author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Mon, 22 Feb 2016 12:46:36 +0200
changeset 1905 fba288d59662
parent 1797 912e278e4896
child 1912 8b81a8f0f692
permissions -rw-r--r--
Include only local subsections into TOC. This prevent duplication of TOC when build single page HTML document. Also this make unnecessary CSS hack to hide document title as top level section.

.. -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
.. include:: HEADER.rst

.. contents::

What preffered client?

GNU gpg.

How import keys from key-server?

  $  gpg --keyserver --recv-keys $KEYID

How mark key as trusted?

  $ gpg --edit-key $KEYID trust

How export key?

Export public key in binary (OpenGPG) form::

  $ gpg --export $KEYID >$PUBKEY.asc
  $ gpg --output $PUBKEY.asc --export $KEYID

Export public key in text form::

  $ gpg -a --export $KEYID >$PUBKEY.asc
  $ gpg --armor --export $KEYID >$PUBKEY.asc

Export private key (it still encrypted by pass-phrase)::

  $ gpg --output $PRIVKEY.gpg --export-secret-key $KEYID

How create own PGP key?

  $ gpg --gen-key   # answer the question
  $ gpg -o $keyfile --export-secret-keys $NAME

How import keys from file?

  $ gpg --import $keyfile

How to get public key from private without importing to local storage?

  tmp=$(mktemp -d)
  gpg --homedir $tmp --import $SECKEY
  gpg --homedir $tmp --export $ID > $PUBKEY
  rm -rf $tmp


How submit public key to key server?

  $ gpg --keyserver --send-key $KEYID

What keys in local db?

  $ gpg --list-keys
  $ gpg --list-keys $KEYID
  $ gpg --list-keys $EMAIL

  $ gpg --list-secret-keys

Making revocation certificate.

  $ gpg --armor --output $KEYID.rev --gen-revoke $KEYID

How delete key?

  $ gpg --delete-key $KEYID
  $ gpg --delete-key $USER
  $ gpg --delete-key $EMAIL

  $ gpg --delete-secret-key $KEYID

Dump content of key or signture.

  $ gpg --list-packets $FILE.sig
  $ gpg --list-packets $FILE.key

  $ sudo apt-get install pgpdump
  $ pgpdump $FILE.sig
  $ pgpdump $FILE.key

How sign file?

To sign with first key::

  $ gpg -o $file.sig --sign $file
  $ gpg --default-key $NAME -o $file.sig --sign $file
  $ gpg -u ${USER_NAME} -o $file.sig --sign $file

How verify signature?

  $ gpg --verify $file.sig