author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Sun, 23 Jan 2011 23:36:47 +0200
changeset 784 782bf40bb699
parent 584 f22a63473219
child 785 b3e487d65e5f
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
Simple bzr command.

-*- mode: outline -*-

* Import existing/init new project.

  $ mkdir proj
  $ cd proj
  $ touch README Makefile main.c
  $ bzr init
Created a standalone tree (format: 2a)
  $ bzr add .
adding Makefile
adding README
adding main.c
  $ bzr ci -m 'Init proj.'
Committing to: /cygdrive/e/home/devel/tmp/vcs-bzr/proj/
added Makefile
added README
added main.c
Committed revision 1.

* Cloning/branching repo.

'branch'/'get'/'clone' are aliases for 'branch' command:

  $ bzr clone proj/ proj-clone
Branched 1 revision(s).

* Updating repo.

* Incoming changes.

  $ bzr missing bzr://

* Working copy status.

'status'/'st'/'stat' are aliases for 'status' command:

  $ bzr rm README
deleted README
  $ bzr st

* Adding files to repo.

  $ touch hello.c
  $ bzr add hello.c
adding hello.c

* Deleting files from repo.

'remove'/'rm'/'del' are aliases for 'remove' command:

  $ bzr rm README
deleted README

* Undo local changes.

  $ bzr rm README
deleted README
  $ bzr revert README

* Undo last commit.

  $ bzr add hello.c
adding hello.c

  $ bzr ci -m bug
Committing to: /cygdrive/e/home/devel/tmp/vcs-bzr/proj-clone/
added hello.c
Committed revision 2.

  $ bzr uncommit
Are you sure? [y/n]: y
    2 Oleksandr Gavenko	2011-01-23

The above revision(s) will be removed.
You can restore the old tip by running:
  bzr pull . -r

  $ bzr st

* Info about bzr repo.

  $ bzr info
Standalone tree (format: 2a)
  branch root: .

Related branches:
  parent branch: /cygdrive/e/home/devel/tmp/vcs-bzr/proj