author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Wed, 02 Jan 2019 00:59:05 +0200
changeset 2327 24ffd84a171c
parent 2326 1b3ff9b88a12
child 2328 71c08bde5a3c
permissions -rw-r--r--
MVCC and transaction id.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

.. contents::

Installing on Debian

Install and create new user and database::

  $ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-client
  $ sudo su - postgres
  % psql
  postgres=# CREATE USER myuser WITH PASSWORD 'mypass';
  postgres=# CREATE DATABASE mydb OWNER myuser;
  postgres=# \q

Connect as user ``mypguser`` to new database::

  $ su - mypguser
  $ psql mypgdatabase

In order to create local host superuser::

  $ sudo su - postgres
  $ createuser --superuser USER
  $ exit
  $ sudo -u USER psql

  Debian wiki instructions.

Check version

By SQL query::

  SELECT version();
  SHOW server_version;
  SHOW server_version_num;

From executable::

  $ postgres -V

Check locations

  SHOW hba_file;
  SHOW config_file;

Check settings

   SELECT name, setting FROM pg_settings;

List databases, schemas and tables

Default database is ``postgres``.

To list databases and database locales::

  $ psql -U pgadmin -l


  => SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datistemplate = false;
  => \l

To switch databases::

  => \connect NAME


  => select schema_name from information_schema.schemata;
  => select nspname from pg_catalog.pg_namespace;
  => \dn *

To list all tables in the current database::

  => SELECT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.tables ORDER BY table_schema,table_name;
  => \dt

or in all schemas::

  => \dt *.*

List views::


List users::


List schemas::


List indexes::


List functions::


List triggers::


List misc info::

  select current_database();
  select current_schema();
  select current_user;
  select session_user;
  select current_date;
  select version();
  System Information Functions.

Set default schema.

  set search_path to NAME;
  set schema 'NAME';

Database, table, index size

Database size::

  SELECT pg_database_size('geekdb');  -- in bytes
  SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_database_size('dbname'));

List of databases sizes::


List tables sizes::


Table total size (with indexes)::

  SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_total_relation_size('schemaname.tablename'));

Sole table size (without indexes and other)::

  SELECT pg_size_pretty(pg_relation_size('schemaname.tablename'));

Largest table in the PostgreSQL database::

  SELECT relname, relpages FROM pg_class ORDER BY relpages DESC;

MVCC and transaction id

As being MVCC Postgres doesn't delete or update existing rows. Row visibility is controled by
transaction id (monotonous incremented number): ``xmin`` - first transaction that can see row,
``xmax`` - last transaction that can see row:::

  SELECT xmin, xmax, * FROM foo WHERE id < 5 ORDER BY id;

Using psql client

Using password file ``~/.pgpass``::

  # comment

Connect by::

  $ psql -U $USER -h $HOST  $SCHEMA

How to view execution plan::

  EXPLAIN query;

Collect statistics::

  ANALYZE table;

How to redirect the output of query to a file::

  \o output_file
  SELECT * FROM pg_class;

Switch database::

  \connect DBNAME

Load external SQL file::

  \i my.sql

Export data

Export from ``psql``::

  \copy (SELECT * FROM foo) TO '/tmp/my.csv' WITH CSV

Import data

Import CSV file::

  \copy tbl_name from 'my.csv' csv;
  \copy tbl_name from 'my.csv' delimiter ':' csv;

  $ psql -U $USER -h $HOST $DB -c "\\copy tbl_name from 'my.csv' csv"

JDBC driver
  The current version of the driver should be compatible with PostgreSQL 8.2 and higher, and Java 6
  (JDBC 4.0), Java 7 (JDBC 4.1), Java 8 (JDBC 4.2) and Java 9.
  Java/JDBC/Postgres compatibility table.