet.
- I'll see you around.
# 468
- Bye for now.
- Yeah. Later.
# 469
- I'm sorry, this isn't what I ordered.
# 470
- I'm sorry for breaking it / for not calling.
# 471
- I apologize for missing the meeting.
# 472
- I apologize for being late.
- No worries.
# 473
- Please accept my sincerest apologies.
# 474
- I didn't mean to hurt you. How can I make it up to you?
# 475
- I'm sorry. It was an accident.
# 476
- I'm sorry. It was my fault.
# 477
- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that.
# 478
- How would you like your coffee?
- Double-double, please.
# 479
- How do you take your coffee?
- I take it black/white/regular.
# 480
- Are you kidding/joking/being serious?
# 481
- Is she coming?
# 482
- Are you leaving soon?
# 483
- Are you bringing anything?
# 484
- Is it raining/snowing/getting better?
# 485
- What are you doing?
# 486
- What are you working on?
# 487
- What are you trying to do?
# 488
- What are you trying to tell me / to say?
# 490
- What are you looking at?
# 491
- What are you hoping for?
# 492
- When are you going/leaving/moving?
# 493
- When are you starting/finishing?
# 494
- Where are you staying/working/studying?
# 495
- Where are you going/moving?
# 496
- Why are you laughing/smiling?
# 497
- Why are you looking at me like that?
# 498
- How are you doing that?
# 499
- How long are you staying?
# 500
- How much are you paying for ...?
# 501
- Who's paying for the restaurant?
# 489
- Congratulations! I'm sure you deserve it.
# 502
- I'm sure you'll do fine.
# 503
- I wish you the best. Stay in touch.
- Will do. Take it easy.
# 504
- Outstanding!
# 505
- Allow me to congratulate you!
# 506
- You have my best wishes.
# 507
- Good job!
# 508
- Please accept my warmest congratulations.
# 509
- I must congratulate you.
# 510
- I wish you nothing but the best.
# 511
- I wish you good luck.
- Oh, thanks. I need some luck. It's going to be a big change.
# 512
- Congratulations, honey. We're all proud of you.
- Oh, mom, stop it. You're embarrassing me.
- It's my job. I'm a mother. And now you're a college graduate.
- It's hard to believe. Four years of college and now I'm done.
# 513
- I hope you learned a little bit here.
- This has been one of my best classes in law school._
- I'm glad to hear it. I've heard you have a good job waiting for you.
# 514
- Oh, don't be so humble. You deserve the promotion.
# 515
- Anyway, I've got to get back to work.
# 516
- If anything goes wrong, it's not your fault/worry. So relax.
# 517
- Seriously, it's the best thing you've ever done.
# 518
- I wish you two a happy life / happiness / many happy years.
# 519
- Do you speak English?
- A little, but not very well.
# 520
- Are you married?
- No. I'm single.
# 521
- How long have you been here?
- About 2 years.
# 522
- How many children do you have?
- I have three children, two boys and one girl.
# 523
- Would you like to have coffee?
- No. Thanks. I like tea.
# 524
- How about a cup of tea?
- It sounds good.
# 525
- What are you planing to do today?
- I'm not sure.
# 526
- Would you like a drink?
- Sure, let's go.
# 527
- Are you ready?
- Yes. I'm ready.
# 528
- Do you need a few minutes?
- I think we're ready.
# 529
- Anything else?
- Nothing else.
# 530
- Who would you like to speak to?
- I'd like to speak to Mr. Smith please.
# 531
- What will the weather be like tomorrow?
- It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
# 532
- Are you allergic to anything?
- I'm allergic to seafood.
# 533
- Are you sick?
# 534
- Are you sure it was him?
- No, I'm not sure.
# 535
- Do you take credit card?
- Sorry, we only accept cash.
# 536
- What's your job?
- I'm self-employed.
# 537
- How much money do you have?
- I don't have any money.
# 538
- What's today's date?
- October 2nd.
# 539
-Where's the closest hotel?
- There's a hotel over there, but I don't think it's very good.
# 540
- Where does it hurt?
- It hurts here.
# 541
- Are you busy?
- Yes. I have a lot of things to do.
# 542
- Can I try it on?
- Sure, the changing rooms are over there.
# 543
- I should have listened to my mom.
# 544
- Money is the root of all evil.