author Oleksandr Gavenko <gavenkoa@gmail.com>
Mon, 23 Mar 2015 10:53:06 +0200
changeset 1700 f987c277f760
parent 1640 07075b81fdfc
permissions -rw-r--r--
Using psql client.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
.. include:: HEADER.rst

 List hardware.
.. contents::

List hardware under Linux.

                Messages about detecting new hardware.
  ``lshal -m``
                monitor for hardware changes
                all PCI devices
  ``hwinfo --short``
                Overview of all hardware, as well as more detailed info.
                Another program for listing hardware.
  ``lshw -html | w3m -T text/html``
                Lists hardware with HTML output in the w3m web browser.
                Current time elapsed since last reboot, users, and load average.
                USB buses and attached devices.

List hardware under Windows.

    DirectX Diagnostic Tool
  ``%WINDIR%\system32\devmgmt.msc /s``
    Device Manager

Graphics card.

                Details about OpenGL, the Xserver, and your graphics card.
  ``glxinfo | grep direct``
                Do you have direct 3d rendering?
  ``glxinfo | grep vendor``
                Graphics card vendor.
  ``lspci | grep VGA``
                Specific graphics card model.
                A simple 3d benchmark, prints frame rate to the terminal.
                Supported display resolutions.


  ``lspci | grep Audio``
                Audio controller.
  ``aplay --list-devices``
                More audio device information.

Software versions.

  ``cat /etc/issue``
                Current distribution and version.
  ``apt-cache showpkg packagename``
                Packagename’s version and dependencies.
  ``uname -r``
                Linux kernel version.
  ``uname -a``
                All kernel details.


  ``lspci | grep Ethernet``
                Ethernet controllers.
  ``ip addr show``
                List of netword devices, assigned IP addresses and MAC addresses.
                Networking interfaces, IP addresses, and more.


  ``cat /proc/cpuinfo``
                All processors, clock speeds, flags, and more.
  ``cat /proc/loadavg``
                Processor load average for the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes.
                Press C key to sort processes by CPU usage.


  ``cat /proc/meminfo``
                Amount of RAM and swap, and how much is being used for what.
  ``free -m``
                Total, used, and free memory shown in MB.
                Press M key to sort processes by memory usage.
                DMI table decoder. Check ``--type`` option.

Hard disks.

  ``df -H``
                Partitions, as well as their mount-points and usage in GB.
  ``sudo fdisk -l``
                All partitions, their device names, and positions on disk.
  ``hwinfo --disk`` or  ``lshw -class disk``
                Disk hardware info.
                Show S.M.A.R.T. reports about disk heals.