author Oleksandr Gavenko <>
Sun, 01 Aug 2010 23:40:39 +0300
changeset 479 ff808bf704f8
parent 476 feaa4d64ad4e
child 480 8378f011918d
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
ATL and MFC Version Numbers.

-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-

* About Cygwin.

* Installation.

Run setup.exe. Use output dir like:


Add to your PATH env var exactly before C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS values:

  set PATH=d:\opt\cygwin\bin;d:\opt\cygwin\usr\local\bin;%PATH%

  REM Set CYGWIN variable to 'nontsec'. That makes sure that permissions
  REM on your windows machine are not updated as a side effect of cygwin
  REM operations.
  set CYGWIN=binary nontsec nodosfilewarning codepage:cp1251 noglob

  set LANG=ru_RU.cp1251

Set HOME env var (where places config file and projects):

  set HOME=d:\home

Set TMP and TEMP env vars with good path (without spaces, etc.; these vars
already set as used defined, so you need change their values):

  set TMP=c:\tmp
  set TEMP=c:\tmp

Also you need edit /etc/passwd to point to correct home path.

** Cygwin ports.

This project provides Cygwin binary and source packages for a large variety of programs and
libraries, including the GNOME  and KDE desktop environments
                home page
                official blog??

* Users and groups.

** Recreate /etc/passwd and /etc/groups.

  $ mkpasswd -d | grep $yourlogin > /etc/passwd  # if you in Windows domain
  $ mkpasswd -l > /etc/passwd                    # if you in Windows domain

  $ mkgroup -l > /etc/group

* Running X Window.

  $ XWin -multiwindow&

To start X application you must set 'DISPLAY':

  $ DISPLAY=:0 xterm&