author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Tue, 22 Dec 2015 22:29:00 +0200
changeset 1840 da2130eaa115
parent 1838 031c61d1a8bd
child 1842 e66fcbaf99fa
permissions -rw-r--r--
How changelogs are identified.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
.. include:: HEADER.rst

.. contents::

Introducing LiquiBase to existing project.

Official statement about introducing LiquiBase to existing project are:
    Adding Liquibase on an Existing project

There are two approaches:

 * create full schema definition prior to introducing Liquibase
 * works only with current changes becase Liquibase basically work only with changesets and only
   special supplied instruments care about full schema definition

To create full schema definition in LiquiBase XML changelog format you may run::

  $ mvn liquibase:generateChangeLog -Dliquibase.outputChangeLogFile=...

on clean project without Liquibase. Or set name for changelog output file in ``pom.xml``.
(here reduced not fully worked declaration)::


.. NOTE::

   ``pom.xml`` settings have precedence over ``-Dliquibase.outputChangeLogFile=...`` unless you
   define it as::


To create full schema definition in LiquiBase SQL format you may first to dump
your schema definition::

  $ mysqldump --no-data -u $USER -p $DB_NAME > schema.sql

then check ``schema.sql`` for danger operations. For example I forget to add
``--skip-add-drop-table`` option to ``mysqldump`` and so remove any ``DROP
TABLE`` lines by editor.

Becase we already have tables I replace ``CREATE TABLE`` statements with::


Now my file is safely can be applied to production database without loosing
data and can recreate new schema in empty database.

Generate difference between databases.

`This site
suggest using Hibernate ```` to create clean schema
with Hibernate and compare it with previous one. So you:

 * create empty schema and grand permissions for user
 * register project to new user and schema, for example with Spring config::

    <bean id="dataSource"
       class="org.apache.commons.dbcp2.BasicDataSource" destroy-method="close">
       <property name="driverClassName" value="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"/>
       <property name="url" value="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/app"/>
       <property name="username" value="dbuser"/>
       <property name="password" value="123456"/>

    <bean id="entityManagerFactory" class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean">
       <property name="dataSource" ref="dataSource" />
       <property name="jpaVendorAdapter">
           <bean class="org.springframework.orm.jpa.vendor.HibernateJpaVendorAdapter">
               <property name="generateDdl" value="false"/>
               <property name="showSql" value="false"/>
       <property name="packagesToScan" value="" />
       <property name="jpaProperties">
              <prop key="hibernate.dialect">org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect</prop>
              <prop key="">create</prop>
              <prop key="hibernate.default_schema">schema_v2_0</prop>

 * run Hibernate initialisation code via test or application deploy so
   ```` trigger to new schema generation.

 * configure Maven ``pom.xml`` with paths and authentication data to old and new




   .. NOTE::

      ``username`` and ``referenceUsername`` as ``url`` and ``referenceUrl``,
      and ``defaultSchemaName`` and ``referenceDefaultSchemaName``, etc pairs
      should be adopted to your connection/authentication data. This settings
      also possible externalize to::


 * Review diff in ``changelogDiff.xml`` after::

     $ mvn liquibase:diff

Resulted ``changelogDiff.xml`` may be registered to project with ``schema_v1.1``
schema state.

It is possible to move inner part of ``changelogDiff.xml`` to the last changeset
that managed by LiquiBase in your project.

Alternatively that file may be registered via ``<include file="..."/>`` syntax.

After that staying in project at ``schema_v1.1`` state you may upgrade from
``schema_v1.1`` to ``schema_v2.0`` schema by::

  $ mvn liquibase:update

Or create, review and apply SQL upgrade script (for your DBA)::

  $ mvn liquibase:updateSQL


  $ mvn liquibase:update -Dliquibase.changesToApply=1

Generating difference between database and JPA.

LiquiBase come with plug-in which mimics like SQL driver. So we may run::

  $ mvn liquibase:diff

to get difference in LiquiBase XML format between our current database and JPA
schema description.


  $ mvn liquibase:updateSQL

we get SQL update code to state that described by Hibernate.

Depending on Hibernate metadata form we shoud adapt ``referenceUrl`` property.
For example for Spring enabled project with JPA annotations::


Here ```` represent package with JPA annotated entities.

So complete reference visit:

Also we need Spring Beans and LiquiBase driver in classpath to resolve
dependencies during diff calculation. Complete Maven piece look like::


          <!-- For mvn liquibase:updateSQL -->


How changelogs are identified.

Upstream deside use three field to identify changeset:

 * each changeset mandatory marked by pair of ``user:id`` (which is actually any
   non-whitespace characters)
 * full path to file with changeset

``user:id`` is actually any non-whitespace and non-colon text with
non-whitespace text. Upstream suggest to use changeset authro identity for
``user`` and numbers or reason/name for changeset for ``id``.

``user:id`` pair should be unique for file.

Reason to capture full path as part of identifier is very dumb. Upstream


is very Java centric and require sticking to fixed changeset file location in

When you work with same file on different hosts / tools you should very
carefully check that path satisfy conventions that used with previous LiquiBase
work for concrete DB.

I have incompatibilities between String integration and Maven plug-in. Because I
use full path in Maven and CLASSPATH relative in String.

Hopefully there is logicalFilePath attribute.

In XML syntax in may be applied to top level tag::

  <databaseChangeLog xmlns=""

or may be overridden by each changeset::

  <changeSet author="admin" id="fix-25" logicalFilePath="fix.xml">

SQL syntax also have ``logicalFilePath`` attribute for top level file mark
(implemented in v3.3):

    --liquibase formatted sql  logicalFilePath:legacy.sql

and may be overridden by each changeset::

    --changeset legacy:1  logicalFilePath:other.sql

To verify that settings have effect run::

  mvn liquibase:changelogSyncSQL

and review migration.sql. Corresponding ``pom.xml`` part::





for further info .