author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Tue, 24 Jan 2017 23:07:33 +0200
changeset 2061 11b0fd0d6db6
parent 2060 66ccf8bdcbc0
child 2062 c57e9efdaae0
permissions -rw-r--r--
apt-cyg package manager.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

.. contents::


Run setup.exe. Use output dir like::


Add to your PATH env var exactly before C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS values::

  set PATH=d:\opt\cygwin\bin;d:\opt\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%PATH%

  REM Set CYGWIN variable to 'nontsec'. That makes sure that permissions
  REM on your windows machine are not updated as a side effect of cygwin
  REM operations.
  set CYGWIN=binary nontsec nodosfilewarning codepage:cp1251 noglob

  set LANG=ru_RU.cp1251

Set HOME env var (where places config file and projects)::

  set HOME=d:\home

Set TMP and TEMP env vars with good path (without spaces, etc.; these vars
already set as used defined, so you need change their values)::

  set TMP=c:\tmp
  set TEMP=c:\tmp

Also you need edit /etc/passwd to point to correct home path.

apt-cyg package manager

``apt-cyg`` is based on ``bash``, ``wget``, ``tar``, ``gawk`` and ``bzip2``
packages and provide convenient commands for managing and queries packages::

  $ apt-cyg update
  $ apt-cyg install emacs-w32
  $ apt-cyg remove emacs-w32

Information about package and dependencies::

  $ apt-cyg show emacs-w32
  $ apt-cyg depends wget
  $ apt-cyg rdepends emacs

List installed packages::

  $ apt-cyg list

Search for package with file across installed packages::

  $ apt-cyg search stdio.h

Search for package with file through

  $ apt-cyg searchall stdio.h

List all packages in ``setup.ini``::

  $ apt-cyg listall

Find package by regex::

  $ apt-cyg listall ^emacs

To search for package name or list packages::

To switch between mirrors::

  $ apt-cyg mirror
  $ apt-cyg update
  $ apt-cyg install php

  $ apt-cyg mirror

To change a location of directory where packages and ``setup.ini`` downloaded::

  $ apt-cyg cache

  $ apt-cyg cache ~/net
  Cache set to C:\home\net.

Installation on Windows XP

Cygwin from v2.5.5 and Setup version 2.874 (on 25 Aug 2016) is latest version
with Windows XP support. Later versions build with dependencies on newer
syscalls and failt to run in Windows XP.

Latest mirrors avaialble at

* 32-bit:
* 64-bit:

To run setup against this mirror::

  cmd> setup.exe 

``setup.exe`` available at:

* 32-bit
* 64-bit

Run as (``-X`` disable signature verification, ``-s <url>`` option select a
particular mirror, ``-O`` option disallow any other mirrors)::

  cmd> setup-x86.exe -X -s -O
  Description of Cygwin time machine project.
  Question about Cygwin old mirror.
  Question about Cygwin old mirror.
  Another old mirror.

Cygwin ports.

This project provides Cygwin binary and source packages for a large variety of programs and
libraries, including the GNOME  and KDE desktop environments
                newest home of the Cygwin Ports project
                home page
                official blog??

Which Cygwin version you run?

  $ uname -r
  $ cygcheck -c cygwin
  Cygwin Package Information
  Package              Version        Status
  cygwin               1.7.7-1        OK

Recreate /etc/passwd and /etc/groups.

  $ mkpasswd -d | grep $yourlogin > /etc/passwd  # if you in Windows domain
  $ mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd                    # if you in Windows domain

  $ mkgroup -l > /etc/group

Adding mount points.


  C:/foo /bar/baz ntfs text,posix=0 0 0
  /var /usr/var none bind

Running X Window.

  $ XWin -multiwindow&


  $ XWin -clipboard -silent-dup-error -xkblayout "us,ru" -xkboptions "grp:caps_toggle"&

To start X application you must set 'DISPLAY'::

  $ DISPLAY=:0 xterm&

Working with packages.

Installed package list with versions.

  $ cygcheck -c -d

List of package files.

  $ cygcheck -l pkg-name

Search package by containing file (only under installed packages).

  $ cygcheck -f full-path-to-file

Search packages by containing path (only under installed packages).

  $ for f in /etc/setup/*.lst.gz; do gzip -c -d $f | grep $WORD  2>&1 >/dev/null && { echo $f; break; } || :; done

Search for package.

If you have file name or regex use (need internet connection)::

  $ cygcheck -p REGEX

cygcheck use such link:

Cygwin installation info.

  $ uname -a
  $ cygcheck -s -r

Cygwin acronyms.
                One encounters all sorts of acronyms on the Cygwin mailing lists.

Check dll dependency.

  $ ldd my.dll
  $ ldd my.exe
  $ cygcheck ./my.dll
  $ cygcheck ./my.exe

Cygwin alternatives.
                Subsystem for Unix-based Applications and Services for Unix