author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Mon, 03 Jan 2022 16:30:42 +0200
changeset 2514 0d60a0bad2d6
parent 2508 fe9788ce44ba
child 2528 b86cd4fc873e
permissions -rw-r--r--
Yum package manager.

 WSL, Windows subsystem for Linux
.. contents::

  Windows Subsystem for Linux Documentation.
  Awesome list dedicated to Windows Subsystem for Linux.
  Automatically Configuring WSL.

wsl utility

Run Linux command from default distro::

  wsl ls
  wsl -e /bin/ls
  wsl --exec /bin/bash

Run Linux command from specific distro::

  wsl -d ubuntu ls
  wsl -d debian -e /bin/ls
  wsl -d debian --exec /bin/bash
  wsl -distribution debian --exec /bin/bash

Run Linux command from specific user::

  wsl -u user ls
  wsl --user root ls

Combining user & distro::

  wsl -u root -d alpine -- ls
  Ways to run WSL.

wslconfig utility

List distros::

  wslconfig /l
  wslconfig /list

Set default distro::

  wslconfig /s debian
  wslconfig /setdefault debian

Terminate any running parts of distro::

  wslconfig /t debian
  wslconfig /terminate debian

Mounting Windows file systems

From January 2018 WSL 1 allows to mount external NTFS file systems as ``drvfs``. ``metadata`` option
allows ``chmod`` operation on NTFS volumes, metadata will be shared across all WSL distros though.
  Chmod/Chown WSL Improvements.

To preserve customization between WSL reloads update ``/etc/wsl.conf`` with something like::

  enabled = true
  mountFsTab = false
  options = "metadata,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022,fmask=077"

Equivalent CLI call is::

  sudo mount -t drvfs 'C:\' /mnt/c -o metadata,noatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=022,fmask=077
  Automatically Configuring WSL.

To mount attached USB stick::

  sudo mkdir /mnt/f
  sudo mount -t drvfs f: /mnt/f
  ``/etc/wsl.conf`` configuration options.