author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Sat, 25 Sep 2010 23:45:26 +0300
changeset 558 51079ac6e374
parent 1 743f7a15697a
permissions -rw-r--r--
Примеры для согласных перед r.

-*- mode: outline; coding: windows-1251 -*-

*    login/logout .


*  .

  " ."->" ."->" ."
  ->" : ..."->"."
     Windows 2000.

*      .

**    .

  1.  ->  ->      control userpasswords2   OK.
   Windows (     
   -    )     
"     ",  
   ( )   OK.

**  .

  1.  ->  ->   regedit   .
  2.    :


  3.    DefaultUserName (   ,
          ),        OK.
  4.    DefaultPassword,          OK.
  5.    AutoAdminLogon,      1    OK.

  .             ,

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

    *  AutoAdminLogon   1
    *  DefaultUserName       
    *  DefaultDomainName       
    *  DefaultPassword      

 -  ,   ,      (REG_SZ).

* How to Exit Windows 98/Me Automatically Using a Batch File.

You can use either of the following commands in a batch file to restart Windows 98/Me automatically:
   runonce.exe -q
   rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx n
where n is one, or a combination of, the following numbers:

   0 - LOGOFF
   2 - REBOOT
   4 - FORCE
  The above options can be combined into one value to achieve different results. For
example, to restart Windows forcefully, without querying any running programs, use the
following command line:

  rundll32.exe shell32.dll,SHExitWindowsEx 6