changeset 1069 2a7388c5fef2
child 1334 9bf0d5a1f0cf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/bash.rst	Tue Oct 25 23:02:32 2011 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
+ Bash.
+How override PS1, PS2?
+When loading bash read ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc.
+Put at end of these files::
+  PS1='\u@\H$ '
+When xterm start bash - it start as non-login. So ~/.bash_profile and ~/.bashrc
+didn't read. To workaround this use::
+  $ xterm -e bash -i -c "mc -x"
+That make bash interactive and init file was readed.
+Command history.
+Bash allow accessing to command that you type previously. There are several
+options to control command history behavior. Set corresponding variables in
+your ~/.bashrc file (which is read by interactive shell)::
+  #   ignorespace do not save lines that start with space
+  #   erasedups all previous lines matching the current line to be removed from
+  #             the history list before that line is saved
+  export HISTCONTROL=igrorespace:erasedups
+  export HISTIGNORE=" ?cd *":"e *":"sudo mv *":"sudo rm *":"sudo cp *":"sudo mkdir *":"sudo chmod *":"sudo chown *":ls:pwd:"vlc*"
+There are another options, with default values (which satisfy my needs, so
+I don't put they to ~/.bashrc)::
+  export HISTFILE=~/.bash_history  # where is command history stored
+  export HISTFILESIZE=500          # how many lines been in $HISTFILE
+  export HISTSIZE=500              # how many lines been stored in bash process
+mc (GNU Midnight Commander).
+You can also set special history rules for mc subshell in ~/.mc/bashrc file.
+Bash history.
+                This article is an incomplete overview of changes to Bash over
+                the time.