13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Create symlink from ~/.bash_profile for login shell to activate my ~/.bashrc. default tip
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Moved Bash completion for "hgsync" to "utils" module.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added workaround for Cygwin, npm authors explicitly forbids it:
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added dynamic Bash completion for npm.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Basic wsl Bash completion.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added Docker dynamic completion.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Cleanup function after the usage.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Dynamically build completion for podman.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added a target for TAR.GZ without personal info.
13 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Removed personal info from .env.bash.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Permit extensibility of user's SSH config.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Helper to unpack mini TAR on Ansible managed remote hosts.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Moved git username to a separate file: .gitconfig.extra.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Test pattern with the keyword "case".
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Target to install only essential files.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Extracted username from .gitconfig to allow non-specific user install.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Completion based on history.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko magic-space expand sequence referring to the command history in place, so you have a chance to review before executing.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Released undo command.
14 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added Windows' directory "Documents" to CDPATH for better integration with WSL 1.
15 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added "scoop bucket" Bash completion.
22 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Completed migration from ~/devel to ~/work.
23 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for "hgsync status".
23 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Removed .npmrc, HOME in Cygwin & running npm outside of Cygwin results in duplicating cache (in Cygwin HOME & in APPDATA).
23 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Seems M- syntax doesn't work, replaced it with \e.
23 months ago Oleksandr Gavenko Added navigation and word deleting commands for Putty.
2022-12-27 Oleksandr Gavenko To avoid specifying "--keyserver".
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko OrangeRed is not recognized by mintty, used hex code instead.
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed Bash completion for the outdated utility "hgsyncew".
2022-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed warning: grep: warning: GREP_COLOR is deprecated; use GREP_COLORS.
2022-12-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Defined completion for mygradle8 mygradle11 mygradle17.
2022-12-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Added which to scoop completion.
2022-12-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for hgsync.
2022-12-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Avoid a warning when HG is operating via SSH:
2022-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Decided transition from ~/devel to ~/work.
2022-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Added a comment.
2022-11-27 Oleksandr Gavenko No need in GRADLE_OPTS "-Dorg.gradle.daemon=true": it is by default in modern Gradle.
2022-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Included time into Bash PS1 header: useful to understand when I called daily login apps.
2022-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Added Bash completion for winget.
2022-06-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Added bash autocompletion for Scoop.
2022-06-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed typo.
2022-06-07 Oleksandr Gavenko myvbox-stop-all: added support for spaces in the response from "vboxmanage list runningvms".
2022-06-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Added utility function for halting all VBox VMs.
2021-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed dangerous git alias.
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: there is no guaranty /etc/mc/mc.ext is in the system.
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko As of ~/.bashrc having space prefixed exclude pattern in HISTIGNORE no need for dedicated file, just add a symlink!
2021-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude space prefixed commands from Bash history. This include Midnight Commander UI prompt (not shell).
2021-09-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash completion for npx.
2021-07-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed debug statement.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed horrible Bash regex performance matching with two placeholders. Instead use fast one and extract remaining part.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use variable to return function result for better performance on Cygwin. Cleanup helper functions from the environment.
2021-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Rearrange default UNIX PATHs priority. Under Cygwin that helps with placing Cygwin's paths before Windows'.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko TERM is missing when run non-interactively through SSH. Disable ruler in non-interacticve session.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko For my "cygrun.exe" wrapper to work it should be behind shebang scripts in the PATH, so moved ~/usr/bin to the PATH end on Cygwin.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko No need for ~/usr/xbin. There is standard ~/.local/bin.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Include /usr/local/bin into PATH for "pip install" to be available.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Docs: added link.
2021-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Set Node prefix & cache to local directory on Linux.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced regex match with pattern match.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Combined dependent check into "elif".
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed Solaris customization. This OS is dead.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow ~/.env file to be without "export" prefix.
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Renamed .env => .bash.env to free .env name for user customization (famous dotenv file).
2021-06-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Pass TERM as xterm to "vagrant ssh" because Debian doesn't know TERM "mintty".
2021-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko I'm using Ctrl+LCLick or Menu key binding for switching.
2021-04-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled Mercirial extension: histedit.
2021-03-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled rerere. Keeps database of manually resolved conflicts.
2021-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed handling of spaces in path for completion for Bash command "cd".
2021-01-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Utility function to enhance curl with time report.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed: Ignoring unknown option 'BellSound'.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced "~" with $(HOME).
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Create symlink in a one step.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced Bash "for" iteration with "find" utility.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko No need special steps for .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not alter working directory.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not install fvwm configs if it is not available.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed install target: do not stop in the middle if fvwm is not here.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko No need for "mkdir", option "-D" of "install" takes care about missing directories.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Collect and copy all files belonging to root of $HOME in one step. This speedups install in Cygwin: 7s => 5s.
2021-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Increased "install" speed on Cygwin with ".ONESHELL" (by avoiding SHELL forks) 9s => 7s.
2021-01-07 Oleksandr Gavenko No need for file size check when opening file in Emacs.
2021-01-07 Oleksandr Gavenko No need to detect old MC version, always install into ~/.config/mc.
2021-01-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Execute Make recipes by Bash.
2020-11-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced --parallel-threads with --max-workers.
2020-11-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for --console + --warning-mode.
2020-11-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Added publish task.
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Added support for "wrapper --distribution-type ...".
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Added Shift+Tab for session switching in GNU Screen & tmux.
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Replace TERM=mintty with "xterm" as remote Debian doesn't have "mintty" definition.
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Switched BoldWhite into some visible on white background.
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Adtivated TERM=mintty for mintty as Gradle now supports it natively (as of v5.2).
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Use bold font instead of alternative color in mintty. Bold colors are shown when bright colors are requested.
2020-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled syntax highlighting by Emacs + added link to official docs.
2020-10-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Added utility to activate Windows based docker-machine in WSL.
2020-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko A way to find releases/heads with given commit.
2020-08-25 Oleksandr Gavenko New git on "git pull" asked to config one of:
2020-03-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled mygradle for gradle completion.
2020-03-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Added Artifactory related tasks.
2020-03-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for Gradle 6.x java.withJavadocJar()/withSourcesJar().
2020-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added --fail-fast to list of available options for Gradle completion.
2020-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added "test" related Bash completions for Gradle.
2020-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added default completion for Gradle "test" cmd.
2020-01-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Increased the number of supported formats by mygit-date and added strict validation.
2020-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Added completion for --console Gradle option.
2020-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Included --tunnel-through-iap into gssh alias.
2020-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Disabled rich terminal support for Gradle under mintty.
2019-12-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Added link to Gradle configuration config docs.
2019-12-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Updated available configurations.
2019-12-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Added alias and completion for 'gcloud compute ssh'.
2019-11-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Ping SSH server every 2 min.
2019-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Added null displaying, HISTCONTROL, upper case completion to psql.
2019-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable switching to wide line format of SQL output when necessary by psql.
2019-09-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Changed EDITOR to vim. Cygwin's vi is very primitive.
2019-09-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Set default editor to vi.
2019-05-13 Oleksandr Gavenko https://superuser.com/questions/543279/no-mouse-support-mouse-a-error-in-vim
2019-04-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Made idempotent application of Gradle settings.
2019-03-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Added --fail-fast option.
2019-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed Bash key binding that overrides filename completion.
2019-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Use native apt-cyg bash completion.
2019-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Set EDITOR priority.
2019-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko /bin/stty is in Debian&Alpine, /usr/bin/stty is in Cygwin.
2019-01-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Added suffix mini to mini-tarball.
2018-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko checkwinsize is already enabled.
2018-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Added fallback to "stty" if "tput" is missing.
2018-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Change rules size only on SIGWINCH.
2018-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow to override font size by local settings.
2018-12-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Avoid blue on green for STICKY_OTHER_WRITABLE.
2018-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added RLWRAP_HOME.
2018-12-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Set default binding for complete-filename, which was somehow missing.
2018-12-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Create missing directories.
2018-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Updated mygit-date to accept hour+minute, assume current day + random seconds.
2018-10-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Describe color codes.
2018-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko bootRepackage was renamed to bootJar in modern Spring Boot Gradle plugin.
2018-08-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Increased Git diff context to 5.
2018-07-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Make copy of ~/.bash_profile instead symlink as Cygwin installation conflicts
2018-07-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Target to create tarball with essential files (to be moved to Vagrant box).
2018-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko I can keep default preferred size. Maximize doesn't affect it.
2018-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Start mintty maximized.
2018-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Added user/host to terminal title.
2018-06-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Fixed typo.
2018-06-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable CYGWIN=noglob for docker-machine.
2018-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude stash from glog.
2018-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude StGit commits from graph.
2018-05-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed garbage symbol.
2018-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Increase terminal width and font size.
2018-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Calculate ruler length each time.
2018-05-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Added support for --include-build.
2018-05-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Set length of ruler line to terminal width. Made it more visible.
2018-04-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable color in console for Gradle in Cygwin+bash+mintty.
2018-03-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Follow history after renames in git log.
2018-03-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Replaced option to more modern.
2018-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Command to spoof git commit date.
2017-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not override ~/.gradle/init.d/mavenLocal.gradle
2017-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Added colors definition for cdiff because default schema uses blue for added
2017-09-05 Oleksandr Gavenko https://superuser.com/questions/1247541/make-bash-completion-to-ignore-exe-extention-in-cygwin
2017-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko It's impossible to disable -n so it's better to remove it.
2017-08-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Make red less shouting.
2017-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko DarkGreen is too dark to notice it among black text.
2017-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Make green darker for better diff readability. Same for cyan.
2017-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Built own terminal color schema.
2017-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Prefer LF EOL. Normalize EOL to LF.
2017-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove obsolete information.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Make cyan darker.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Make green lighter.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Improve visibility of yellow and green colors.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Polished setting.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Shorter options for --no-timestamps --no-index.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Removed 'quilt diff' breaking option.
2017-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko More colors from quilt.
2017-08-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Include function name in patch.
2017-08-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Sane defaults for quilt.
2017-07-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Unsupported option compressionlevel.
2017-07-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable completion for ../gradlew
2017-07-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Added additional ``init`` plugin supported types.
2017-07-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Added --build-cache option.
2017-07-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Added status option.
2017-07-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Added --profile option for Gradle.
2017-06-20 Oleksandr Gavenko `-a` option to commit causes many troubles to me.
2017-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix Ignoring option '; '.
2017-05-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Added support for ConEmu.
2017-04-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Added quick launch menu entry for Idea.
2017-04-21 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2017-04-21 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2017-04-17 Oleksandr Gavenko atril stopped same document position. Use zathura instead.
2017-04-14 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2017-04-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Enabled wrapping during horizontal navigation.
2017-04-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Navigate across pages/desktops with Win key pressed to freed Ctrl/Alt + F9-F12 key bindings.
2017-04-13 Oleksandr Gavenko I like audacious for looping key shortcuts.
2017-04-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix moving window down.
2017-04-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Wrap around left/right boundaries when moving window.
2017-04-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not try to set title inside Emacs term emulator.
2017-04-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Include current working directory into terminal emulator title (xterm/mintty
2017-04-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Lenience for Java applications.
2017-04-02 Oleksandr Gavenko WIP for URXVT.
2017-03-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Deleted debug output.
2017-03-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Properly handle IFS to avoid polluting external value. Remove command lists,
2017-03-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Simplify syntax.
2017-03-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Add command help if it is first argument.
2017-03-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Completion for dependencyInsight. Fix for _extra expansion.
2017-02-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Add bootRun for convenience.
2017-02-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Add command sensitive completion.
2017-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Cannot invoke method startsWith() on null object.
2017-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable colors for logging in terminal for Windows in mintty for Spring Boot.
2017-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable noisy output.
2017-02-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Completion for "dependencies --configuration".
2017-02-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch arguments order.
2017-02-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add wrapper task.
2017-02-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add ./gradlew for completion.
2017-02-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Delay access to remote repositories for 10 days.
2017-02-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Include mavenLocal() to gradle builds.
2017-02-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Improve completion for help task.
2017-02-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Use $'' syntax to get rid of \033 in flavor of \e.
2017-02-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Add some gradle tasks.
2017-02-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Improve zsh prompt.
2017-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Add completion for figlet.
2017-02-09 Oleksandr Gavenko "listall" can benefit from pkg name completion.
2017-02-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore UNIX file permission under Windows. Relax CR/LF.
2017-01-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Use extra key on Logitec as Mode_switch.
2017-01-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Swap modifiers to previous assignment because I don't want to fix them in
2017-01-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Cleanup code. Make possible to import settings several times without errors.
2017-01-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not duplicate completion if we in the middle of the word.
2017-01-26 Oleksandr Gavenko colored-stats is Bash feature. It breaks Emacs 25. https://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=24401
2017-01-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Under Windows there is mc command that is Message Compiler.
2017-01-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Under Windows there is mc command that is Macro Compiler.
2017-01-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Basic completion for apt-cyg.
2017-01-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove obsolete information.
2017-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to atril instead of evince to avoid gvfs package for remembering
2016-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Add lit format.
2016-10-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Add function for linguistic analysis.
2016-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable hinting and subpixel rendering in Emacs.
2016-09-26 Oleksandr Gavenko I set Emacs font in .emacs by now.
2016-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix spelling.
2016-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Focus to first window on page when move across pages.
2016-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Code to move window across pages/desks.
2016-08-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Increase software volume for quiet video.
2016-08-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Shortcut to close window from MINIX A2 remote control.
2016-07-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Mobipocket association.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Solaris 'file' utility does not support '--compile' option and user
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: GNU 'install' utility is not compatible with Solaris version.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable OpenCSW packages on Solaris.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: ls --color=auto does not work in NetBSD.
2016-06-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not set MANPATH on NetBSD, because there is non-GNU man and it does not
2016-05-27 Oleksandr Gavenko ~/usr/bin can't be placed before /bin in PATH because cygrun is recursively
2016-05-27 Oleksandr Gavenko LANG=ru_RU.CP1251 is no longer useful for Cygwin.
2016-05-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable bash_completion for Cygwin because new bash version support delayed
2016-04-18 Oleksandr Gavenko "graft" extension built-in, "transplant" is depricated.
2016-04-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Give a try to ebook-viewer.
2016-04-11 Oleksandr Gavenko .m4v format.
2016-02-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Some PDF file reported as pure data by file utility, so guess PDF
2016-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko New mplayer2 uses old ~/.mplayer config directory for now.
2016-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko New path to my projects base directory. Now it shorter!
2016-02-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Make PS1 delimiter line longer.
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Make more stricter pattern checking to avoid double PATH extending
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko "~" expanded only on word start. Use "$HOME" instead of ~ for this
2016-02-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove fixed path.~
2016-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Include error code into PS1. Use \r trick even without colors.
2016-01-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Because I remove utils/pathsearch project I save some usage example from man page.
2016-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Change mail signature.
2015-12-23 Oleksandr Gavenko sql = svn:eol-style=native
2015-12-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Add delay to flush any input so xorg doesn't disable DPMS power saving.
2015-12-12 Oleksandr Gavenko churn extension - review commit statistic.
2015-12-11 Oleksandr Gavenko DBeaver
2015-12-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable color prompt on another reach terminal.
2015-12-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Use terminal emacsclient as EDITOR.
2015-12-08 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2015-12-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable shared memory usage for Skype. This can prevent http://askubuntu.com/questions/692825/how-to-fix-graphical-issues-with-skype-gdk-warning
2015-11-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Options --output, --pager and --match are forbidden in project .ackrc files.
2015-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko "Power off" and "Suspend" menu entries.
2015-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable or disable DPMS, screen-saver menu.
2015-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add option to _hgsyncew.
2015-12-08 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2015-12-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Android Studio.
2015-11-21 Oleksandr Gavenko DPMS suspend.
2015-10-30 Oleksandr Gavenko ~/.local/bin used by "pip install --user".
2015-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko gpicview is nice viewer.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Use meta-option and remove individual properties.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Swap order to group related options together.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix other colors.
2015-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Bolt yellow are very hard to read on white background.
2015-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Missing dir cause error during installation.
2015-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Add pager preference to ack.
2015-10-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix NB crash as "echo xmessage" also printed because of wrong
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Better color for background to differ xinit lock terminal from other.
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add background to distinct main shell.
2015-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add error message when search for Netbeans fail.
2015-10-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Add preference for Iceweasel.
2015-10-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Make quick note on current desktop page.
2015-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko chm/hlp viewer.
2015-09-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore file extension case for dev files.
2015-09-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Use ~/usr/bin/ for local installations and to override /bin, but not /sbin.
2015-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko history-beginning-search-backward
2015-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Execute X settings sequentially.
2015-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix sh syntax typo, which cause failing boot xorg.
2015-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Run more stuff in parallel. Run dependent utilities in sequence.
2015-08-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable beeping.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable color prompt for tmux/screen.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Make last prompt line fixed width.
2015-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Show current user as this useful then ssh'ing.
2015-06-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Key binding for maximising window.
2015-06-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use evince for DJVU.
2015-03-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Show possibly executable scripts as red.
2015-03-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Show executable as underscored red.
2015-03-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add a lot of formats.
2015-03-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Fallback to Readline built-in dir completion implementation to handle
2015-02-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Run Emacs, Firefox and Goldendict in ".xinit".
2015-02-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Reindent sources.
2015-02-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Reduced .xinit to test Fvwm in Xnest.
2015-02-23 Oleksandr Gavenko rebasedraft alias for rebasing unpublished changes in current branch
2015-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko merge.conflictstyle diff3
2015-02-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Space: magic-space
2015-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to built-in Readline file/directory completion capability as
2015-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko pip
2015-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Reindent code.
2015-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko virtualenv
2015-02-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused vars.
2015-02-05 Oleksandr Gavenko With -v javap print class version.
2015-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Get out outdated syntax for plug-in enabling.
2015-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko colored-stats
2015-01-07 Oleksandr Gavenko No longer needs in 'e.' alias. 'e' command open files without args.
2014-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2014-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Emacs command useful don't omit it.
2014-12-27 Oleksandr Gavenko git analog of 'hg glog'.
2014-12-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Use mplayer instead of vlc for video.
2014-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Use softvol-max to increase upper volume in two times.
2014-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix pitch when speed up playback.
2014-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Use oages for in/out command.
2014-11-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Push only current brunch.
2014-10-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix color definition.
2014-10-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Open SNES with mednafen.
2014-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Prevent screen pollution with error output.
2014-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Play SEGA with mednafen.
2014-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Detect empty LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
2014-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable fetch in flavor of "pull -u".
2014-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable transplant in flavor of graft.
2014-09-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Completion for mypath Bash helper.
2014-09-10 Oleksandr Gavenko myfind and mypath interactive bash session helper function.
2014-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Highlight path. Use it as output separator.
2014-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable pager extension.
2014-07-21 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2014-06-29 Oleksandr Gavenko http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24454076/how-to-force-gradle-to-use-share-m2-repository-with-maven-system-wide/
2014-07-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Prevent creation of .orig files after revert.
2014-05-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Simplify path to my projects.
2014-04-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix XLS and DOC file handling by MC.
2014-03-27 Oleksandr Gavenko To removing untracked files.
2014-03-27 Oleksandr Gavenko To removing untracked files.
2014-03-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable rebase extantion.
2014-03-06 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2014-03-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix errors when some utilities not present.
2014-02-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Open .shtml files.
2014-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not allow pull/push MQ temporary changesets.
2014-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko I don't use external merge tools.
2014-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Color diff.
2014-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Get beck ClickToFocus as without it I cant move/resize/close Firefox Web
2014-01-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Don't bind in noninteractive mode to prevent from printing warnings:
2014-01-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Add datediff useful function.
2014-01-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore whitespaces when doing source annotation.
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix Fvwm maximize window problem with stalonetray.
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Colormap is the one for the window that currently has the keyboard focus.
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Move program styles below common definitions to override common defaults.
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore PPosition hint. Many programs set PPosition to something obnoxious like 0,0 (upper left corner).
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko MwmButtons
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove ambiguous menu hot key.
2014-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove quotes from asterisk style name.
2014-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Use FPClick* instead of MouseFocusClickRaises
2014-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add tray to desktop.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Add stabs to easy disable debugging.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Use short title for FvwmPager.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Group window styles configuration to common place.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Decorate transient window.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Show class and resource name in window title.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko SnapAttraction SameType
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Multi-monitor setup.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Add docs.
2014-01-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Set default font. Make title more narrow.
2014-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2014-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Reorder text to show that BugOpts wasn't related to FvwmDebug module.
2014-01-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable FvwmCommandS module for FvwmCommand utility in order to user REPL in
2013-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused directory from possible image dir.
2013-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix spelling.
2013-12-27 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-12-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable -gray pattern in order to prevent blinking because of LCD-insertion effect.
2013-12-26 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Use new syntax for setting SVG icon size to prevent huge icons in menu.
2013-12-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove '-3' option from calendar as it conflict with year argument.
2013-12-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Set NPM prefix to local user directory.
2013-12-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Mark file as sh script for Emacs.
2013-12-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Use .env file as common env var settings for Bash and Zsh.
2013-12-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Set useful "hg diff" defaults.
2013-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add new and update old entries.
2013-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Strip year part. Make window smaller.
2013-10-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove fontconfig. Use "dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config" instead.
2013-10-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Put empty line before bash prompt.
2013-10-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename Firefox devel profile.
2013-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash completion for Firefox.
2013-10-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Update options according to "gradle --help" with v1.4.
2013-10-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Add cli option handling for gradle bash-completion.
2013-10-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Add gradle completion.
2013-10-08 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-10-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: NameError: name 'codecs' is not defined.
2013-09-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix typo.
2013-10-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable daemon mode for gradle.
2013-10-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Use compound assignment to array instead of manual index updating.
2013-10-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Add trailing slash to directory in "cd" completion.
2013-09-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Use evince instead of xpdf to be able search Russian text.
2013-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add prompt2 style.
2013-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add check for tclreadline package and terminal color support.
2013-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Print current dir at prompt. Remove broken code.
2013-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add readline and completion support to tclsh.
2013-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add test Firefox.
2013-08-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Set date format and output style.
2013-07-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Set isql like prompt and go on semicolon.
2013-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Close window by LeftWin+F4 (delete window protocol).
2013-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore num-lock as modifier.
2013-06-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove follow (-v) option as it forbid VC-mode from listening history on
2013-05-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Squirrel to menu.
2013-05-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Make screen larger.
2013-05-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Basic glhacks options.
2013-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Bind "M-Right" to 'menu-complete'. Useful in Python with readline completion
2013-03-04 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-02-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Use ISO 8601 date format for "git log".
2013-02-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable '**' patttern matching. If the pattern is followed by a /, only dirs
2013-02-27 Oleksandr Gavenko I realise that sudo mv/cp/... commands are valuable to store in history...
2013-02-15 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-02-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Colorizer for java logs...
2013-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Register lisp files.
2013-02-12 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2013-02-11 Oleksandr Gavenko html and css are svn:eol-style=native.
2013-01-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Setting umask before mkdir broke directories permission.
2013-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Release 'Super' key to Emacs.
2013-01-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Show long lines... Substitude all matches in line.
2013-01-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Always show statusline. Remove duplicate code.
2013-01-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Highlight line with cursor.
2013-01-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Beep instead of blink.
2012-12-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Add nsis type.
2012-12-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused parts,
2012-12-01 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-11-28 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-11-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Set colour schema for ack.
2012-12-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Maximise by fitting free space.
2012-11-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Delete target file if command fails.
2012-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable completion for dquilt alias.
2012-11-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Cycling possible completion forward and backward in place.
2012-11-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add 'dquilt' alias for Debian package development.
2012-11-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Set variables for Debian maintenance tools.
2012-11-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: forget export variable to environment.
2012-11-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Short OpenPGP keyids have been shown to be easily spoofed by another key with
2012-11-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: gpg: failed to create temporary file `/home/user/.gnupg/.#lk0x23b70e0.desktop.22780': Permission denied
2012-11-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Increase security requirements.
2012-11-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Decrease timing to off monitor. Doesn't off it acually.
2012-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix syntax error.
2012-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Add command aliases.
2012-11-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Use ISO date format.
2012-11-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Autostart notification daemon.
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Lock screen strictly when screensaver enabled.
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Lock the computer by xscreensaver.
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Move close, delete, destroy command in menu to top as frequency used.
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko * Load Emacs and Firefox automatically.
2012-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Regroup MC invocation as simultaneously MC loading resukts coredump of one of
2012-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add user and host info to xterm title.
2012-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix condition syntax and add special case of '~/' path.
2012-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add current dir to xterm title.
2012-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add additional path for icons.
2012-10-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable storing passwords unsafe.
2012-10-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Move FvwmIdent comment to to as most used.
2012-10-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add ability to select window for FvwmIdent when non-root window selected.
2012-10-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove SloppyFocus as transient Java dialogs lose focus as it acquire main
2012-10-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix for broken Java based GUI.
2012-10-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Maximise only main xpdf window. This prevent maximising of search window.
2012-10-01 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-09-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Create MyDev menu.
2012-09-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Delete CapsLock (map to Ctrl).
2012-09-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Add alias for opening current directory in Emacs.
2012-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix spacing.
2012-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Add debugging code.
2012-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Incorporate some focus settings. Disable FvwmEvent-NewWindow as it have
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Programs can focus themselves.
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix section nmae.
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Start on screen with pointer (disabled).
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Move edge setting to proper place.
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Set MinOverlapPlacement
2012-09-29 Oleksandr Gavenko If during an interactive move the window or icon comes within proximity pixels
2012-09-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Run Netbeans (firstly try from /opt, then from path).
2012-09-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Use Bash for PIPESTATUS.
2012-09-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Add lighty-*-mod completion.
2012-09-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix variable scope.
2012-09-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unnecessary variable.
2012-09-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch between all windows, not only CurrentDesk.
2012-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix regex pattern: missing tail '$'.
2012-09-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Open .mobi files by fbreader.
2012-09-14 Oleksandr Gavenko filetype plugin on
2012-09-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Update syntax to new style.
2012-09-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Python settings.
2012-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add marker to distinct .xinitrc xterm from regular.
2012-09-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Edit file with Emacs.
2012-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko This paths contain icons that they make menus look ugly...
2012-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Add /usr/sbin and /sbin to user PATH.
2012-09-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Add hot-key for the some menu item.
2012-09-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Add proper title for xterm with htop.
2012-08-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Backout 3c744a766120. Placing pointer under window pass focus to it.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Add comment.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko This disable ResizeOpaque, which cause frequent redrawing of applications.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Sort by focus.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable extra information on WindowList.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove option that have no effect.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Don't allow iconification. Remove appropriated key bindings. Use shading to
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Use XPM files instead of PNG to prevent loading large icons.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Add icons for my menu.
2012-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove useless image paths: /usr/share/icons - have no images,
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Reorder sections.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Reorder sections.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Join 2 logically related sections.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Reorder code.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add support for Emacs outline minor mode.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix deprecation warning.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix condition for icon without extension.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix condition for finding icons without extension.
2012-08-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add icons for main menu. Add submenu icon.
2012-08-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Assume that icon from desktop file have PNG type. So again comment out paths
2012-08-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Pass full path to menu file. Also pass Fvwm menu entry name.
2012-08-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Use full path to images. Uncomment icon paths.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Maximise some windows for convenience. Currently this is only 'Xpdf'.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add missing path to 'folder.png' which used in 'xdg2fvwm.py'.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko No needs to pass window id.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Destroy module configuration before defining it. Join module config with
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add delay between 'MyFuncFocusWindow' calls to allow kill "bad" applications.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Open PDF with xpdf.
2012-08-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Make as in xpdf(1).
2012-08-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Use "UnSetEnv" instead of special form of "SetEnv" (with empty value).
2012-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix spelling.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename menu entries.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Add xdg to Fvwm menus converter.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Add separator to menu.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Move key bindings to proper place.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename my menu.
2012-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename menu.
2012-08-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Include 'FvwmWindowOpsMenu' in my Alt+F1 key binding.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Stop crop 'htop' window out of screen.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Focus to new windows automatically.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Set aliases to common values.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Move FvwmAuto setting to single place.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Move help text to separate section.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Move startup section to top to allow subsequent 'AddToFunc' call without
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to more consistent and convenient sectioning style.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add DestroyFunc to each AddToFunc. Improve comments.
2012-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Improve comment.
2012-07-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Use coloured prompt under Emacs term-mode.
2012-07-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Add support for .msi files.
2012-07-20 Oleksandr Gavenko How all headers for .exe and all info for .dll
2012-07-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Use history search for UP/DOWN in Emacs term mode.
2012-07-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Wine. Windows executable.
2012-07-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Create .screenshot directory.
2012-07-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Set new font which seems acceptable for ASCII, Greek, Cyrillic and IPA. See
2012-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Use FvwmM4 module to avoid creating env vars. Use -m4-prefix
2012-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Technique to share command history across Bash secctions.
2012-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Set HISTTIMEFORMAT to force Bash to store timestamp.
2012-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix old sad typo.
2012-07-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename '.bash_path' to '.bashenv'.
2012-07-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Add default path to ImagePath.
2012-07-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Fvwm Perl module to send signals to kbdd.
2012-07-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to kbdd program for manage input method.
2012-07-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix typo.
2012-07-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Add quilt rc file.
2012-07-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: X send event with ASCII code instead of Russian when Ctrl pressed.
2012-07-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix color.pager value: type mismatch.
2012-06-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Document "escape ^zz".
2012-06-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix typo.
2012-06-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Check for files before loading.
2012-06-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix lang under X.
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore hidden files.
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Tell screen to ignore the case of characters in searches. No flow control,
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Readline support for Guile.
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove dust.
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix font selection for Emacs (it use non monospaced font for Russian text).
2012-06-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable lcdfilter.
2012-06-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable anti-aliasing for small fonts.
2012-06-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix font selection for Emacs (it use non monospaced font for Russian text).
2012-06-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Open RTF file with fbreader as default OpenOffice very slow...
2012-06-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Update docs.
2012-06-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable anti-aliasing at all.
2012-06-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Update to new syntax for colouring output.
2012-06-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove non-exist option.
2012-06-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Make screenshot without loosing quality.
2012-06-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Nindendo 64 file type.
2012-06-06 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-05-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Sega MegaDrive/Genesis raw ROM dump
2012-05-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Htop is more essential then Emacs.
2012-05-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Open HTML in Firefox.
2012-05-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Load custom settings (user editable).
2012-05-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Skype to hotlist.
2012-05-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Example how to load Debian user local menu.
2012-05-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Sega MegaDrive
2012-05-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Add bindings for SNES.
2012-05-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Game ROMs.
2012-05-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix path to 'mc.ext'.
2012-04-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Move xsetroot back to '.xinitrc'.
2012-04-28 Oleksandr Gavenko I move lang switch to FVWM config.
2012-04-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Scrolling by keyboard.
2012-04-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Restore modifiers assignments after setxkbmap.
2012-04-26 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2023-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Integrated "fvwm" closing branch commit to avoid an extra topological head.
2012-04-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Close FVWM branch. fvwm
2012-04-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Win+R like in Windows.
2012-04-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch input method.
2012-04-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '.xmodmaprc'.
2012-04-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '.xxkbrc' to install target.
2012-04-24 Oleksandr Gavenko xxkb at start time tries to find all application already run.
2012-04-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Add basic xxkb config file.
2012-04-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Set desktop background in FVWN. In case when I needn't setup background I also
2012-04-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Under Cygwin I prefer '-multiwindow' option, so it needn't to setup WM.
2012-04-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Merge ".fvwm" project into "skel" project.
2012-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Read system wide menu for '/Debian'. fvwm
2012-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove binding to 'MenuFvwmRoot' as it already included in 'MenuMy'. fvwm
2012-01-09 Oleksandr Gavenko merged fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Display xclock. fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Mwm and Win style menus popup sub menus automatically and never overlap the parent menu. fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko With Mwm resize and move feedback windows are in the center of the screen, instead of fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Change color to highlight when press window button. fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add some docs. fvwm
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Run htop with sudo to view all open files for any process. fvwm
2011-12-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Add "Style "*" OLDecor" for info. fvwm
2011-12-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Automatically 'update-menus' when restart FVWM. fvwm
2011-12-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Reduce process count by 'exec' (this replace 'sh -c $CMD' with '$CMD'). fvwm
2012-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Move less frequently user programs to MenuMy. fvwm
2011-10-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Run 2 'mc' at startup. fvwm
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Start htop "mazimised". Drawback - you can not make it smaller. fvwm
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko merged fvwm
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Use 'goldendict' instead 'stardict'. fvwm
2011-03-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Set mc dimantion to fine look on 1280x800 resolution with 18 px font. fvwm
2010-09-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Move across page up/down, if no page more go to last/first page of prev/next fvwm
2010-03-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Make default MC size larger. fvwm
2009-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Added info about alternative screenshot command. fvwm
2009-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Make pause in 5 second before screenshot makes. fvwm
2009-07-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused key binding. fvwm
2009-07-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Unhide FvwmPager when moves with keys. Make autohide time longer. fvwm
2009-07-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Start stardict on media desktop. fvwm
2009-07-02 Oleksandr Gavenko merged fvwm
2009-07-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Increase number of desktop. Added shortcut to move across desktops and pages fvwm
2009-03-23 Oleksandr Gavenko merge fvwm
2009-03-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Bind screensaver to Scroll_Lock. fvwm
2009-03-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Kill current apps only by Alt+F4. fvwm
2009-03-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Key binding for popup my Utilities menu. fvwm
2009-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Added comment about "/Debian" menu. fvwm
2009-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Read generated update-menu "/Debian" menu. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused old config. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Correct RestartFunction. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Define switch between aps. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Move some info from .fvwm2rc to config. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Forget put comma. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Pager always on top. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Hide FvwmPager. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove exec from Exec. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Load stradict and mc on statrup of fvwm on specific page. fvwm
2009-01-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added comment how place desktop image. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Move apps icon to icons/app. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Added icon for Window Operation Menu. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Added "Window Operation Menu" from "FVWM Beginners Guide" by Jaimos F Skriletz. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove exec from X apps. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use flexible x icon. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Flexible x icon. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Untbify. fvwm
2009-01-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Correct misspelling. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Setup mini icon for xterm and mc. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Added default X icons. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Move by right key, raise by left key click on title. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Added doc for Mouse from man page. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Exchange code to clear view. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Set from man definition of default func FuncFvwmRaiseLowerX. fvwm
2009-01-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Split mouse and keyboard binding. fvwm
2009-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///home/gavenkoa/site/hg/.fvwm fvwm
2008-12-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Move windows by right mouse button. fvwm
2009-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Place mouse pointer in center of window. fvwm
2009-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Do not scroll to other page by hitting edge. fvwm
2009-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Prevent show long title. fvwm
2009-01-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Delete app on Alt+F4. fvwm
2008-12-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Set new color for highlighting windows. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Define new colors. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko merge fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Set more pretty colors for FvwmPager. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Set more pretty colors for FvwmPager. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Define some color for FvwmPager fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Define window styles. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Define key binding. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Set default icon. fvwm
2008-12-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Move pager to left. fvwm
2008-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Use interactive bash mode to read profile (~/.bashrc) to override default fvwm
2008-11-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unnecessary from menu. fvwm
2008-11-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Correct menu. fvwm
2008-11-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Correct font to cyrillic mc. fvwm
2008-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove many item and my menu for item that in MenuDebian already exist. fvwm
2008-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Use smaller Pager. Correct mc settings. fvwm
2008-11-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Use home config instead work. fvwm
2008-11-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Add emacs to menu. fvwm
2008-11-06 gavenkoa Stop banner! fvwm
2008-10-28 gavenkoa up fvwm
2008-10-28 gavenkoa Added media players list, some docs. fvwm
2008-10-28 gavenkoa init fvwm
2012-04-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Set keyboard layout toggle.
2012-04-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Microsoft Office Document.
2012-04-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Open and view RTF.
2012-04-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Edit images with GIMP.
2012-04-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Reorder and add sections.
2012-04-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Forbid to display errors from xpdf, xchm, djview, fbreader.
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Play most music files with vlc.
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko As my Debian installation miss some mime association I switch to vlc.
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko My Debian have no association for video/mp4 mimetype.
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove tabs...
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove content that duplicate /etc/mc/mc.ext. I preserve definition for video
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove Cygwin version of mc.ext as they is exactly same.
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Merge my config for mc.ext with system wide as only ~/.config/mc/mc.ext
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove "Plain compressed files" section to use system wide configs...
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove man page config us as version depended. It was loaded from system wide
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove archive section as version 4.8.x break compatibility for virtual FS
2012-04-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Port MC config to 4.8.x version.
2012-04-05 Oleksandr Gavenko Add mode setting for Emacs.
2012-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-03-26 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-03-19 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-02-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Add setting for Emacs.
2012-02-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix "bash: COMPREPLY: unbound variable".
2012-03-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///home/srv/hg/skel
2012-02-18 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2012-02-13 Oleksandr Gavenko This option was disabled to simplify use of port forwarding.
2012-03-10 Oleksandr Gavenko run-mailcap on .midi file in foreground to allow break file playing.
2012-02-28 Oleksandr Gavenko http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35470/are-there-any-static-analysis-tools-for-python
2012-02-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix Readline column calculation by marking non-printable escape sequences.
2012-02-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Make xterm size larger to easy work with aptitude.
2012-02-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Add ncal as cal try be compatible with old and week can not start from Monday.
2012-02-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Weeks start on Monday.
2012-02-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Set colours to my.
2012-02-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Cleanup aliases.
2012-02-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable colours for 'ls' and 'grep'.
2012-02-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable dircolors. Check for 'dircolors' command.
2012-02-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix action for .sh files.
2012-02-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix: Old VLC under Debian have no association for wmv mimetype.
2012-02-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused comments.
2012-02-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Move CDPATH place hold to use it from MC after xinit load...
2012-02-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '/usr/sbin' to 'PATH' and '$HOME/usr/lib' to 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.
2012-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Don't save command from MC. Only from Bash...
2012-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Open source files in Emacs.
2012-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove unused lines. Add & to prevent MC from locking until viewer exit.
2012-02-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Add my magic file.
2012-01-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Remember 'cd ..' commands.
2012-01-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '.glhackrc'.
2012-01-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix '.cvsrc' file name.
2012-01-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Move common options to the top.
2012-01-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix error: "bash: .: /cygdrive/d/home/.bash_completion.d/..: является директорией"
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Use Bash syntax for string 'test'.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Wait for 'xrdb' complete.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Add execute permission to '.xinitrc' to use Bash script language instead of
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Add .bash_path to install. Fix string order.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash string comparison does not require hack.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to Bash built-in 'test' command.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Move completions to separate file.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Load PATH settings.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch to bash interpreter to get more advanced string matching functions.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Move PATH settings to separate file for speedup loading of '.xinitrc'.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Update paths only once.
2012-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix "ln: creating symbolic link `/home/user/.xsession': File exists".
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Pass all args to X.
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Copy option from '/etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc' for Debian.
2011-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko ln -s ~/.xinitrc ~/.xsession
2011-12-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Open .fb2 and .epub files in MC.
2011-12-05 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Replace shell with X server to save memory.
2011-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix misspelling in variable name and improve Cygwin detection.
2011-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-12-04 Oleksandr Gavenko .tar.xz, .txz
2011-11-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Proper handle '::' sequences in MANPATH.
2011-11-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Proper handle absolute and local path to man page.
2011-11-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Look in all dirs from $MANPATH when complete man page.
2011-11-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Use bash built-in 'test' command.
2011-11-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add completion for cygcheck.
2011-11-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Make '-C' and '-f' option work together.
2011-11-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Complete dirs for '-C' for make.
2011-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable hgext.purge.
2011-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Add URL.
2011-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Add groups this was trusted.
2011-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Use only $OSTYPE to detect Cygwin.
2011-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Avoid permission problem in Cygwin.
2011-10-31 Oleksandr Gavenko '~/usr/bin' already exported.
2011-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Small command usage improvement.
2011-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Start loop from 1st index as 0th index point to command name.
2011-10-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Mark variable as local to avoid overwriting global values.
2011-10-28 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Shorter alias for jobs.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add remainder how debug.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Add docs targets.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix RST formatting.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Switch files to RestructuredText.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable completion.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Colorize PS2.
2011-10-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable history search.
2011-10-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Add completion for 'make'.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable completion for man pages and CDPATH.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Take more priority for 'bash_completion' instead my completion.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove '$' sign from arithmetic contexts.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Use 'Control+TAB' for cycling possible completion in bash.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename variable.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Add completion for 'pathsearch'.
2011-10-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Add completion for hgsyncew.
2011-10-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix mail signature file name.
2011-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Preserve progress line after compilting of operation.
2011-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Show progress on operations.
2011-10-20 Oleksandr Gavenko I prefer EN man pages.
2011-10-18 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-10-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add own style for HG to print date in ISO 8601 format.
2011-10-17 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix PS1 which cause of http://code.google.com/p/mintty/issues/detail?id=296
2011-10-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Make color prompt for interactive Python.
2011-10-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable python statement readline completion and readline history for interactive Python .
2011-10-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Bind "Shift TAB" to complete as in Python TAB was need for another purpose.
2011-10-13 Oleksandr Gavenko use delek color schema
2011-10-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Add doc.
2011-10-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Bypass locale env vars to remote host.
2011-10-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Show host name to distinct local and remote shell (when ssh was used).
2011-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix issue with empty/non-exist directory.
2011-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko But load local completion anyway.
2011-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Add heading.
2011-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Print supported targets.
2011-09-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Load local completion.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Include system wide /etc/zshrc.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Increase HIST size.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove duplication.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko No audio or visual bell.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko A 256 color scheme.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable these characters as word dividers.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko This must be first, because it changes other options as side effect.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '.dircolors' but don't enable it.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko term xterm-256color
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Define a bigger scrollback, default is 100 lines.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Use backtick instead of Ctrl+A.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko vbell on
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Window numbering starts at 1, not 0.
2011-09-25 Oleksandr Gavenko XTerm*saveLines
2011-09-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Install .cvsrc
2011-09-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Add option for CVS.
2011-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-09-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use git diff style to show file permission changes.
2011-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add mutt settings.
2011-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko If a window goes unresponsive, don't block the whole session waiting for it.
2011-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Add more colors to output.
2011-09-08 Oleksandr Gavenko histreedit histverify
2011-09-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Include default bash settings if they available.
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko improve comment.
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko appres(1), listres(1)
2011-09-04 Oleksandr Gavenko xrdb -query
2011-09-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Add '.dictrc'.
2011-08-21 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-21 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove execute permission.
2011-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-17 Oleksandr Gavenko change mode to 644
2011-08-19 Oleksandr Gavenko svn:eol-style
2011-08-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Set magenta bold font.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Set CDPATH.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Set prompt for shell.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Set editor to VIM. Bind edit command for shells.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable colorsheme as it can be not present on host.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko History settings for zsh.
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko set -o emacs
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Replace common prefix with ...
2011-08-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Move key binding as dabbrev-expand defined only in bash.
2011-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko install .zshrc.
2011-08-13 Oleksandr Gavenko zsh basic settings.
2011-08-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Make Bash append rather than overwrite the history.
2011-08-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Reoder.
2011-08-12 Oleksandr Gavenko mark-symlinked-directories on.
2011-08-12 Oleksandr Gavenko ksh-88 egrep-style extended pattern matching .
2011-08-09 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Add default Makefile settings.
2011-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Add work-around for PATH. Under Windows find.exe going in collision with
2011-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-05 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-08 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-08-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Kryshtop settings.
2011-08-05 Oleksandr Gavenko UP/DOWN filter history by typed string as prefix.
2011-08-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Terminal driver rebound some keys. See output 'stty -a'. I like original
2011-08-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow cherry-picking.
2011-07-30 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-07-27 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix CDPATH.
2011-07-23 Oleksandr Gavenko up
2011-07-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Add usege statement.
2011-07-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Convert to reStructureText format.
2011-07-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Bash like completion.
2011-07-22 Oleksandr Gavenko Follow history after rename.
2011-07-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add Completion.
2011-07-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Turn on recognition of the (non-standard) `Content-Disposition' header.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko fix mistype.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Install .screenrc
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable Ctrl+TAB and Ctrl+Shift+TAB shortcuts for use in screen(1).
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Add emacs merge tool.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to switch session in GNU Screen.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Ctrl+Backspace/Delete to delete whole words.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Ctrl+Left/Right to move by whole words.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Add mouse settings.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko up
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use yes/no for values.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Update settings for new version according to docs.
2011-07-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove win-ini style '[Section]' as mintty ignore it.
2011-06-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Rename mail signature as in Emacs manual.
2011-03-21 Oleksandr Gavenko remove executable flag from config file
2011-03-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Add MSVC project and Java files to exclude list.
2011-03-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Add ignore file to listen.
2011-03-14 Oleksandr Gavenko *.jar
2011-03-14 Oleksandr Gavenko *.class
2011-03-09 Oleksandr Gavenko TAB ==> SPACE.
2011-03-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Add gnupg config.
2011-03-09 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-02-09 Oleksandr Gavenko Point PATH, MANPATH, INFOPATH to '~/usr'.
2011-02-25 Oleksandr Gavenko By default 'xterm' start shell with '-i', so it interactive. But if it also
2011-02-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow Alt as Meta in Emacs.
2011-02-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Set root window image.
2011-02-20 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2011-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///media/usb0/gav-pull/skel
2011-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Open cab archive.
2011-01-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Add ~/usr/bin to PATH.
2011-02-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add comments and remove 'win32text' extensions stuff.
2011-01-29 Oleksandr Gavenko Add svn user config.
2011-01-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Config for git.
2011-01-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Ignore patterns from '.hgignore'.
2010-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Add tidy config to build.
2010-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko How enable Tidy config.
2010-12-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Simple tidy config.
2010-11-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable Graph log extension.
2010-11-14 Oleksandr Gavenko NetHack settings.
2010-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix "alias: --: неправильная опция".
2010-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko HISTCONTROL set in '~/.bashrc'.
2010-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove ? from patterns as I previously incorrectly understand its meaning.
2010-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/d/srv/hg-home/skel
2010-11-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix assignment.
2010-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Exclude 'cd' command from history which comes from MC.
2010-09-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix condition to opposite.
2010-08-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable convert Mercurial extension.
2010-08-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix file permission.
2010-08-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/d/srv/hg-home/skel
2010-08-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Added another pattern for binary files.
2010-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Proper set exec access mode.
2010-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Use multiwindow windows manager.
2010-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Register .xserverrc for install.
2010-08-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Set useful settings for X Window under Cygwin.
2010-08-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove from install process coping of nonexistent file.
2010-08-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Make ingnore pattern less restrictive for 'cd' and 'ls' command.
2010-08-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix meta key name.
2010-08-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Define my favorite Emacs key bindings.
2010-08-01 Oleksandr Gavenko Disable Windows Alt+Space and Alt+Enter shortcuts.
2010-07-31 Oleksandr Gavenko Set higher CompressionLevel than defaut for my home slow/costly inet.
2010-07-31 Oleksandr Gavenko I need compression for slow home 3G/GPRS connection.
2010-07-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Install manually Midnight Commander ini files as for Cygwin and Debian
2010-06-20 Oleksandr Gavenko Set all applicable timeout values to N sec.
2010-05-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use bold font.
2010-05-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Added some default settings.
2010-05-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Use mouse copy on select like in X window.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Use 'Courier New' font as it much better looks then 'Lucida Console'.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Added comment.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Added basic config for .minttyrc.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Set cursor color to brown in rxvt to distinguish cursor position from
2010-05-12 user Correct uninstall target.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Don't check for existence of source file/dir as find return only existing ones.
2010-05-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow installation of file which can be modified by user so you do not lose
2010-05-08 Oleksandr Gavenko Added wgetrc.
2010-05-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Under Cygwin bash completition start a long time.
2010-05-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Added bzr settings.
2010-05-04 Oleksandr Gavenko Added global exclude list for bzr. Synchronized it with '.hgignore'.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Revert: Host used for ControlMaster option. Also fix some misspelling.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Prefer public key authentication.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko About compression.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Tip to Cygwin ssh.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Create sock file in ~/.ssh dir, because ~/.ssh/sock can not exists.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Added comments.
2010-05-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Use '_' instead ':' symbol as colon not allowd on Windows fs.
2010-04-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Use standard bold font.
2010-04-26 Oleksandr Gavenko Set bolt font as normal font for rxvt to better look for running mc in rxvt.
2010-04-25 Oleksandr Gavenko Set file encoding. Fix merge command. Added win32 enc/dec example.
2010-04-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/d/srv/hg/skel
2010-04-24 Oleksandr Gavenko Added user name.
2010-04-24 user Added hg config.
2010-04-20 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2010-04-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove --comment-delimiters-on-blank-lines option from indent.
2010-04-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Don't use fvwm under Cygwin.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Point to 'C-x C-e' command in bash.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Misc readline customisation.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Use beep if possible.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Useful competition settings.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko Point to C-v key binding.
2010-04-03 Oleksandr Gavenko How re-read ~/.inputrc.
2010-03-30 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/e/srv/hg/skel
2010-03-23 Oleksandr Gavenko Use spaces instead TAB.
2010-03-28 Oleksandr Gavenko .ssh dir was added to build.
2010-03-28 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow sharing of multiple sessions over a single network connection.
2010-03-19 Oleksandr Gavenko Added alias for reindent code for our job rules.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Use bash-completion, if available.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Added useful bash settings.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Improve HISTIGNORE.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Easy cd to often used dirs.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove copy/pasted code that cause error with Vim 5.8 2001 from MSYS-1.0.11
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2010-03-15 Oleksandr Gavenko Free memory by exec.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko First tab suggests ambiguous variants.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Include .inputrc in install.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko By default rxvt start shell without args, so it interactive. But if it also login shell
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Added useful comment.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Allow display and input russial letter in bash/rxvt on Cygwin.
2010-03-16 Oleksandr Gavenko Special case for CYGWIN to properly display russian letters in rxvt.
2010-03-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Capitalise prog name of rxvt to get in work on MSYS.
2010-03-14 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///E:\srv\hg\skel
2010-03-12 Oleksandr Gavenko Automated merge with file:///E:\srv\hg\skel
2010-03-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Minor errors in the spelling of a directory component in a cd command will be corrected.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove custom status line.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Misc vim stuff.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko CRLF ==> LF
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Useful setting for rxvt.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko new conf
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Added .vimrc to install.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Pattern like
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix copy/paste issue.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Enable syntax highlighting for vim.
2010-03-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Move all config file to same dir.
2010-03-12 Oleksandr Gavenko More verbose prompt, to prevent tangling with another shells.
2010-02-07 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix mistyping.
2010-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Remove debug code.
2010-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Fix fname and dname calculation. Refactor code.
2010-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Adds .PHONY exactly before corresponding target.
2010-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Proper determine Windows.
2010-01-13 Oleksandr Gavenko Base version of .bashrc.
2009-12-06 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2009-12-06 Oleksandr Gavenko merged
2009-12-06 Oleksandr Gavenko Correct mail sign.
2009-10-18 Oleksandr Gavenko Added history ignore rules.
2009-10-11 Oleksandr Gavenko Save line space.
2009-10-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Set emacs name.
2009-10-10 Oleksandr Gavenko Because of bug in xorg invoking setxkbmap cause disable repeat char when key pressed.
2009-09-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Added some linux conf files.
2009-09-02 Oleksandr Gavenko Split files depend of OS. New install algorithm.
2009-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko CR/LF ==> LF
2009-08-30 Oleksandr Gavenko init
(0) tip