author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Sat, 24 Sep 2011 15:12:11 +0300
changeset 1005 e74f4bb01379
parent 439 712355562584
child 1006 82775f3c84ba
permissions -rw-r--r--
Create CVS Repository.

-*- coding: utf-8 -*-


CVS via proxy server.

  $ cvs -d:pserver;proxy=$proxyhost;proxyport=$proxyport:$cvsuser@$cvsdomain:/$repo

Create CVS Repository.

  $ export CVSROOT=/srv/cvsroot
  $ cvs init

  $ groupadd cvs
  $ useradd -m -g cvs -s /bin/sh -c "CVS Repository"  cvs

  $ chown -R cvs $CVSROOT
  $ chgrp -R cvs $CVSROOT
  $ chmod -R g+s $CVSROOT

  $ grep cvs /etc/services && echo OK
  cvspserver      2401/tcp              # CVS client/server operations
  cvspserver      2401/udp              # CVS client/server operations
  $ echo '# CVS server
  cvspserver  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/bin/cvs cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/src/cvsroot pserver' \
  $ killall -HUP inetd                  # signal inetd daemon to re-read the config file

  readers                   # list of pseudo usernames that can read via cvspserver
  writers                   # list of pseudo usernames can write via cvspserver
  passwd                    # encrypted passwd string with (htpasswd from apache)