Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/d/srv/hg-home/admin-doc
authorOleksandr Gavenko <>
Wed, 02 Jun 2010 10:45:03 +0300
changeset 411 3f0531193caf
parent 406 8bfad2e06bb6 (diff)
parent 410 46d2180b4dc5 (current diff)
child 412 9617dc568eaf
Automated merge with file:///cygdrive/d/srv/hg-home/admin-doc
--- a/audio.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:44:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/audio.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -23,3 +23,17 @@
   $ sox in.mp3 out.ogg
   $ sox in.ogg out.wav
   ... etc
+* How convert flac to mp3?
+  $ flac -c -d $file.flac | lame -m j -q 0 -V 0 -s 44.1 - $file.mp3
+* How convert wma to mp3?
+  $ mplayer -vo null -vc dummy -af resample=44100 -ao pcm:waveheader $file.wma
+  $ lame -m s audiodump.wav -o "$file.mp3
+  $ rm audiodump.wav
+* How convert m4a to mp3?
+  $ faad -o - $file.m4a | lame -V 0 - $file.mp3
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/color.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
+* Color naming schemas.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/display.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
+* Resolution.
+  19"    4:3    SXGA    1280х1024
+  20"    4:3    UXGA    1600x1200
+  21"    4:3    UXGA    1600x1200
+  22"   16:10   WUXGA   1920x1200
+  24"   16:10   WUXGA   1920x1200
+  26"   16:10   WUXGA   1920x1200
+  30"   16:10   WQXGA   2560x1600
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/signal.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
+* Send signal to process.
+  $ kill -s NAME PID
+Under C you can use kill(2) system call which will send the specified signal
+to the process, if permissions allow, or raise(3) library function, which
+sends the specified signal to the current process.
+* List of signals.
+  $ kill --list
+  $ kill -l      # short variant
+** SIGHUP 1.
+Hangup. Type: notification, can be handled.
+Sent when assigned to process terminal closed.
+nohup(1) utility used as a wrapper to start a program and make it immune to
+The default action on POSIX-compliant systems is an abnormal termination.
+Demon used this signal as commant to reread config file.
+** SIGINT 2
+Interrupt. Ctrl-C. Type: control, can be handled.
+Signal sent to a process by its controlling terminal when a user wishes to
+interrupt the process.
+By default, this causes the process to terminate.
+** SIGQUIT 3.
+Quit. Ctrl-\. Type: control.
+Signal sent to a process by its controlling terminal when the user requests
+that the process dump core.
+By default, this causes the process to terminate and produce a memory core dump.
+** SIGILL 4.
+Illegal instruction. Type: exception, can not be handled.
+Signal sent to a process when it attempts to execute a malformed, unknown, or
+privileged instruction.
+** SIGTRAP 5.
+Trace trap. Type: debug, can be handled.
+Signal sent to a process when a condition arises that a debugger has requested
+to be informed of.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGABRT 6.
+Type: control, can be handled.
+Signal sent to a computer program to tell it to abort, ie terminate.
+SIGABRT is sent by the process to itself when it calls the abort libc
+function. It is used when an assertion fails.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGEMT 7.
+Emt instruction.
+** SIGFPE 8.
+Floating point exception. Type: exception, can be handled.
+Signal sent to a process when it performs an erroneous arithmetic operation
+(like division by zero).
+By default cause a core dump and a program exit.
+** SIGKILL 9.
+Kill. Type: control, can not be handled.
+Signal sent to a process to cause it to terminate immediately.
+Zombie processes cannot be killed since they are already dead and waiting for
+their parent processes to reap them.
+Processes that are in the blocked state will not die until they wake up again.
+** SIGBUS 10.
+Bus error. Type: exception, can not be handled.
+Signal sent to a process when it causes a bus error.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGSEGV 11.
+Segmentation violation. Type: exception.
+Signal sent to a process when it makes an invalid memory reference, or
+segmentation fault.
+By default cause a core dump and a program exit.
+** SIGSYS 12.
+Bad argument to system call. Type: exception.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGPIPE 13.
+Write on a pipe with no one to read it. Type: notification.
+Signal sent to a process when it attempts to write to a pipe without a process
+connected to the other end.
+This causes the process to terminate, which is convenient when constructing
+shell pipelines.
+** SIGALRM 14.
+Alarm clock. Type: notification.
+Signal sent to a process when a time limit has elapsed.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGTERM 15.
+Software termination signal. Type: control.
+Signal sent to a process to request its termination.
+It causes the termination of a process, but unlike the SIGKILL signal, it can
+be caught and interpreted (or ignored) by the process.
+SIGTERM is akin to asking a process to terminate nicely, allowing cleanup and
+closure of files. For this reason, on many Unix systems during shutdown, init
+issues SIGTERM to all processes that are not essential to powering off, waits
+a few seconds, and then issues SIGKILL to forcibly terminate any such
+processes that remain.
+By default kill(1) send to process SIGTERM signal.
+** SIGURG 16.
+Urgent condition on IO channel. Type: notification.
+By default this signal ignored.
+** SIGSTOP 17.
+Signal sent to a process to stop it for later resumption. Type: control.
+SIGSTOP cannot be caught or ignored.
+Usually SIGSTOP and SIGCONT are used for job control in the Unix shell.
+** SIGTSTP 18.
+Stop signal from tty. Ctrl-Z. Type: control.
+By default, this causes the process to suspend execution.
+** SIGCONT 19.
+Continue a stopped process. Type: control.
+Signal sent to restart a process previously paused by the SIGSTOP or SIGTSTP
+** SIGCHLD 20.
+To parent on child stop or exit. Type: notification.
+By default the signal is simply ignored. In C:
+  signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN);
+Parent can invoke wait(1) otherwise children stay zombie.
+** SIGTTIN 21.
+Signal sent to a process when it attempts to read from the tty while in the
+Daemons do not have controlling terminals and should never receive this
+By default this causes suspends of the process.
+** SIGTTOU 22.
+Signal sent to a process when it attempts to write to the tty while in the
+Daemons do not have controlling terminals and should never receive this
+By default this causes suspends of the process.
+** SIGPOLL 23.
+System V name for SIGIO. Type: notification.
+Signal sent to a process when an asynchronous I/O event occurs.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGXCPU 24.
+Exceeded CPU time limit. Type: notification.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGXFSZ 25.
+Exceeded file size limit as determined by the ulimit system call and shell
+builtin. Type: notification.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+Virtual time alarm. Type: notification.
+Signal sent to a process when a time limit has elapsed.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGPROF 27.
+Profiling time alarm. Type: debug.
+Signal sent to a process when the profiling timer expires.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGWINCH 28.
+Window changed. Type: notification.
+Signal sent to a process when its controlling terminal changes size.
+By default this signal ignored.
+** SIGLOST 29.
+Signal sent to process when a file lock is lost. This may occur, for example,
+when an NFS server reboots and forgets about a file lock.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGUSR1 30.
+User defined signal 1. Type: user defined.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
+** SIGUSR2 31.
+User defined signal 2. Type: user defined.
+By default this causes abnormal termination of the process.
--- a/svn.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:44:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/svn.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -24,3 +24,68 @@
 Write in '$HOME/.subversion/config'
   interactive-conflicts = no
+* Creating svn repo.
+  $ mkdir -p /srv/svn
+  $ svnadmin create /srv/svn/$repo
+  $ svn co file:///srv/svn/$repo $repo
+  $ cd /tmp/$repo
+  $ mkdir trunk branches features tags
+  $ svn add *
+  $ svn st      # check all OK
+  $ svn ci -m "Init repo."
+For multi-project repo do follow:
+  $ mkdir -p /srv/svn
+  $ svnadmin create /srv/svn/$repo
+  $ svn co file:///srv/svn/$repo $repo
+  $ cd /tmp/$repo
+  $ for proj in $proj1 $proj2; do mkdir $proj/trunk $proj/branches $proj/features $proj/tags; done
+  $ svn add *
+  $ svn st      # check all OK
+  $ svn ci -m "Init repo."
+* Run local svn server.
+  $ svnserve.exe -d --root=/srv/svn/proj  # default port: 3690
+  $ svn ls svn://localhost    # check all OK
+  $ kill -l
+* Undo bad commit.
+  $ emacs FILE
+  $ svn ci -m "Introduce first bug."
+Sending        trunk/FILE
+Transmitting file data .
+Committed revision 7.
+  $ emacs FILE
+  $ svn ci -m "Make a lot of good changes."
+Committed revision 8.
+  $ emacs FILE
+  $ svn ci -m "Introduce second bug."
+Committed revision 10.
+  $ emacs FILE
+  $ svn ci -m "Make a lot of good changes."
+Now you understand that revision 7 and 10 buggy. You decide revert changes:
+  $ svn merge -r 7:6 -r 10:9 FILE
+  $ svn ci -m "Reverted revision 7 and 10."
+For one changeset revert you can use shortly syntax:
+  $ svn merge -c -7 -c -10 FILE
+Also you can use long diapason:
+  $ svn merge -r 10:6 FILE
--- a/video-file.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:44:59 2010 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
--*- outline -*-
-* Players for linux?
-  $ sudo apt-get install vlc
-  $ sudo apt-get install mplayer
-* How convert .3gp to .avi(mpeg)?
-First install convertor:
-  $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
-Then do:
-  $ ffmpeg -i test.3gp -f mpegvideo -ar 44100 -ac 1 -acodec mp3 test.mpg
-  $  for i in `ls -1 *.3gp | cut -d. -f1`; do ffmpeg -y -i $i.3gp -sameq -f mpegvideo -s cif -r 25 -ar 32000 -ac 1 mpegs/$i.mpg; done
-  $ ffmpeg -i video-in.3gp -b 250 -s 160×120 -r 15 -f avi -an video-out.avi
-  $ mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -o video-out.avi -vf pp,2xsai,scale video-in.3gp
-  $ mencoder -o video-in.avi -vf pp,2xsai,scale -ovc lavc video-out.3gp
-  $ mencoder -o video-in.avi -vf rotate=2 -oac pcm -ovc divx4 video-out.3gp
-You need to compile FFmpeg with AMR support (--enable-amr_nb
-AMR WB FLOAT NOTICE ! Make sure you have downloaded TS26.204
-V5.1.0 from
-and extracted the source to libavcodec/amrwb_float
-AMR NB FLOAT NOTICE ! Make sure you have downloaded TS26.104
-REL-5 V5.1.0 from
-and extracted the source to libavcodec/amr_float
-and if u try this on an alpha, u may need to change Word32 to int in
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/video.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+-*- outline -*-
+* Players for linux?
+  $ sudo apt-get install vlc
+  $ sudo apt-get install mplayer
+* How convert .3gp to .avi(mpeg)?
+First install convertor:
+  $ sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
+Then do:
+  $ ffmpeg -i test.3gp -f mpegvideo -ar 44100 -ac 1 -acodec mp3 test.mpg
+  $  for i in `ls -1 *.3gp | cut -d. -f1`; do ffmpeg -y -i $i.3gp -sameq -f mpegvideo -s cif -r 25 -ar 32000 -ac 1 mpegs/$i.mpg; done
+  $ ffmpeg -i video-in.3gp -b 250 -s 160×120 -r 15 -f avi -an video-out.avi
+  $ mencoder -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -o video-out.avi -vf pp,2xsai,scale video-in.3gp
+  $ mencoder -o video-in.avi -vf pp,2xsai,scale -ovc lavc video-out.3gp
+  $ mencoder -o video-in.avi -vf rotate=2 -oac pcm -ovc divx4 video-out.3gp
+You need to compile FFmpeg with AMR support (--enable-amr_nb
+AMR WB FLOAT NOTICE ! Make sure you have downloaded TS26.204
+V5.1.0 from
+and extracted the source to libavcodec/amrwb_float
+AMR NB FLOAT NOTICE ! Make sure you have downloaded TS26.104
+REL-5 V5.1.0 from
+and extracted the source to libavcodec/amr_float
+and if u try this on an alpha, u may need to change Word32 to int in
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wget.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
+* Get server response header.
+  $ wget --server-response
+  $ wget -S    # short variant
+* View cookies from site.
+  $ wget --save-cookies FILE -O -  >/dev/null
+* Send cookies to site.
+  $ wget --load-cookies FILE
+* Send specific header line.
+  $ wget --header='Accept-Charset: iso-8859-2' --header='Accept-Language: hr'
+* Send POST request.
+Log in to the server. This can be done only once.
+  $ wget --save-cookies cookies.txt --post-data 'user=foo&password=bar'
+Now grab the page or pages we care about.
+  $ wget --load-cookies cookies.txt -p
--- a/x.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:44:59 2010 +0300
+++ b/x.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -20,25 +20,23 @@
 The syntax of an Xdefaults file is as follows:
-  name.Class.resource: value
+  [client. | *][{restriction.} | *]resource: value
-  name
+  client
                 The name of the application, some program allow change it by
-                '-name' option.
-  class
-                The classification used to group resources together. The names
-                of classes conventionally start with an upper-case letter.
+                '-name' option. This element is optional (can be substituated
+                with wildcard).
+  restriction
+                Class names or name of specific class instance. The classes
+                names conventionally start with an upper-case letter.
                 The name of the resource whose value is to be changed.
                 Resources are typically lowercase with uppercase
-                The actual value of the resource. This can be 1 of 3 types:
-                 * Integer (whole numbers).
-                 * Boolean (true/false, yes/no, on/off).
-                 * String, for example word (white), color (#ffffff), font
-                   (-*-fixed-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1 ) or path
-                   (/usr/bin/firefox).
+                The actual value of the resource.
                 A period (.) is used to signify each step down into the
                 hierarchy. A colon (:) is used to separate the resource
@@ -56,6 +54,57 @@
  $ xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults
+** Example.
+  *foreground: yellow
+  XClock*foreground: pink
+  Xman*topBox*foreground: blue
+** Value types.
+*** String.
+This can be path specification like '/usr/bin/firefox'.
+*** Colors.
+For color names see '/usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt'. Also you can use hex
+representation #ffffff.
+*** Font.
+You can use either a full name, a wildcarded specification, or a font alias.
+  XTerm*Font: -adobe-courier-bold-r-normal--14-140-75-75-m-90-iso8859-1
+  XTerm*Font: *courier-bold-r*140*
+  XTerm*Font: 7x14
+*** Geometry.
+  XCalc*geometry: 120x120-0-0
+  XClock*geometry: -50+100
+*** Cursor names.
+Cursor resources require the name of the file in /usr/include/X11/bitmaps that
+contains the cursor you want to use.
+  ScoTerm*pointerShape: gumby
+*** Pixmaps.
+Pixmaps are patterns, like bitmaps, that are used to texture or color an area
+on your display. Pixmap resources are specified like cursors or bitmaps.
+*** Numebers.
+  XLogo*borderWidth: 10
+*** Boolean.
+Some resources require a boolean value, such as 'true' or 'false', 'yes' or
+'no', or 'on' or 'off'.
 **  Wildcard matching.
 The asterisk can be used as a wildcard, making it easy to write a single rule
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/xml.rst	Wed Jun 02 10:45:03 2010 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+-*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
+* relaxng.
+** relaxng-mode.
+                RNC Emacs Mode (home page)
+                relaxng compact syntax tutorial