author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Mon, 20 Mar 2017 15:50:32 +0200
changeset 2118 df69c36275d6
parent 1912 8b81a8f0f692
child 2228 837f1337c59b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Build with additional options and checks.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-

 Package distribution
.. contents::


Beerware is term for software released under a very relaxed license. It
provides the end user with the right to use a particular program.

Should the user of the product meet the author and consider the software
useful, he is encouraged to buy the author a beer 'in return' (or, in some
variations, drink a beer in the author's honor)::

  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   * "THE BEER-WARE LICENSE" (Revision 42):
   * <phk@FreeBSD.ORG> wrote this file. As long as you retain this notice you
   * can do whatever you want with this stuff. If we meet some day, and you think
   * this stuff is worth it, you can buy me a beer in return Poul-Henning Kamp
   * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------


Demoware (also known as trialware) is commercial software released for free
(shareware) in a version which is limited in one or more ways.


Crippleware is any product whose functions have been limited (or "crippled")
with the sole purpose of encouraging or requiring the user to pay for those
functions (either by paying a one-time fee or an on-going subscription fee).
Crippleware is also a term used to describe software that makes use of Digital
Rights Management.


Nagware (also known as begware, annoyware or a nagscreen) is a type of
shareware that reminds (or nags) the user to register it by paying a fee. It
usually does this by popping up a message when the user starts the program, or
intermittently while the user is using the application. These messages can
appear as windows obscuring part of the screen or message boxes that can
quickly be closed. Some nagware keeps the message up for a certain time
period, forcing the user to wait to continue to use the program.


Registerware refers to computer software which requires the user to give
personal information, e.g an email address, through registration in order to
download or use the program.


Scareware comprises several classes of scam software, often with limited or no
benefit, sold to consumers via certain unethical marketing practices.

* Donationware.

Donationware is a licensing model that supplies fully operational software to
the user and pleads for an optional donation be paid to the programmer or a
third-party beneficiary (usually a non-profit). The amount of the donation may
also be stipulated by the author, or it may be left to the discretion of the
user, based on individual perceptions of the software's value. Since
donationware comes fully operational (i.e. not crippleware) and payment is
optional, it is a type of freeware.


Freeware is computer software that is available for use at no cost or for an
optional fee.


Shareware is proprietary software that is provided to users without payment on
a trial basis and is often limited by any combination of functionality,
availability or convenience. Shareware is often offered as a download from an
Internet website or as a compact disc included with a magazine.

The rationale behind shareware is to give buyers the opportunity to use the
program and judge its usefulness before purchasing a license for the full
version of the software.

The words "free trial" or "trial version" are indicative of shareware.


Foistware, Bloatware, or Bundler is software bundled with completely unrelated
programs. That means that there is no particular property in the software that
makes it foistware, but rather the context in which it was installed.


Software bloat is a term used to describe the tendency of newer computer
programs to have a larger installation footprint, or have many unnecessary
features that are not used by end users, or just generally use more system
resources than necessary, while offering little or no benefit to its users.
Bloatware, or foistware, is also used to describe software that comes
pre-installed on a computer when it's bought, mostly consisting of
time-limited trials or feature-lacking basic or "beginner" versions.


Shovelware is sometimes used to denote foistware which was chosen to fill up
the remaining space on a freely distributed CD-ROM.


Abandonware is a term used to describe computer software that is no longer
sold or supported, or whose copyright ownership may be unclear for various
reasons. While the term has been applied largely to older games, utility
software, etc.