author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Sun, 13 Mar 2016 01:40:59 +0200
changeset 318 d4767f21ca59
parent 301 1439e072640a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Fix formatting and typos for automated translation to different dictionary format.

.. -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
.. include:: header.rst

 IPA in gadict.
.. contents::

Document version.

.. include:: VERSION.rst

Pronunciation rules for English.

In English written symbol represent different sounds::

  rough [XXX]
  through [XXX]
  bough [XXX]
  though [XXX]
  cough [XXX]

Many linguists argue that English require spelling reform.

Pronunciation keys for EN gadict.

``gadict`` project try to follow OED 2ed (Oxford English Dictionary)
pronunciation for dialect known as RP (Received Pronunciation) and uses IPA for
representation of pronunciation like in Wikipedia project:

                Wikipedia IPA for English.
                This concise chart shows the most common applications of the
                International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) to represent English
                language pronunciations.
                Wiki about RP.
                Oxford English Dictionary.


 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Phonetic_Alphabet_chart_for_English_dialects
 * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:IPA_conventions_for_English



  bed [XXX], bird [XXX], baby [XXX]


  pen [XXX], people [XXX]


  dead [XXX], dust [XXX]


  tree [XXX]





  flow [XXX], fine [XXX]


  glove [XXX], give [XXX]


  job [XXX]


  cat [kæt]


  lamp [læmp]


  milk [mɪlk]


  note [nəʊt]


  road [rəʊd]


  sofa [səʊfə]


  both [bəʊð]


  think [θɪnk]


  pleasure [pleʒə]


  bridge [brɪdʒ]



  son [sʌn], ɡun [ɡʌn]


  car [kɑː]


  lot [lɒt], hot [hɒt]


  fork [fɔːk], or [ɔː], fall [fɔːl]


  choice [ʧɔɪs], boy [bɔɪ]


  open [əʊpən], colon [kəʊlən]




  pen [pɛn], text [tɛxt], pet [pɛt]


  pin [pɪn], milk [mɪlk]


  tree [triː], see [siː], me [miː], tea [tiː]


  ear [ɪə], dear [dɪə]


  girl [gɜrl], first [fɜrst], work [wɜrk]


  fat [fæt], happy [hæppɪ]


  where [weə], fair [feə]

List of IPA chars for English transcription.

  θ ð ʃ ŋ ʧ ʒ ı ɡ ː ˌ ˈ ˑ ˏ ˊ ˋ
  æ ɑ ɒ ʌ ʊ ɒ ɛ ə ɜ ɔ ɪ є ɚ

You can copy/paste they in phonetic string.


            Front       Central     Back
         long  short long  short long  short
  Close   iː    ɪ                 uː    ʊ
  Mid           ɛ     ɜː    ə     ɔː
  Open          æ           ʌ     ɑː    ɒ

      Diphthong          Triphthong
  Closing    Centring
   /eɪ/       /ɪə/        /aɪə/
   /aɪ/       /eə/        /ɑʊə/
   /ɔɪ/       /ʊə/

Old vs. new transcription.

From "Better English pronunciation."::

  Old  iː i e ɔː u uː ei ou ai au ɔi æ ɔ ʌ əː ɑː iə ɛə uə ə
  New  iː ɪ e ɔː ʊ uː eɪ əʊ aɪ aʊ ɔɪ æ ɒ ʌ ɜː ɑː ɪə eə ʊə ə

Also from Wikipedia::

  Old  æ e əː ʌɪ ɑʊ ɛə
  New  a ɛ ɜː aɪ aʊ eə