18 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Mark word frequency based on Paul Nation BNC+COCA 25k wordfamily list.
2018-01-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed useless statement.
2017-03-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Skip tabs for proper statistic calculation.
2017-02-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to built-in `re` Python module over `regex`.
2016-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Treat first argument in format like the rest arguments. Targets to print
2016-11-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add frequency markers to dictd dictionary and Anki cards.
2016-11-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Small improvements.
2016-11-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Search rare words in gadict.
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