Added official KET/PET wordlists of 2012.
--- a/Makefile Sat Jul 07 23:04:49 2018 +0300
+++ b/Makefile Sun Jul 08 16:17:39 2018 +0300
@@ -480,6 +480,8 @@
$(eval $(call FREQ_MACRO,FREQLIST,var,VOA,dist/wordlist/voa.list))
$(eval $(call FREQ_MACRO,FREQLIST,var,BSL,wordlist/bsl.var))
$(eval $(call FREQ_MACRO,FREQLIST,var,TSL,wordlist/tsl.var))
+$(eval $(call FREQ_MACRO,FREQLIST,var,KET,wordlist/ket.var))
+$(eval $(call FREQ_MACRO,FREQLIST,var,PET,wordlist/pet.var))
# BNC_COCA_BASEWORD := $(wildcard wordlist/bnc+coca/basewrd[0-1]?.txt)
@@ -508,6 +510,14 @@
FREQ_FILTER += $(patsubst %,-b:%,$(NAWL_BASEWORD))
+KET_BASEWORD := wordlist/ket.var
+FREQ_FILTER += $(patsubst %,-b:%,$(KET_BASEWORD))
+PET_BASEWORD := wordlist/pet.var
+FREQ_FILTER += $(patsubst %,-b:%,$(PET_BASEWORD))
VOA_BASEWORD := dist/wordlist/voa.list
FREQ_FILTER += $(patsubst %,-b:%,$(VOA_BASEWORD))
@@ -537,6 +547,10 @@
python3 -B py/ -b:dist/wordlist/gadict.list +b:wordlist/bsl.var
@echo ===== TSL =====
python3 -B py/ -b:dist/wordlist/gadict.list +b:wordlist/tsl.var
+ @echo ===== KET =====
+ python3 -B py/ -b:dist/wordlist/gadict.list +b:wordlist/ket.var
+ @echo ===== PET =====
+ python3 -B py/ -b:dist/wordlist/gadict.list +b:wordlist/pet.var
.PHONY: missing-speakout
missing-speakout: dist/wordlist/gadict.list $(FREQ_DEP) $(BUILD_SCRIPTS)
@@ -567,6 +581,8 @@
stat NAWL +f wordlist/nawl.freq; \
stat BSL +b wordlist/bsl.var; \
stat TSL +b wordlist/tsl.var; \
+stat KET +b wordlist/ket.var; \
+stat PET +b wordlist/pet.var; \
echo " ==== ===== ===== ===="; \
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wordlist/ket.txt Sun Jul 08 16:17:39 2018 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1524 @@
+a/an (det)
+able (adj)
+about (adv & prep)
+above (adv & prep)
+accident (n)
+across (adv & prep)
+act (n & v)
+activity (n)
+actor (n)
+actually (adv)
+ad (n)
+add (v)
+address (n)
+adult (adj & n)
+advanced (adj)
+adventure (n)
+advertisement (n)
+advice (n)
+aeroplane (n)
+afraid (adj)
+after (adv & prep)
+afternoon (n)
+afterwards (adv)
+again (adv)
+against (prep)
+age (n)
+aged (adj)
+ago (adv)
+agree (v)
+air (n)
+airport (n)
+alarm clock (n)
+album (n)
+all (adv, det & pron)
+all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam)
+almost (adv)
+alone (adj & adv)
+along (prep)
+already (adv)
+alright (adj, adv & exclam)
+also (adv)
+always (adv)
+a.m. (adv)
+amazing (adj)
+ambulance (n)
+among (prep)
+an (det)
+and (conj)
+angry (adj)
+animal (n)
+another (det & pron)
+answer (n & v)
+any (det & pron)
+anybody (pron)
+anymore (adv)
+anyone (pron)
+anything (pron)
+anyway (adv)
+anywhere (adv)
+apartment (n)
+apartment building (n)
+apple (n)
+appointment (n)
+area (n)
+arm (n)
+armchair (n)
+around (adv & prep)
+arrive (v)
+art (n)
+article (n)
+artist (n)
+as (conj & prep)
+ask (v)
+assistant (n)
+as well (adv)
+as well (as) (prep)
+at (prep)
+at / @ (prep)
+attractive (adj)
+aunt (n)
+autumn (n)
+available (adj)
+away (adv)
+awful (adj)
+baby (n)
+back (n, adv & adj)
+backpack (n)
+bad (adj)
+badly (adv)
+badminton (n)
+bag (n)
+bake (v)
+ball (n)
+balloon (n)
+banana (n)
+band (n)
+bandage (n)
+bank (n)
+barbecue (n)
+baseball (n)
+basketball (n)
+bat (n)
+bath (n)
+bathing suit (n)
+bathroom (n)
+bathtub (n)
+battery (n)
+be (av & v)
+beach (n)
+bean (n)
+bear (n)
+beard (n)
+beautiful (adj)
+because (conj)
+become (v)
+bed (n)
+bedroom (n)
+bee (n)
+before (adv, conj & prep)
+begin (v)
+beginner (n)
+beginning (n)
+behind (adv & prep)
+believe (v)
+belong (v)
+below (adv & prep)
+belt (n)
+beside (prep)
+best (adj & adv)
+better (adj & adv)
+between (prep)
+bicycle (n)
+big (adj)
+bike (n)
+bill (n)
+biology (n)
+bird (n)
+birth (n)
+birthday (n)
+biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: cookie)
+bit (n)
+black (adj & n)
+blackboard (n)
+blanket (n)
+block (n)
+blond(e) (adj)
+blood (n)
+blouse (n)
+blue (adj & n)
+board (n)
+board game (n)
+boat (n)
+body (n)
+boil (v)
+boiled (adj)
+book (n & v)
+bookcase (n)
+bookshelf (n)
+bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore)
+bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop)
+boot (n)
+bored (adj)
+boring (adj)
+born (v)
+borrow (v)
+boss (n)
+both (pron & det)
+bother (v)
+bottle (n)
+bottom (n)
+bowl (n)
+box (n)
+boy (n)
+boyfriend (n)
+brain (n)
+brave (adj)
+bread (n)
+break (n & v)
+breakfast (n)
+bridge (n)
+bright (adj)
+brilliant (adj)
+bring (v)
+broken (adj)
+brother (n)
+brown (adj & n)
+brush (n & v)
+build (v)
+building (n)
+burger (n)
+bus (n)
+business (n)
+businessman (n)
+businesswoman (n)
+bus station (n)
+bus stop (n)
+busy (adj)
+but (conj)
+butter (n)
+buy (v)
+by (prep)
+bye (exclam)
+cabinet (n)
+cafe/café (n)
+cafeteria (n)
+cake (n)
+calendar (n)
+call (n & v)
+camel (n)
+camera (n)
+camp (v)
+camping (n)
+campsite (n)
+cap (n)
+capital (n)
+can (n & mv)
+candy (n)
+cannot (mv)
+car (n)
+card (n)
+career (n)
+careful (adj)
+carefully (adv)
+car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot)
+carpet (n)
+carrot (n)
+carry (v)
+cartoon (n)
+case (n) cash (n & v)
+castle (n)
+cat (n)
+catch (v)
+cathedral (n)
+CD (n)
+CD player (n)
+ceiling (n)
+cell phone (n)
+cent (n)
+centre/center (n)
+centimetre/centimeter (cm) (n)
+century (n)
+cereal (n)
+certainly (not) (adv)
+chain (n)
+chair (n)
+change (v & n)
+channel (n)
+chat (n)
+chatroom (n)
+cheap (adj)
+check (v)
+cheese (n)
+chef (n)
+chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: drugstore)
+chemistry (n)
+cheque (n)
+chess (n)
+chicken (n)
+child (n)
+chilli (n)
+chips (n pl)
+chocolate (n)
+choose (v)
+cinema (n)
+circle (n)
+circus (n)
+city (n)
+class (n)
+classmate (n)
+classroom (n)
+clean (adj & v)
+cleaner (n)
+clear (adj)
+clearly (adv)
+clever (adj)
+click (n & v)
+climb (v)
+climbing (n)
+clock (n)
+close (adj & v)
+close to (prep phr)
+closed (adj)
+clothes (n pl)
+cloud (n)
+cloudy (adj)
+clown (n)
+club (n)
+coach (n)
+coat (n)
+coffee (n)
+cola (n)
+cold (adj & n)
+colleague (n)
+collect (v)
+college (n)
+colour (n & v)
+comb (n)
+come (v)
+comfortable (adj)
+comic (n)
+company (n)
+competition (n)
+complete (v)
+computer (n)
+concert (n)
+congratulations! (exclam)
+contact (n & v)
+conversation (n)
+cook (n & v)
+cooker (n)
+cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit)
+cooking (n)
+cool (adj & exclam)
+copy (v)
+corner (n)
+correct (adj)
+cost (n & v)
+costume (n)
+could (mv)
+country (n)
+countryside (n)
+course (n)
+cousin (n)
+cover (v)
+cow (n)
+crazy (adj)
+cream (adj & n)
+credit card (n)
+cricket (n)
+cross (n & v)
+crossing (n)
+crowd (n)
+crowded (adj)
+cry (v)
+cup (n)
+cupboard (n)
+curry (n)
+curtain (n)
+customer (n)
+cut (v)
+cycle (v)
+cycling (n)
+dad (n)
+daily (adj & adv)
+dance (n & v)
+dancer (n)
+dancing (n)
+danger (n)
+dangerous (adj)
+dark (adj)
+date (n)
+daughter (n)
+day (n)
+dead (adj)
+dear (adj)
+decide (v)
+deep (adj)
+degree (n)
+delay (n & v)
+hours (n)
+dentist (n)
+department (n)
+department store (n)
+describe (v)
+desert (n)
+desk (n)
+dessert (n)
+detail (n)
+diary (n)
+dictionary (n)
+die (v)
+difference (n)
+different (adj)
+difficult (adj)
+digital (adj)
+digital camera (n)
+dining room (n)
+dinner (n)
+dinosaur (n)
+diploma (n)
+dirty (adj)
+disco (n)
+discount (n)
+discuss (v)
+dish (n)
+do (av & v)
+doctor (n)
+document (n)
+dog (n)
+doll (n)
+dollar (n)
+dolphin (n)
+door (n)
+dot (n)
+double (adj)
+down (adv & prep)
+download (n & v)
+downstairs (adv)
+Dr (n)
+draw (v)
+drawer (n)
+drawing (n)
+dream (n & v)
+dress (n & v)
+dressed (adj)
+drink (n & v)
+drive (v)
+driver (n)
+driving licence (n)
+drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist)
+drum (n)
+dry (adj & v)
+duck (n)
+during (prep)
+DVD (n)
+DVD player (n)
+each (det & pron)
+ear (n)
+early (adj & adv)
+earn (v)
+earring (n)
+easily (adv)
+east (n, adj & adv)
+easy (adj)
+eat (v)
+egg (n)
+electric (adj)
+electricity (n)
+elephant (n)
+elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift)
+else (adv)
+email (n & v)
+empty (adj)
+end (v & n)
+engine (n)
+engineer (n)
+enjoy (v)
+enough (adv, det & pron)
+enter (v)
+entrance (n)
+envelope (n)
+eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber)
+especially (adv)
+euro (n)
+even (adv)
+evening (n)
+ever (adv)
+every (det)
+everybody (pron)
+everyone (pron)
+everything (pron)
+everywhere (adv)
+exactly (adv)
+examination/exam (n)
+example (n)
+excellent (adj)
+except (conj & prep)
+excited (adj)
+exciting (adj)
+excuse (v)
+exercise (n & v)
+exhibition (n)
+exit (n)
+expensive (adj)
+explain (v)
+explore (v)
+explorer (n)
+extra (adj)
+eye (n)
+face (n)
+fact (n)
+factory (n)
+fail (v)
+fair (adj)
+fall (n & v) (Eng: autumn)
+family (n)
+famous (adj)
+fan (n)
+fantastic (adj)
+far (adv)
+farm (n)
+farmer (n)
+fashion (n)
+fast (adj & adv)
+fast food (n)
+fat (adj)
+father (n)
+favourite (adj)
+feel (v)
+festival (n)
+few (det & adj)
+field (n)
+file (n)
+fill (v)
+fill in (phr v)
+film (n & v)
+final (adj)
+finally (adv)
+find (v)
+find out (phr v)
+fine (adj)
+finger (n)
+finish (v)
+fire (n)
+first (adv & adj)
+first name (n)
+fish (n & v)
+fishing (n)
+fit (adj)
+flat (n)
+flight (n)
+floor (n)
+flower (n)
+fly (v)
+fog (n)
+foggy (adj)
+follow (v)
+food (n)
+foot (n)
+football (n)
+footballer (n)
+for (prep)
+foreign (adj)
+forest (n)
+forget (v)
+fork (n)
+form (n)
+free (adj & adv)
+French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips)
+fresh (adj)
+fridge (n)
+fried (adj)
+friend (n)
+friendly (adj)
+from (prep)
+front (n)
+fruit (n)
+full (adj)
+fun (adj & n)
+funny (adj)
+furniture (n)
+further (adj)
+future (n)
+game (n)
+garage (n)
+garden (n)
+garlic (n)
+gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)
+gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station)
+gate (n)
+geography (n)
+get (v)
+get fit (v)
+get off (phr v)
+get on (phr v)
+get up (phr v)
+gift (n)
+girl (n)
+girlfriend (n)
+give (v)
+glad (adj)
+glass (n)
+glasses (n pl)
+glove (n)
+go (v)
+goal (n)
+gold (n & adj)
+golden (adj)
+golf (n)
+good (adj)
+good afternoon (exclam)
+goodbye (exclam)
+good evening (exclam)
+good-looking (adj)
+good morning (exclam)
+good night (exclam)
+go out (phr v)
+grade (n)
+gram(me) (n)
+grandchild (n)
+grand(d)ad (n)
+granddaughter (n)
+grandfather (n)
+grandma (n)
+grandmother (n)
+grandpa (n)
+grandparent (n)
+grandson (n)
+granny (n)
+grape (n)
+grass (n)
+great (adj)
+green (adj)
+grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gray)
+grilled (adj)
+grocery store (n) (Am Eng)
+group (n)
+grow (v)
+grow up (phr v)
+guess (v)
+guest (n)
+guest-house (n)
+guide (n)
+guidebook (n)
+guitar (n)
+guy (n)
+gym (n)
+hair (n)
+half (det, n & pron)
+half-price (adj)
+hall (n)
+hand (n)
+handbag (n)
+happen (v)
+happy (adj)
+hard (adj & adv)
+hat (n)
+hate (v)
+have (av & v)
+have got to (mv)
+have to (mv)
+he (pron)
+head (n)
+help (v)
+her (det & pron)
+here (adv)
+hers (pron)
+herself (pron)
+hey (exclam)
+hi (exclam)
+high (adj)
+hill (n)
+him (pron)
+himself (pron)
+hip hop (n)
+his (det & pron)
+history (n)
+hit (v)
+hobby (n)
+hockey (n)
+hold (v)
+holiday (n)
+home (n & adv)
+homework (n)
+headache (n)
+headteacher (n)
+health (n)
+healthy (adj)
+hear (v)
+heart (n)
+heating (n)
+heavy (adj)
+helicopter (n)
+hello (exclam)
+honey (n)
+hope (v)
+horrible (adj)
+horse (n)
+hospital (n)
+hot (adj)
+hotel (n)
+hour (n)
+house (n)
+housewife (n)
+how (adv)
+however (adv)
+hungry (adj)
+hurry (v)
+hurt (v)
+husband (n)
+I (pron)
+ice (n)
+ice cream (n)
+ice skating (n)
+ID (n)
+ID card (n)
+idea (n)
+identification (n)
+if (conj)
+ill (adj)
+immediately (adv)
+important (adj)
+improve (v)
+in (adv & prep)
+include (v)
+including (prep)
+indoor (adj)
+indoors (adv)
+information (n)
+in front of (prep phr)
+insect (n)
+inside (adv & prep)
+instead (adv)
+instructions (n pl)
+instrument (n)
+interested (adj)
+interesting (adj)
+international (adj)
+internet (n)
+into (prep)
+invitation (n)
+invite (v)
+island (n)
+it (pron)
+IT (n)
+its (det)
+itself (pron)
+jacket (n)
+jam (n)
+jazz (n)
+jeans (n pl)
+jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: jewelry)
+job (n)
+join (v)
+journalist (n)
+journey (n)
+juice (n)
+jump (v)
+jumper (n)
+just (adv)
+keep (v)
+key (n)
+keyboard (n)
+kick (n & v)
+kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilogram)
+kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilometer)
+kind (adj & n)
+king (n)
+kiss (n & v)
+kit (n)
+kitchen (n)
+kite (n)
+knife (n)
+know (v)
+lake (n)
+lamp (n)
+language (n)
+laptop (computer) (n)
+large (adj)
+last (adj & det)
+late (adv & adj)
+later (adv)
+latest (adj)
+laugh (v)
+lazy (adj)
+learn (v)
+least (adv)
+leather (n & adj)
+leave (v)
+left (adj, adv & n)
+left-hand (adj)
+leg (n)
+lemon (n)
+lemonade (n)
+lend (v)
+less (adj, det & pron)
+lesson (n)
+let (v)
+letter (n)
+level (n)
+library (n)
+licence (n)
+lie down (phr v)
+life (n)
+lift (n)
+light (n & adj)
+like (adv, prep & v)
+line (n)
+lion (n)
+list (n)
+listen (v)
+litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)
+little (adj)
+live (v)
+living room (n)
+long (adj)
+look (v)
+look after (phr v)
+look at (phr v)
+look for (phr v)
+look out (phr v)
+lorry (n)
+lose (v)
+lost (adj)
+lots / a lot (n)
+loud (adj)
+love (n & v)
+lovely (adj)
+low (adj)
+luck (n)
+lucky (adj)
+luggage (n)
+lunch (n)
+lunchtime (n)
+machine (n)
+mad (adj)
+magazine (n)
+mail (n)
+main course (n)
+make (v)
+make-up (n)
+man (n)
+manager (n)
+mango (n)
+many (det & pron)
+map (n)
+mark (n)
+market (n)
+married (adj)
+match (n)
+maths/mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: math)
+matter (n & v)
+may (mv)
+maybe (adv)
+me (pron)
+meal (n)
+mean (v)
+meat (n)
+mechanic (n)
+medicine (n)
+meet (v)
+meeting (n)
+melon (n)
+member (n)
+memory (n)
+menu (n)
+message (n)
+metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: meter)
+midday (n)
+middle (n)
+midnight (n)
+might (mv)
+mile (n)
+milk (n)
+million (n)
+mind (v)
+mine (pron)
+mineral water (n)
+minus (prep)
+minute (n)
+mirror (n)
+Miss (n)
+miss (v)
+missing (adj)
+mistake (n)
+mix (v)
+mobile (phone) (n)
+model (n)
+modern (adj)
+moment (n)
+money (n)
+monkey (n)
+month (n)
+monthly (adj & adv)
+moon (n)
+more (adj, adv, det & pron)
+morning (n)
+most (adj, adv, det & pron)
+mother (n)
+motorbike (n)
+motorway (n)
+mountain (n)
+mouse (n)
+mouth (n)
+move (v)
+movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film)
+movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: cinema)
+movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film star)
+MP3 player (n)
+Mr (n)
+Mrs (n)
+Ms (n)
+much (adj, adv, det & pron)
+mug (n)
+mum (n)
+museum (n)
+mushroom (n)
+music (n)
+musical (adj)
+musician (n)
+must (mv)
+my (det)
+myself (pron)
+name (n)
+national (adj)
+nationality (n)
+nature (n)
+near (adv & prep)
+nearly (adv)
+neck (n)
+necklace (n)
+need (v)
+neighbour (n)
+net (n)
+never (adv)
+new (adj)
+news (n)
+newspaper (n)
+next (adj & adv)
+next to (prep)
+nice (adj)
+night (n)
+no (adv, det & pron)
+nobody (pron)
+noise (n)
+noisy (adj)
+noon (n)
+no one (pron)
+normal (adj)
+north (n, adj & adv)
+nose (n)
+not (adv)
+note (n & v)
+notebook (n)
+nothing (pron)
+notice (n)
+now (adv)
+number (n)
+nurse (n)
+occupation (n)
+o'clock (adv)
+of (prep)
+of course (not) (adv)
+off (adv)
+offer (n & v)
+office (n)
+often (adv)
+oh (exclam)
+oil (n)
+OK/okay (exclam)
+old (adj)
+omelette (n)
+on (prep & adv)
+once (adv)
+one (det & pron)
+onion (n)
+online (adj & adv)
+only (adv & adj)
+open (adj & v)
+opera (n)
+opposite (prep)
+or (conj)
+orange (adj & n)
+order (n)
+other (det & pron)
+our (det)
+ours (pron)
+ourselves (pron)
+out (adv)
+outdoors (adv)
+out of (prep)
+outside (prep & adv)
+over (prep & adv)
+own (adj)
+pack (v)
+page (n)
+pain (n)
+paint (v & n)
+painter (n)
+painting (n)
+pale (adj)
+pair (n)
+paper (n & adj)
+pardon (exclam)
+parent (n)
+park (n & v)
+parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car park)
+part (n)
+partner (n)
+party (n)
+pass (v)
+passenger (n)
+passport (n)
+past (prep)
+pasta (n)
+path (n)
+pay (v)
+PC (personal computer) (n)
+pear (n)
+pen (n)
+pence (n)
+pencil (n)
+pencil case (n)
+penfriend (n)
+penny (n)
+people (n pl)
+pepper (n)
+per (prep)
+perfect (adj)
+perfume (n)
+perhaps (adv)
+person (n)
+pet (n)
+petrol (n)
+petrol station (n)
+pharmacy (n)
+phone (v & n)
+photo(graph) (n)
+photographer (n)
+photography (n)
+physics (n)
+piano (n)
+pick up (phr v)
+picnic (n)
+picture (n)
+piece (n)
+pillow (n)
+pilot (n)
+pink (adj)
+pity (n)
+pizza (n)
+place (n)
+plan (n & v)
+plane (n)
+plant (n)
+plastic (n & adj)
+plate (n)
+platform (n)
+play (v & n)
+player (n)
+playground (n)
+pleasant (adj)
+please (v & exclam)
+pleased (adj)
+plus (prep)
+p.m. (adv)
+pocket (n)
+point (v)
+police (n)
+police car (n)
+police officer (n)
+police station (n)
+polite (adj)
+pool (n)
+poor (adj)
+pop (n)
+popular (adj)
+possible (adj)
+possibly (adv)
+post (v & n)
+postcard (n)
+poster (n)
+post office (n)
+potato (n)
+pound (£) (n)
+practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: practise)
+practise (v)
+prefer (v)
+prepare (v)
+present (n)
+pretty (adj)
+price (n)
+print (v)
+printer (n)
+prize (n)
+probably (adv)
+problem (n)
+program (n)
+programme (n)
+project (n)
+pull (v)
+pupil (n)
+purple (adj)
+purse (n)
+push (v)
+put (v)
+put on (phr v)
+puzzle (n)
+quarter (n)
+queen (n)
+question (n)
+quick (adj)
+quickly (adv)
+quiet (adj)
+quite (adv)
+quiz (n)
+rabbit (n)
+race (n & v)
+racket (n)
+radio (n)
+railway (n)
+rain (n & v)
+raincoat (n)
+rap (n)
+read (v)
+reading (n)
+ready (adj)
+real (adj)
+really (adv)
+reason (n)
+receipt (n)
+receive (v)
+receptionist (n)
+record (v)
+red (adj)
+refrigerator (n)
+remember (v)
+rent (v)
+repair (v)
+repeat (v)
+rest (n & v)
+restaurant (n)
+return (n & v)
+rice (n)
+rich (adj)
+ride (n & v)
+right (n, adj & adv)
+ring (n)
+river (n)
+road (n)
+roast (v & adj)
+rock (n)
+roof (n)
+room (n)
+round (adj)
+roundabout (n)
+rubber (n)
+rugby (n)
+ruler (n)
+run (v)
+runner (n)
+running (n)
+sad (adj)
+safe (adj)
+sail (v)
+sailing (n)
+salad (n)
+sale (n)
+salt (n)
+same (adj & pron)
+sandwich (n)
+sauce (n)
+sausage (n)
+save (v)
+say (v)
+scarf (n)
+school (n)
+schoolchild (n)
+science (n)
+scissors (n pl)
+scooter (n)
+screen (n)
+sea (n)
+seat (n)
+second (adj, det & n)
+secretary (n)
+see (v)
+sell (v)
+send (v)
+sentence (n)
+serve (v)
+set (n)
+several (det & pron)
+shall (mv)
+shame (n)
+shampoo (n & v)
+share (v)
+she (pron)
+sheep (n)
+sheet (n)
+shelf (n)
+ship (n)
+shirt (n)
+shoe (n)
+shop (n & v)
+shop assistant (n)
+shopping (n)
+short (adj)
+shorts (n pl)
+should (mv)
+shout (v)
+show (v & n)
+shower (n)
+shut (v)
+sick (adj)
+side (n)
+sightseeing (n)
+sign (n)
+silver (n & adj)
+simple (adj)
+since (prep)
+sing (v)
+singer (n)
+singing (n)
+single (adj)
+sink (n)
+sister (n)
+sit (v)
+sit down (phr v)
+site (n)
+sitting room (n)
+size (n)
+skate (v)
+skateboard (n)
+skateboarding (n)
+skating (n)
+ski (v)
+skiing (n)
+skirt (n)
+sky (n)
+sleep (v)
+slice (n)
+slim (adj)
+slow (adj)
+slowly (adv)
+small (adj)
+smoke (v)
+smoking (n)
+snack (n)
+snow (n & v)
+snowboard (n)
+snowboarding (n)
+so (conj & adv)
+soap (n)
+soccer (n)
+sock (n)
+sofa (n)
+soft (adj)
+software (n)
+some (det & pron)
+somebody (pron)
+someone (pron)
+something (pron)
+sometimes (adv)
+somewhere (adv)
+son (n)
+song (n)
+soon (adv)
+sorry (adj)
+sort (n)
+sound (v)
+soup (n)
+south (n, adj & adv)
+space (n)
+spare (adj)
+speak (v)
+speaker (n)
+special (adj)
+spell (v)
+spelling (n)
+spend (v)
+spoon (n)
+sport (n)
+sports centre (n)
+spring (n)
+square (n & adj)
+stadium (n)
+staff (n)
+stage (n)
+stairs (n pl)
+stamp (n)
+stand (v)
+star (n & v)
+start (v)
+station (n)
+stay (v)
+steak (n)
+steal (v)
+still (adv)
+stomach (n)
+stomach ache (n)
+stop (n & v)
+store (n)
+storm (n)
+story (n)
+straight (adj & adv)
+strange (adj)
+street (n)
+strong (adj)
+student (n)
+studies (n pl)
+study (v)
+subject (n)
+such (det)
+suddenly (adv)
+sugar (n)
+suit (n)
+suitcase (n)
+summer (n)
+sun (n)
+sunglasses (n pl)
+sunny (adj)
+supermarket (n)
+supper (n)
+suppose (v)
+sure (adj)
+surf (v)
+surfboard (n)
+surfing (n)
+surname (n)
+surprise (n)
+surprised (adj)
+sweater (n)
+sweet (n & adj)
+swim (v)
+swimming (n)
+swimming costume (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bathing suit)
+swimming pool (n)
+swimsuit (n)
+table (n)
+table tennis (n)
+take (v)
+take off (phr v)
+talk (n & v)
+tall (adj)
+taxi (n)
+tea (n)
+teach (v)
+teacher (n)
+team (n)
+teenager (n)
+telephone (n & v)
+television (TV) (n)
+tell (v)
+temperature (n)
+tennis (n)
+tent (n)
+term (n)
+terrible (adj)
+test (n)
+text (n & v)
+textbook (n)
+text message (n)
+than (prep & conj)
+thank (v)
+thanks (exclam)
+thank you (exclam)
+that (conj & pron)
+the (det)
+theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: theater)
+their (det)
+theirs (pron)
+them (pron)
+themselves (pron)
+then (adv)
+there (adv)
+these (det & pron)
+they (pron)
+thin (adj)
+thing (n)
+think (v)
+thirsty (adj)
+this (det & pron)
+those (det & pron)
+through (prep)
+throw (v)
+thunderstorm (n)
+ticket (n)
+tidy (adj & v)
+tidy up (v)
+tie (n)
+tiger (n)
+tights (n pl)
+till (prep)
+time (n)
+timetable (n)
+tired (adj)
+to (prep)
+toast (n)
+today (n & adv)
+toe (n)
+together (adv)
+toilet (n)
+tomato (n)
+tomorrow (n & adv)
+tonight (n & adv)
+too (adv)
+tooth (n)
+toothbrush (n)
+top (n)
+total (adj & n)
+tour (n)
+tour guide (n)
+tourist (n)
+tourist information centre (n)
+towel (n)
+town (n)
+toy (n)
+traffic (n)
+traffic light (n)
+train (n)
+trainer (n)
+tram (n)
+travel (v)
+tree (n)
+trip (n)
+trouble (n)
+trousers (n pl)
+true (adj)
+try (v)
+try on (phr v)
+T-shirt (n)
+turn (v)
+turn off (phr v)
+turn on (phr v)
+twice (adv)
+type (n)
+tyre (n) (Am Eng: tire)
+umbrella (n)
+uncle (n)
+under (prep)
+underground (n & adj)
+understand (v)
+unfortunately (adj)
+unhappy (n)
+uniform (n)
+university (n)
+until (prep)
+unusual (adj)
+up (prep & adv)
+upset (adj)
+upstairs (adv)
+us (pron)
+use (v)
+useful (adj)
+usual (adj)
+usually (adv)
+v/versus (prep)
+variety (n)
+various (adj)
+vegetable (n)
+very (adv)
+video (n)
+video game (n)
+view (n)
+village (n)
+violin (n)
+visit (v)
+visitor (n)
+vocabulary (n)
+volleyball (n)
+wait (v)
+waiter (n)
+waitress (n)
+wake (v)
+wake up (phr v)
+walk (v)
+walking (n)
+wall (n)
+wallet (n)
+want (v)
+warm (adj)
+wash (v)
+washing machine (n)
+washing-up (n)
+wash up (phr v)
+watch (n & v)
+water (n)
+way (n)
+we (pron)
+wear (v)
+weather (n)
+web (n)
+web page (n)
+website (n)
+week (n)
+weekday (n)
+weekend (n)
+weekly (adj & adv)
+welcome (adj & exclam)
+well (adv & adj)
+well known (adj)
+west (n, adj & adv)
+wet (adj)
+what (det & pron)
+wheel (n)
+when (adv)
+where (adv)
+which (det & pron)
+while (conj)
+white (adj)
+who (pron)
+whole (adj & n)
+why (adv)
+wide (adj)
+wife (n)
+wild (adj)
+will ('ll) (mv)
+win (v)
+wind (n)
+window (n)
+windsurfing (n)
+windy (adj)
+winner (n)
+winter (n)
+wish (n)
+with (prep)
+without (prep)
+woman (n)
+wonderful (adj)
+wood (n)
+wooden (adj)
+wool (n)
+word (n)
+work (n & v)
+worker (n)
+world (n)
+worried (adj)
+worry (v)
+worse (adj)
+worst (adj)
+would (mv)
+wow (exclam)
+write (v)
+write down (phr v)
+writer (n)
+writing (n)
+wrong (adj)
+yeah (exclam)
+year (n)
+yellow (adj)
+yes (adv)
+yesterday (adv)
+yet (adv)
+yoghurt (n)
+you (pron)
+young (adj)
+your (det)
+yours (pron)
+yourself (pron)
+zero (n)
+zoo (n)
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wordlist/ket.var Sun Jul 08 16:17:39 2018 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,1536 @@
+alarm clock
+all right
+apartment building
+as well
+bathing suit
+board game
+bus station
+bus stop
+car park
+CD player
+cell phone
+close to
+credit card
+department store
+digital camera
+dining room
+driving licence
+DVD player
+end up
+fast food
+fill in
+find out
+first name
+French fries
+gas station
+get fit
+get off
+get on
+get up
+good afternoon
+good evening
+good morning
+good night
+go out
+grocery store
+grow up
+have got to
+have to
+hip hop
+ice cream
+ice skating
+ID card
+in front of
+lie down
+living room
+look after
+look at
+look for
+look out
+a lot
+main course
+mineral water
+movie star
+movie theater
+MP3 player
+next to
+no one
+of course
+out of
+parking lot
+pencil case
+petrol station
+pick up
+police car
+police officer
+police station
+post office
+put on
+shop assistant
+sit down
+sitting room
+sports centre
+stomach ache
+swimming costume
+swimming pool
+table tennis
+take off
+text message
+thank you
+tidy up
+tour guide
+tourist information centre
+traffic light
+try on
+turn off
+turn on
+video game
+wake up
+wash up
+washing machine
+web page
+well known
+write down
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/wordlist/pet.txt Sun Jul 08 16:17:39 2018 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,3701 @@
+a/an (det)
+ability (n)
+able (adj)
+• be able to
+about (adv & prep)
+• about 500 students (adv)
+• The film is about a small boy. (prep)
+above (adj, adv & prep)
+abroad (adv)
+absent (adj)
+absolutely (adv)
+• The movie was absolutely awful.
+accent (n)
+• She has a beautiful French accent.
+accept (v)
+access (n)
+• disabled access
+• internet access
+accident (n)
+accommodation (n)
+accompany (v)
+according to (prep phr)
+account (n)
+accountant (n)
+accurate (adj)
+ache (n)
+achieve (v)
+across (adv & prep)
+act (n & v)
+• in the second act (of the play) (n)
+• to act in a play (v)
+• to act strangely (v)
+action (n)
+active (adj)
+activity (n)
+actor (n)
+actress (n)
+actually (adv)
+• She seems a bit strict at first, but she's actually very nice.
+• Are you actually going to take the job?
+ad (advertisement) (n)
+add (v)
+addition (n)
+• in addition
+address (n)
+admire (v)
+admission (n)
+• charges/cost/price
+admit (v)
+adult (adj & n)
+advance (n)
+• book in advance
+advanced (adj)
+advantage (n)
+adventure (n)
+advert (n)
+advertise (v)
+advertisement (n)
+advice (n)
+advise (v)
+aeroplane (n)
+afford (v)
+afraid (adj)
+after (adv,conj & prep)
+afternoon (n)
+afterwards (adv)
+again (adv)
+against (prep)
+age (n)
+aged (adj)
+agency (n)
+ago (adv)
+agree (v)
+ahead (adv)
+aim (n & v)
+air (n)
+air conditioning (n)
+air force (n)
+airline (n)
+airport (n)
+alarm (n)
+alarm clock (n)
+album (n)
+alike (adv)
+alive (adj)
+all (adj, adv, det & pron)
+all right/alright (adj,adv & exclam)
+allow (v)
+almost (adv)
+alone (adv & adj)
+along (adv & prep)
+aloud (adv)
+alphabet (n)
+already (adv)
+also (adv)
+although (conj)
+altogether (adv)
+always (adv)
+a.m (adv)
+amazed (adj)
+amazing (adj)
+ambition (n)
+ambulance (n)
+among (amongst) (prep)
+amount (n)
+amusing (adj)
+an (det)
+ancient (adj)
+and (conj)
+angry (adj)
+animal (n)
+ankle (n)
+anniversary (n)
+announce (v)
+announcement (n)
+annoy (v)
+annual (adj)
+another (det & pron)
+answer (n & v)
+answerphone (n)
+ant (n)
+antique (adj & n)
+anxious (adj)
+any (det & pron)
+anybody (pron)
+anymore (adv)
+anyone (pron)
+anything (pron)
+anyway (adv)
+anywhere (adv)
+apart (adv)
+apart from (adv)
+apartment (n)
+apartment building (n)
+apologise (v)
+apology (n)
+appear (v)
+appearance (n)
+apple (n)
+application (n)
+apply (v)
+appointment (n)
+approach (v)
+approve (v)
+architect (n)
+architecture (n)
+area (n)
+argue (v)
+argument (n)
+arm (n)
+armchair (n)
+army (n)
+around (adv & prep)
+arrange (v)
+arrangement (n)
+arrest (v)
+arrival (n)
+arrive (v)
+art (n)
+article (n)
+artist (n)
+as (conj & prep)
+ashamed (adj)
+ask (v)
+asleep (adj)
+aspirin (n)
+assistant (n)
+as well (as) (prep & adv)
+at (prep)
+at I@ (n)
+• My email address is
+at all (prep phr)
+at first (prep phr)
+athlete (n)
+athletics (n)
+at last (prep phr)
+at least (prep phr)
+atmosphere (n)
+at once (prep phr)
+at present (prep phr)
+attach (v)
+attack (n & v)
+attempt (v)
+attend (v)
+attention (n)
+at the same time (prep phr)
+attitude (n)
+attract (v)
+attraction (n)
+attractive (adj)
+audience (n)
+aunt (n)
+author (n)
+autumn (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: fall)
+available (adj)
+average (adj & n)
+avoid (v)
+awake (adj)
+away (adv)
+awful (adj)
+baby (n)
+babysit (v)
+babysitter (n)
+back (adv, adj & n)
+background (n)
+backpack (n)
+backpacker (n)
+backpacking (n)
+backwards (adv)
+bad (adj)
+badly (adv)
+badminton (n)
+bag (n)
+baggage (n)
+bake (v)
+baker (n)
+balcony (n)
+bald (adj)
+ball (n)
+ballet (n)
+balloon (n)
+banana (n)
+band (n)
+bandage (n)
+bank (n)
+bank account (n)
+banking (n)
+bar (n)
+barbecue (n & v)
+baseball (n)
+base on (phr v)
+basic (adj)
+basin (n)
+basket (n)
+basketball (n)
+bat (n)
+bath (n & v)
+bathing suit (n)
+bathroom (n)
+bathtub (n)
+battery (n)
+battle (n)
+bay (n)
+be (av & v)
+beach (n)
+bean (n)
+bear (n)
+beard (n)
+beat (v)
+beautiful (adj)
+beauty (n)
+because (conj)
+because of (prep phr)
+become (v)
+bed (n)
+bedroom (n)
+bee (n)
+beef (n)
+before (prep,adv & conj)
+begin (v)
+beginner (n)
+beginning (n)
+behave (v)
+behaviour (n)
+behind (prep & adv)
+believe (v)
+belong (v)
+below (adv & prep)
+belt (n) beneath (prep)
+benefit (n)
+be over (phr v)
+• The game is over- you're too late!
+beside (adv & prep)
+besides (prep)
+best (adj & adv)
+better (adj & adv)
+between (prep & adv)
+beyond (prep & adv)
+bicycle (n)
+big (adj)
+bike (n)
+bill (n)
+• electricity bill
+bin (n)
+biography (n)
+biology (n)
+bird (n)
+birth (n)
+birthday (n)
+biscuit (n)
+bit (n)
+bite (v)
+bitter (adj)
+black (adj & n)
+blackboard (n)
+blame (v)
+blank (adj)
+• a blank piece of paper
+blanket (n)
+bleed (v)
+blind (adj)
+block (n)
+• Shall we walk round the block?
+blog (n)
+blogger (n)
+blond(e) (adj)
+blood (n)
+blouse (n)
+blow (v)
+blue (adj & n)
+board (n & v)
+board game (n)
+boarding pass (n)
+boat (n)
+body (n)
+boil (v)
+boiled (adj)
+bold (adj)
+bomb (n & v)
+bone (n)
+book (n & v)
+bookcase (n)
+booking (n)
+• I have a booking for the 19th.
+booking office (n)
+bookshelf (n)
+bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore)
+bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop)
+boot (n)
+• a pair of boots
+• the boot of the car (Am Eng: trunk)
+border (n)
+bored (adj)
+boring (adj)
+born (adj)
+borrow (v)
+boss (n)
+both (pron & det)
+bother (v)
+• Sorry to bother you, can you tell me the time?
+• My job's hard but that doesn't bother me.
+• 'Sorry I'm late, I'll do it now.' 'Don't bother!'
+bottle (n)
+bottom (adj & n)
+bowl (n)
+box (n)
+boy (n)
+boyfriend (n)
+bracelet (n)
+brain (n)
+brake (n & v)
+branch (n)
+brand new (adj)
+brave (adj)
+bread (n)
+break (n & v)
+break down (phr v)
+• The car has broken down.
+breakfast (n)
+break in (phr v)
+• Someone broke in and stole the computer.
+break up (phr v)
+• When does school break up?
+• The pop group has broken up.
+breath (n)
+breathe (v)
+breeze (n)
+bride (n)
+bridge (n)
+brief (adj)
+bright (adj)
+brilliant (adj)
+bring (v)
+bring up (phr v)
+• She was brought up in London.
+broad (adj)
+broccoli (n)
+brochure (n)
+broken (adj)
+brother (n)
+brown (adj & n)
+brush (n & v)
+bucket (n)
+bug (n)
+build (v)
+building (n)
+bulb (n)
+• light bulb
+bull (n)
+bunch (n)
+• a bunch of flowers
+• a great bunch of friends
+burger (n)
+burn (v)
+burning (adj)
+bury (v)
+bus (n)
+business (n)
+businessman (n)
+businesswoman (n)
+bus station (n)
+bus stop (n)
+busy (adj)
+but (conj & prep)
+butcher (n)
+butter (n)
+butterfly (n)
+button (n)
+buy (v)
+buyer (n)
+by (prep)
+by accident (prep phr)
+bye (exclam)
+by hand (prep phr)
+by mistake (prep phr)
+by name (prep phr)
+cab (n)
+cabbage (n)
+cabin (n)
+cabinet (n)
+cable (n)
+cafe/cafe (n)
+cafeteria (n)
+cage (n)
+cake (n)
+calculator (n)
+calendar (n)
+calf (n)
+call (n & v)
+call for (phr v)
+• I'll call for you at 7.
+call in (phr v)
+• She called in to see a friend.
+calm (adj)
+camel (n)
+camera (n)
+camp (n & v)
+camping (n)
+campsite (n)
+can (n & mv)
+canal (n)
+cancel (v)
+candidate (n)
+candle (n)
+candy (n)
+canteen (n)
+cap (n)
+capital (adj & n)
+• capital city
+• capital letter
+• the capital of Italy
+captain (n)
+car (n)
+card (n)
+• birthday card
+• credit card
+• card game
+cardboard (adj & n)
+care (n & v)
+• take care of someone (n)
+• to care (about/for) someone/something (v)
+career (n)
+careful (adj)
+carefully (ad)
+careless (adj)
+car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot)
+carpet (n)
+carrot (n)
+carry (v)
+carry on (phr v)
+• He carried on walking despite the rain.
+carry out (phr v)
+• She carried out the plan according to the instructions.
+cartoon (n)
+case (n)
+• Would you like me to carry your case?
+• I'll make an exception in this case.
+cash (n)
+cashpoint (n)
+castle (n)
+casual (adj)
+• casual clothes
+cat (n)
+catch (v)
+cathedral (n)
+cattle (n)
+cave (n)
+CD (n)
+CD player (n)
+CD-Rom (n)
+ceiling (n)
+celebrate (v)
+celebration (n)
+celebrity (n)
+cell phone (n)
+cent (n)
+centimetre I centimeter (em) (n)
+central (adj)
+central heating (n)
+centre/center (n)
+century (n)
+cereal (n)
+ceremony (n)
+certain (adj)
+certainly (not) (adv)
+certificate (n)
+chain (n)
+chair (n)
+challenge (n)
+challenging (adj)
+champion (n)
+championship (n)
+chance (n)
+change (n & v)
+changing room (n)
+channel (n)
+chapter (n)
+character (n)
+charge (n & v)
+charity (n)
+charming (adj)
+chat (n)
+chatroom (n)
+chat show (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: talk show)
+cheap (adj)
+cheat (v)
+check (n & v)
+check in (phr v)
+• They checked in to a hotel. check-in (n)
+• Your keys are at the check-in desk.
+check out (phr v)
+• He checked out of the hotel at the end of his stay.
+checkout (n)
+cheek (n)
+cheerful (adj)
+cheers! (exclam)
+cheese (n)
+chef (n)
+chemist (n)
+chemistry (n)
+cheque (n)
+chess (n)
+chest of drawers (n)
+chicken (n)
+child (n)
+childhood (n)
+chilli (n)
+chin (n)
+chip (n)
+• I love fish and chips.
+chocolate (n)
+choice (n)
+choose (v)
+cinema (n)
+circle (n)
+circus (n)
+city (n)
+clap (v)
+class (n)
+• language class
+• first class, second class
+classical (adj)
+• classical music
+classmate (n)
+classroom (n)
+clean (adj & v)
+cleaner (n)
+clear (adj & v)
+clearly (adv)
+clever (adj)
+click (n & v)
+cliff (n)
+climate (n)
+climb (v)
+climbing (n)
+clinic (n)
+clock (n)
+close (adj, adv & v)
+closed (adj)
+clothes (n pi)
+cloud (n)
+cloudy (adj)
+clown (n)
+club (n)
+• to join a club
+coach (n)
+coast (n)
+coat (n)
+coconut (n)
+cod (n)
+coffee (n)
+coin (n)
+cola (n)
+cold (adj & n)
+collar (n)
+colleague (n)
+collect (v)
+collection (n)
+college (n)
+colour (n & v)
+colourful (adj)
+comb (n & v)
+come (v)
+comedy (n)
+come on (phr v)
+• Come on or we'll miss the bus.
+comfort (n)
+comfortable (adj)
+comic (adj & n)
+comma (n)
+common (adj)
+• a common surname
+• have something in common
+communicate (v)
+communication (n)
+company (n)
+compare (v)
+compete (v)
+competition (n)
+competitor (n)
+complain (v)
+complaint (n)
+complete (adj & v)
+complicated (adj)
+composition (n)
+computer (n)
+concentrate (v)
+concert (n)
+conclusion (n)
+condition (n)
+• in good condition
+conference (n)
+confident (adj)
+confirm (v)
+confused (adj)
+confusing (adj)
+congratulations! (exclam)
+connect (v)
+connection (n)
+consider (v)
+consist (v)
+consonant (n)
+contact (n & v)
+contain (v)
+contents (n)
+contest (n)
+continent (n)
+continue (v)
+contract (n)
+control (n & v)
+• a remote control
+• Control your dog!
+convenient (adj)
+conversation (n)
+convince (v)
+cook (n & v)
+cooker (n)
+cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit)
+cooking (n)
+cool (adj, exclam & v)
+copy (n & v)
+corn (n)
+corner (n)
+correct (adj)
+correction (n)
+cost (n & v)
+costume (n)
+• I forgot my swimming costume.
+• national costume
+• a Halloween costume
+cosy (adj)
+cottage (n)
+cotton (n)
+cough (n & v)
+could (mv)
+count (v)
+country (n)
+countryside (n)
+couple (n)
+courage (n)
+course (n)
+• English course
+• main course
+• of course (exclam)
+court (n)
+• law court
+• tennis court
+cousin (n)
+cover (n & v)
+cow (n)
+crash (n & v)
+crazy (adj)
+cream (adj & n)
+create (v)
+creative (adj)
+creature (n)
+credit (n)
+credit card (n)
+crew (n)
+• cabin crew
+cricket (n)
+crime (n)
+criminal (n)
+crop (n)
+cross (n & v)
+crossing (n)
+• pedestrian crossing
+cross out (phr v)
+• Cross it out and write it again.
+crossroads (n)
+crowd (n)
+crowded (adj)
+cruel (adj)
+cruise (n)
+cry (n & v)
+cucumber (n)
+cultural (adj)
+culture (n)
+cup (n)
+cupboard (n)
+cure (n & v)
+curious (adj)
+curiously (adv)
+• 'Why?' she asked him curiously.
+curly (adj)
+currency (n)
+curriculum (n)
+curry (n)
+curtain (n)
+cushion (n)
+custom (n)
+customer (n)
+customs (n pi)
+cut (n & v)
+cute (adj)
+cut up (phr v)
+• She cut up the cake into small pieces.
+CV (Curriculum Vitae) (n)
+cycle (n & v)
+cycling (n)
+cyclist (n)
+dad (n)
+daily (adj & adv)
+damage (n & v)
+damaged (adj)
+dance (n & v)
+dancer (n)
+dancing (n)
+danger (n)
+dangerous (adj)
+dark (adj & n)
+date (n & v)
+• today's date (n)
+daughter (n)
+day (n)
+dead (adj)
+deaf (adj)
+deal (v)
+deal with (sth) (phr v)
+• I've had some problems to deal with.
+dear (adj & exclam)
+• too dear to buy (adj)
+• Dear Sir (adj)
+• Oh dear! (exclam)
+death (n)
+decide (v)
+decision (n)
+declare (v)
+decorate (v)
+decrease (n & v)
+deep (adj & adv)
+defeat (n & v)
+defence (n)
+defend (v)
+definitely (adv)
+degree (n)
+• 90 degrees
+• a degree in maths
+delay (n & v)
+delete (v)
+delicious (adj)
+delighted (adj)
+deliver (v)
+delivery (n)
+demand (n & v)
+dentist (n)
+depart (v)
+department (n)
+department store (n)
+departure (n)
+depend (on/upon) (v & phr v)
+• It depends on what you want to do.
+deposit (n)
+• pay a deposit
+depressed (adj)
+depth (n)
+• the depth of the water
+describe (v)
+description (n)
+desert (n)
+deserve (v)
+design (n & v)
+designer (n)
+desk (n)
+despite (prep)
+dessert (n)
+destination (n)
+destroy (v)
+detail (n)
+detective (n)
+develop (v)
+development (n)
+diagram (n)
+dial (v)
+diary (n)
+dictionary (n)
+die (v)
+diet (n)
+difference (n)
+different (adj)
+difficult (adj)
+difficulty (n)
+dig (v)
+digital (adj)
+digital camera (n)
+dining room (n)
+dinner (n)
+dinosaur (n)
+diploma (n)
+direct (adj & v)
+direction (n)
+directly (adv)
+director (n)
+dirt (n)
+dirty (adj)
+disabled (adj)
+disadvantage (n)
+disagree (v)
+disappear (v)
+disappoint (v)
+disappointed (adj)
+disappointing (adj)
+disappointment (n)
+disc/disk (n)
+• compact disc/CO
+• hard disk
+• floppy disk
+disc jockey (OJ) (n)
+disco(theque) (n)
+discount (n)
+discover (v)
+discuss (v)
+discussion (n)
+disease (n)
+disgusting (adj)
+dish (n)
+dishwasher (n)
+disk (n)
+dislike (v)
+display (n & v)
+distance (n)
+district (n)
+disturb (v)
+dive (v)
+diver (n)
+divide (v)
+diving (n)
+OJ (disc jockey) (n)
+do (av & v)
+doctor I Dr (n)
+document (n)
+documentary (n)
+dog (n)
+doll (n)
+dollar (n)
+dolphin (n)
+donkey (n)
+door (n)
+dot (n)
+• Have you visited
+double (adj & det)
+doubt (n)
+down (adv & prep)
+download (n & v)
+downstairs (adj & adv)
+dozen (det & n)
+Dr (n)
+drag (v)
+• Just drag and drop the file into the trash can.
+drama (n)
+draw (v)
+• to draw a picture of someone or something
+• to draw the curtains
+• to draw near
+drawer (n)
+drawing (n)
+dream (n & v)
+dress (n & v)
+dressed (adj)
+drink (n & v)
+drive (n & v)
+driver (n)
+driving licence (n)
+drop (n & v)
+drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist)
+drum (n)
+dry (adj & v)
+duck (n)
+due (adj)
+• The next bus is due in five minutes.
+due to (prep phr)
+dull (adj)
+during (prep)
+dust (n)
+dustbin (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:trash can)
+dusty (adj)
+duty (n)
+duty-free (adj & n)
+duvet (n)
+DVD (n)
+DVD player (n)
+each (det & pron)
+ear (n)
+earache (n)
+early (adj & adv)
+earn (v)
+earring (n)
+earth (n)
+east (adj,adv & n)
+eastern (adj)
+easily (adv)
+easy (adj)
+easygoing (adj)
+eat (v)
+economics (n)
+edge (n)
+education (n)
+effect (n)
+efficient (adj)
+effort (n)
+egg (n)
+either (adv, det & pron)
+elbow (n)
+elder (adj)
+elderly (adj)
+election (n)
+electric (adj)
+electrical (adj)
+electricity (n)
+electronic (adj)
+elementary (adj)
+elephant (n)
+elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift)
+else (adv)
+email (n & v)
+embarrassed (adj)
+embarrassing (adj)
+embassy (n)
+emergency (n)
+employ (v)
+employee (n)
+employer (n)
+employment (n)
+empty (adj)
+encourage (v)
+end (n & v)
+ending (n)
+end up (phr v)
+• He plans to end up working in Australia.
+enemy (n)
+energy (n)
+• Team sports take a lot of time and energy.
+• In our house we try to save energy.
+engaged (adj)
+• to be engaged to someone
+• The phone was engaged.
+engine (n)
+engineer (n)
+engineering (n)
+enjoy (v)
+enormous (adj)
+enough (adv, det & pron)
+enquiry (n)
+enter (v)
+entertain (v)
+entertainment (n)
+entrance (n)
+entry (n)
+envelope (n)
+environment (n)
+environmental (adj)
+equal (adj)
+equipment (n)
+eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber)
+escape (v)
+especially (adv)
+essay (n)
+essential (adj)
+euro (n)
+even (adv)
+• He couldn't even do that.
+evening (n)
+event (n)
+ever (adv)
+every (det)
+everybody (pron)
+everyone (pron)
+everything (pron)
+everywhere (adv)
+exact (adj)
+exactly (adv)
+examination/exam (n)
+examiner (n)
+example (n)
+excellent (adj)
+except (prep, conj)
+exchange (n)
+• an exchange visit
+• in exchange for
+exchange (v)
+exchange rate (n)
+excited (adj)
+excitement (n)
+exciting (adj)
+excuse (n & v)
+exercise (n & v)
+exhausted (adj)
+exhibition (n)
+exist (v)
+exit (n)
+expect (v)
+expedition (n)
+expensive (adj)
+experience (n)
+experienced (adj)
+experiment (n)
+expert (n)
+explain (v)
+explanation (n)
+explode (v)
+explore (v)
+explorer (n)
+• This book's about famous explorers.
+extra (adj, adv & n)
+extraordinary (adj)
+extremely (adv)
+extreme sport (n)
+eye (n)
+face (n)
+• a sad look on his face
+face to face (adv)
+face-to-face (adj)
+facilities (n pi)
+• The hotel has excellent facilities.
+fact (n)
+factory (n)
+fail (v)
+fair (adj & n)
+fairly (adv)
+fall (n & v)
+• in the fall (n) Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn)
+• a fall in the price (n)
+• he fell and hurt his leg (v)
+false (adj)
+familiar (with) (adj)
+family (n)
+famous (adj)
+fan (n)
+fancy (v)
+• Do you fancy going out tonight?
+fantastic (adj)
+far (adv)
+fare (n)
+• The return fare is £26.
+farm (n)
+farmer (n)
+farming (n)
+fashion (n)
+fashionable (adj)
+fast (adj & adv)
+fasten (v)
+fast food (n)
+fat (adj)
+father (n)
+fault (n)
+favour (n)
+favourite (adj & n)
+fax (v)
+fear (n)
+fee (n)
+feed (v)
+feel (v)
+feeling (n)
+feel like (v)
+• to feel like doing something
+female (adj)
+ferry (n)
+festival (n)
+fetch (v)
+fever (n)
+few (adj, det & pon)
+fiction (n)
+field (n)
+fight (n & v)
+figure (n)
+file (n)
+• Click here to open the file.
+• school files
+fill (v)
+fill in (phr v)
+• You need to fill in a form.
+fill up (phr v)
+• He filled up the car with petrol.
+film (n & v)
+film maker (n)
+film star (n)
+final (adj & n)
+finally (adv)
+financial (adj)
+find (v)
+find out (phr v)
+• I must find out when he's arriving.
+fine (adj & n)
+finger (n)
+finish (n & v)
+fire (n)
+firefighter (n)
+firework (n)
+• a firework display
+firm (n)
+• a good firm to work for
+first (adj & adv)
+• first prize (adj)
+• first of all (adv)
+first name (n)
+fish (n & v)
+fishing (n)
+fit (adj & v)
+• keep fit (adj)
+• These shoes don't fit. (v)
+fitness (n)
+fix (v)
+flag (n)
+flat (adj & n)
+flavour (n)
+flight (n)
+float (v)
+flood (n & v)
+floor (n)
+flour (n)
+flow (v)
+flower (n)
+flu (n)
+flute (n)
+fly (n & v)
+fog (n)
+foggy (adj)
+fold (v)
+folk (adj & n)
+follow (v)
+following (adj)
+fond (adj)
+• to be fond of something/someone
+food (n)
+fool (n)
+foot (n)
+football (n)
+footballer (n)
+for (prep)
+forbidden (adj)
+forecast (n)
+foreign (adj)
+foreigner (n)
+forest (n)
+forever (adv)
+forget (v)
+forgive (v)
+fork (n)
+form (n)
+former (adj)
+fortnight (n)
+fortunately (adv)
+forward(s) (adv)
+fountain (n)
+frame (n)
+free (adj & adv)
+freeze (v)
+freezer (n)
+freezing (adj)
+French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:chips)
+frequent (adj)
+fresh (adj)
+fridge (n)
+fried (adj)
+friend (n)
+friendly (adj)
+friendship (n)
+frighten (v)
+frightened (adj)
+frightening (adj)
+frog (n)
+from (prep)
+front (adj & n)
+frozen (adj)
+fruit (n)
+fry (v)
+frying pan (n)
+fuel (n)
+full (adj)
+full stop (n)
+full time (adv)
+full-time (adj)
+fully (adv)
+fun (adj & n)
+funny (adj)
+• a funny story (amusing)
+• a funny thing happened (strange)
+fur (n)
+furniture (n)
+further (adv & adj)
+furthest (adj)
+future (adj & n)
+gain (v)
+• gain experience
+gallery (n)
+• an art gallery
+game (n)
+gap (n)
+garage (n)
+garden (n)
+game (n)
+gap (n)
+garage (n)
+garden (n)
+garlic (n)
+gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)
+gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station)
+gate (n)
+general (adj)
+generally (adv)
+• 1 generally get home about 7.00.
+generation (n)
+generous (adj)
+gentle (adj)
+geography (n)
+get (v)
+get along (with) (v & phr v)
+• How do you get along with Harry?
+get back (phr v)
+• When did you get back from New York?
+get down (phr v)
+• Get down at once!
+• Did you get all the notes down?
+get fit (v)
+get in (phr v)
+• Can you get in through the window?
+get off (phr v)
+• We get off at the next stop.
+get on (phr v)
+• Get your coat on and then we can leave.
+• How are you getting on now?
+get on (with) (phr v)
+• She got on with her work.
+• I'm getting on well with French.
+• Do you get on well with Sam?
+get rid of (phr v)
+• Have you got rid of those old documents?
+get up (phr v)
+• What time do you get up in the morning?
+giant (adj)
+gift (n)
+giraffe (n)
+girl (n)
+girlfriend (n)
+give (v)
+give back (phr v)
+• Give me back this book on Tuesday, please.
+give in (phr v)
+• Have you given in your homework yet?
+• Do you give in? Shall I tell you now?
+give out (phr v)
+• Will you give out these papers for me, please?
+give up (phr v)
+• Has David given up playing tennis?
+give way (phr v)
+• You must give way to traffic at a roundabout
+glad (adj)
+glance (v)
+glass (n)
+glasses (n pi)
+global warming (n)
+glove (n)
+go (v)
+goal (n)
+goalkeeper (n)
+goat (n)
+go for (phr v)
+• He went for the job
+• The dog went for the man.
+gold (adj & n)
+golden (adj)
+golf (n)
+good (adj)
+• The film was very good.
+• to be good at maths
+good afternoon (exclam)
+good-looking (adj)
+good morning (exclam)
+go off (phr v)
+• They went off to Australia.
+• Suddenly the lights went off.
+go on (phr v)
+• The meeting went on until six o'clock.
+• What's going on?
+go out (phr v)
+• Are you going out this evening?
+• The fire has gone out.
+• Is Barbara still going out with Thomas, or have they broken up?
+gorgeous (adj)
+government (n)
+go (with/together) (phr v)
+• Your tie doesn't go with your shirt.
+• Your tie and shirt don't go together.
+grab (v)
+• He grabbed my bag and ran away.
+grade (n)
+graduation (n)
+gram(me) (n)
+grammar (n)
+grandchild (n)
+grand(d)ad (n)
+granddaughter (n)
+grandfather (n)
+grandma (n)
+grandmother (n)
+grandpa (n)
+grandparent (n)
+grandson (n)
+granny (n)
+grant (n)
+• He was given a grant to study in Australia. (n)
+grape (n)
+graphics (n pi)
+grass (n)
+grateful (adj)
+great (adj)
+green (adj & n)
+greet (v)
+greeting (n)
+grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gray)
+grill (n & v)
+grilled (adj)
+grocery store (n) (Am Eng)
+groom (n)
+ground (n)
+group (n)
+grow (v)
+grow up (phr v)
+• Children grow up fast.
+guard (n)
+guess (n & v)
+guest (n)
+guest-house (n)
+guide (n & v)
+guidebook (n)
+guilty (adj)
+guitar (n)
+guitarist (n)
+gum (n)
+• chewing gum
+gun (n)
+guy (n)
+gym (n)
+gymnastics (n)
+habit (n)
+hair (n)
+haircut (n)
+hairdresser (n)
+hairdryer (n)
+half (adv, det, n & pron)
+half-price (adj)
+hall (n)
+hand (n & v)
+handbag (n)
+hand-held (adj)
+hand in (phr v)
+• Please hand in the answer sheet when you've finished.
+handkerchief (n)
+handle (v)
+hand out (phr v)
+• Hand out the books please, Tom.
+handsome (adj)
+handwriting (n)
+hang (v)
+• to hang a picture
+hang out (phr v)
+• to hang out with friends
+hang up (phr v)
+• She hung up at the end of the phone call.
+happen (v)
+happy (adj)
+happily (adv)
+happiness (n)
+harbour (n)
+hard (adj & adv)
+hardly (adv)
+• hardly any time
+• He could hardly wait.
+hardware (n)
+hat (n)
+hate (v)
+have (av & v)
+have got to (mv)
+have to (mv)
+he (pron)
+head (n)
+• to hit one's head (n)
+• the head of the company (n)
+• the head of the school (n)
+headache (n)
+headline (n)
+headteacher (n)
+health (n)
+healthy (adj)
+hear (v)
+heart (n)
+heat (n)
+heating (n)
+heater (n)
+heavy (adj)
+heel (n)
+• I can't walk in high heels.
+height (n)
+helicopter (n)
+hello (exclam)
+helmet (n)
+help (n & v)
+her (det & pron)
+herb (n)
+here (adv)
+hero (n)
+heroine (n)
+• The heroine of this story is a young schoolgirl.
+hers (pron)
+herself (pron)
+hey (exclam)
+hi (exclam)
+hidden (adj)
+hide (v)
+high (adj & adv)
+hill (n)
+him (pron)
+himself (pron)
+hip hop (n)
+hire (v & n)
+• to hire a boat (v)
+• for hire (n)
+his (det & pron)
+historic (adj)
+historical (adj)
+history (n)
+hit (n & v)
+• The song was a great hit. (n)
+• to hit the ball (v)
+hitchhike (v)
+hobby (n)
+hockey (n)
+hold (v)
+hold up (phr v)
+• He was held up in the heavy traffic for over two hours.
+hole (n)
+holiday (n)
+home (adv & n)
+homepage (n)
+homework (n)
+honest (adj)
+honestly (adv)
+• I honestly don't know where she is.
+honey (n)
+honeymoon (n)
+hope (n & v)
+hopeful (adj)
+hopefully (adv)
+• Hopefully the journey won't take long
+hopeless (adj)
+• a hopeless situation
+horrible (adj)
+horror (adj)
+• a horror movie
+horse (n)
+hospital (n)
+hostel (n)
+hot (adj)
+hotel (n)
+hour (n)
+house (n)
+housewife (n)
+housework (n)
+how (adv)
+however (adv)
+how much (adv)
+hug (n & v)
+huge (adj)
+human (adj & n)
+humid (adj)
+hunger (n)
+hungry (adj)
+hunt (v)
+hurry (n & v)
+hurt (adj & v)
+husband (n)
+hut (n)
+I (pron)
+ice (n)
+ice cream (n)
+ice hockey (n)
+ice skating (n)
+icy (adj)
+ID (n)
+ID card (n)
+idea (n)
+identification (n)
+identity card (ID) (n)
+if (conj)
+ill (adj)
+illness (n)
+imagination (n)
+imagine (v)
+immediately (adv)
+immigration (n)
+importance (n)
+important (adj)
+impossible (adj)
+improve (v)
+improvement (n)
+in (adv & prep)
+in advance (prep phr)
+inch (n)
+include (v)
+including (prep)
+incorrect (adj)
+increase (v)
+incredible (adj)
+indeed (adv)
+independent (adj)
+individual (adj)
+indoor (adj)
+indoors (adv)
+industry (n)
+in fact (prep phr)
+inform (v)
+information (n)
+in front of (prep phr)
+ingredient (n)
+• I always use fresh
+ingredients in half (prep phr)
+in ink (prep phr)
+initial (n)
+• His initials are J.B.H.
+injure (v)
+ink (n)
+in love (prep phr)
+in pencil (prep phr)
+in order (prep phr)
+in order to (prep phr)
+inquiry (n)
+insect (n)
+inside (adv & prep)
+insist (v)
+install (v)
+instance (n)
+• for instance
+instead (of) (adv)
+• There were no lemons so I got oranges instead.
+• Can you come on Monday instead of Tuesday?
+instructions (n pi)
+instructor (n)
+instrument (n)
+• musical instrument
+intelligent (adj)
+intend (v)
+• to intend to do something
+interest (n & v)
+interested (adj)
+interesting (adj)
+intermediate (adj)
+international (adj)
+internet (n)
+interrupt (v)
+interval (n)
+• an interval in a play
+interview (n & v)
+in the end (prep phr)
+in time (prep phr)
+into (prep)
+introduce (v)
+introduction (n)
+in two (prep phr)
+invent (v)
+invention (n)
+invitation (n)
+invite (v)
+involve (v)
+iron (n & v)
+ironing (n)
+island (n)
+issue (n)
+IT (Information Technology) (n)
+it (pron)
+item (n)
+its (det)
+itself (pron)
+jacket (n)
+jail (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: prison)
+jam (n)
+• strawberry jam
+• traffic jam
+jar (n)
+jazz (n)
+jealous (adj)
+jeans (n pi)
+jet (n)
+• to go by jet (plane)
+jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:jewelry)
+job (n)
+jog (v)
+jogging (n)
+join (v)
+• The rivers join there.
+• to join the army
+• to join (in) a game
+joke (n & v)
+journalist (n)
+journey (n)
+judge (n & v)
+jug (n)
+juice (n)
+jump (n & v)
+jumper (n)
+jungle (n)
+just (adv)
+kangaroo (n)
+keen (adj)
+• He's keen on cycling.
+• to be keen to do something
+keep (v)
+keeper (n)
+keep in (phr v)
+• She kept the children in as it was so cold.
+keep on (phr v)
+• He kept on talking.
+keep up (phr v)
+• Keep up the good work!
+kettle (n)
+key (n)
+• key to a lock
+• key to success
+keyboard (n)
+• computer keyboard
+• keyboard music
+kick (n & v)
+kid (n)
+• We're taking the kids camping.
+kill (v)
+kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilogram)
+kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilometer)
+kind (adj & n)
+king (n)
+kiss (n & v)
+kit (n)
+kitchen (n)
+kite (n)
+kitten (n)
+knife (n)
+knit (v)
+knock (v)
+knock down (phr v)
+• He was knocked down by the car as he stepped into the road.
+know (v)
+knowledge (n)
+knee (n)
+label (n)
+laboratory (lab) (n)
+lack (n)
+ladder (n)
+lady (n)
+lake (n)
+lamb (n)
+lamp (n)
+land (n & v)
+landscape (n)
+language (n)
+laptop (computer) (n)
+large (adj)
+last (adj, adv, det & v)
+late (adj & adv)
+lately (adv)
+later (adj & adv)
+latest (adj)
+laugh (n & v)
+law (n)
+lawyer (n)
+lay (v)
+• lay the table
+lazy (adj)
+lead (v)
+• to lead someone by the hand
+• Where does this road lead?
+leader (n)
+leaf (n)
+league (n)
+learn (v)
+least (adj & adv)
+• the least amount (adj)
+• at least (adv)
+leather (n)
+leave (v)
+lecture (n)
+left (n, adj & adv)
+left-hand (adj)
+leg (n)
+leisure (n)
+lemon (n)
+lemonade (n)
+lend (v)
+length (n)
+less (adv, det & pron)
+lesson (n)
+let (v)
+• Let her do it.
+• Let me think.
+• Let's go out tonight.
+letter (n)
+lettuce (n)
+level (n)
+library (n)
+licence (n)
+• a driving/marriage/TV licence
+lie (n & v)
+lie down (phr v)
+life (n)
+lift (n & v)
+• Can you give me a lift, please? (n)
+• The lift is going up. (n)
+• Please help me to lift this table. (v)
+light (adj, n & v)
+lighter (n)
+• a cigarette lighter
+lightning (n)
+like (prep & v)
+likely (adj)
+limit (n)
+limited (adj)
+• a limited choice
+line (n)
+• a line on a page
+• a clothes line
+• a railway line
+link (n)
+• a link to a website
+lion (n)
+lip (n)
+liquid (n)
+list (n)
+listen (v)
+literature (n)
+litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)
+litter (n)
+little (adj,det & pron)
+live (v)
+live (adj)
+• live music/sport
+lively (adj)
+living room (n)
+load (n)
+loan (n)
+local (adj)
+locate (v)
+• The station is located in the city centre.
+location (n)
+lock (n & v)
+locker (n)
+logo (n)
+lonely (adj)
+long (adj)
+look like (v)
+• She looks like her sister.
+look (n & v)
+look after (phr v)
+• Who's looking after your baby now?
+look at (phr v)
+look for (phr v)
+look forward to (phr v)
+• I'm looking forward to the party!
+look out (phr v)
+• Look out!
+look up (phr v)
+• Look up the meaning of the word in your dictionary.
+loose (adj)
+lorry (n)
+lose (v)
+lost (adj)
+lots I a lot (n)
+lottery (n)
+loud (adj)
+love (n & v)
+lovely (adj)
+low (adj)
+luck (n)
+lucky (adj)
+luggage (n)
+lunch (n)
+lunchtime (n)
+luxury (n)
+machine (n)
+mad (adj)
+Madam (n)
+made of/from/out of (v)
+• Her shirt is made of cotton.
+magazine (n)
+magic (adj & n)
+magnificent (adj)
+mail (n & v)
+main (adj)
+main course (n)
+make (v)
+make sure (v)
+make-up (n)
+male (adj)
+man (n)
+manage (v)
+• to manage a business
+• to manage to do something (succeed in)
+manager (n)
+mango (n)
+many (det & pron)
+map (n)
+mark (n)
+market (n)
+• to buy something from a market
+marriage (n)
+married (adj)
+marry (v)
+marvellous (adj)
+match (n & v)
+• a box of matches (n)
+• a tennis match (n)
+• This tie matches your shirt. (v)
+mate (n)
+material (n)
+maths I mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: math)
+matter (n & v)
+• Is anything the matter? (n)
+• It doesn't matter. (v)
+maximum (adj & n)
+may (mv)
+maybe (adv)
+me (pron)
+meal (n)
+mean (v)
+• What do you mean?
+• What does it mean?
+meaning (n)
+meanwhile (adv)
+meat (n)
+mechanic (n)
+medicine (n)
+medium (adj)
+meet (v)
+meeting (n)
+melon (n)
+member (n)
+membership (n)
+memory (n)
+• to have a good/poor memory
+• happy memories
+• computer memory
+mend (v)
+mention (v)
+menu (n)
+mess (n)
+message (n)
+messy (adj)
+metal (n)
+method (n)
+• modern methods of teaching
+metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: meter)
+microwave (n)
+• a microwave oven
+midday (n)
+middle (n)
+middle-aged (adj)
+midnight (n)
+might (mv)
+mild (adj)
+mile (n)
+milk (n)
+millimetre (mm) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: millimeter)
+million (n)
+mind (n & v)
+• His mind was on other things. (n)
+• Would you mind if I called tomorrow? (v)
+• Mind your head!(v)
+• Who's minding the baby for you? (v)
+mine (pron)
+mineral water (n)
+minimum (adj & n)
+minus (prep)
+minute (n)
+mirror (n)
+miserable (adj)
+miss (v)
+Miss (n)
+Missing (adj)
+Mistake (n)
+mix (v)
+mobile (phone) (n)
+model (n)
+• It's cheap because it's last year's model. (n)
+• She's a fashion model. (n)
+modern (adj)
+moment (n)
+money (n)
+monkey (n)
+month (n)
+monument (n)
+mood (n)
+moon (n)
+more (adv, det & pron)
+morning (n)
+mosquito (n)
+most (adv,det & pron)
+mother (n)
+motorcycle (n)
+motorbike (n)
+motor-racing (n)
+motorway (n)
+mountain (n)
+mouse (n)
+moustache (n)
+mouth (n)
+move (v)
+movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film)
+movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film star)
+movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: cinema)
+MP3 player (n)
+Mr (n)
+Mrs (n)
+Ms (n)
+much (adv, det & pron)
+mug (n)
+mum (n)
+museum (n)
+mushroom (n)
+music (n)
+musical (adj)
+musician (n)
+must (mv)
+multiply (v)
+my (det)
+myself (pron)
+mystery (n)
+name (n & v)
+narrow (adj)
+nasty (adj)
+national (adj)
+nationality (n)
+natural (adj)
+nature (n)
+• nature studies
+navy blue (adj)
+near (adv, prep & adj)
+nearby (adj & adv)
+nearly (adv)
+neat (adj)
+necessary (adj)
+neck (n)
+necklace (n)
+need (v)
+negative (adj)
+neighbour (n)
+neighbourhood (n)
+nephew (n)
+nervous (adj)
+• a nervous person
+• to feel nervous
+net (n)
+network (n)
+never (adv)
+new (adj)
+news (n)
+newspaper (n)
+next (adj & adv)
+next to (prep)
+nice (adj)
+niece (n)
+night (n)
+nightclub (n)
+nightlife (n)
+nightmare (n)
+no (adv, det & pron)
+nobody (pron)
+noise (n)
+noisy (adj)
+none (pron)
+noon (n)
+no one (pron)
+normal (adj)
+normally (adv)
+north (adj, adv & n)
+northeast (adj & n)
+northern (adj)
+northwest (adj & n)
+nose (n)
+not (adv)
+note (n & v)
+• to write a note (n)
+• a ten-pound note (n)
+• Please note. (v)
+notebook (n)
+notepaper (n)
+nothing (pron)
+notice (n & v)
+• to read a notice (n)
+• until further notice (n)
+• Did you notice anything
+wrong? (v)
+noticeboard (n)
+novel (n)
+now (adv)
+nowadays (adv)
+nowhere (adv)
+number (n)
+• numbers 5 to 7
+• a large number of cars
+• What's your (phone) number?
+nurse (n)
+object (n)
+obvious (adj)
+obviously (adv)
+occasion (n)
+occupation (n)
+ocean (n)
+o'clock (adv)
+of (prep)
+of course (adv)
+off (adv & prep)
+• It fell off the table. (prep)
+• The meeting is off. (adv)
+• I've got the afternoon off. (adv)
+offer (n & v)
+office (n)
+officer (n)
+often (adv)
+oh (exclam)
+oh dear! (exclam)
+oil (n)
+OK I O.K./ okay (adj & exclam)
+old (adj)
+old-fashioned (adj)
+olive (n)
+omelette (n)
+on (adv & prep)
+on board (prep phr)
+on business (prep phr)
+once (adv)
+• once a year
+• I once saw him dancing.
+one (det & pron)
+on fire (prep phr)
+on foot (prep phr)
+on holiday (prep phr)
+onion (n)
+online (adv & adj)
+• to book/buy something
+online (adv)
+• an online printer (adj)
+only (adj & adv)
+on purpose (prep phr)
+on request (prep phr)
+on sale (prep phr)
+on time (prep phr)
+onto (prep)
+open (adj & v)
+opening hours (n pi)
+opera (n)
+operate (v)
+operation (n)
+opinion (n)
+opportunity (n)
+opposite (adj, n, prep & adv)
+option (n)
+or (conj)
+orange (adj & n)
+orchestra (n)
+order (conj, n & v)
+• in order to (conj)
+• to put something in order (n)
+• to order a meal (v)
+ordinary (adj)
+organisation (n)
+organise (v)
+original (adj)
+other (adj, pron & det)
+otherwise (adv)
+ought (mv)
+our (det)
+ours (pron)
+ourselves (pron)
+out (adv)
+outdoor (adj)
+outdoors (adv)
+out of (prep)
+out of date (prep phr)
+out of order (prep phr)
+out of work (prep phr)
+outside (adv,adj & prep)
+oven (n)
+over (adv & prep)
+• I'm going over the road. (prep)
+• over 40 people (more than) (adv)
+• to be over (finished) (adv)
+• Several birds were flying over the roof of the school. (prep)
+overnight (adj & adv)
+owe (v)
+own (adj, pron & v)
+• my own pen (adj)
+• on my own (pron)
+• to own a car (v)
+owner (n)
+pack (v)
+• to pack a case (v)
+packet (n)
+page (n)
+pain (n)
+painful (adj)
+paint (n & v)
+painter (n)
+painting (n)
+pair (n)
+palace (n)
+pale (adj)
+• pale blue
+pan (n)
+pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: trousers)
+paper (n)
+• a sheet of paper
+• a (news)paper
+paragraph (n)
+parcel (n)
+pardon (exclam)
+• Pardon?
+parent (n)
+park (n & v)
+• a public park (n)
+• to park a car (v)
+parking (n)
+parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:car park)
+parrot (n)
+part (n)
+• a part of something (n)
+partly (adv)
+particular (adj)
+• I love this CD - in particular the last song.
+partner (n)
+part time (adv)
+part-time (adj)
+party (n)
+• a birthday party
+• a political party
+pass (n & v)
+• Several cars passed.
+• to pass the sugar
+• to pass an examination
+passenger (n)
+passport (n)
+password (n)
+past (adj, n & prep)
+• the past few weeks (adj)
+• in the past (n)
+• It's half past one. (prep)
+pasta (n)
+path (n)
+patient (adj & n)
+• to be patient (adj)
+• a hospital patient (n)
+pattern (n)
+pause (v)
+pavement (n)
+pay (n & v)
+PC (personal computer) (n)
+pea (n)
+peace (n)
+peaceful (adj)
+peach (n)
+peak (n)
+peanut (n)
+pear (n)
+pedestrian (n)
+peel (v)
+pen (n)
+pence (n pi)
+pencil (n)
+pencil case (n)
+penfriend (n)
+penguin (n)
+penny (n)
+people (n pi)
+pepper (n)
+• to pass the pepper (spice)
+• red peppers (vegetable)
+per (prep)
+percent (adv)
+perfect (adj)
+perform (v)
+performance (n)
+performer (n)
+perfume (n)
+perhaps (adv)
+period (n)
+permanent (adj)
+permission (n)
+permit (v)
+• Dogs are not permitted here.
+permitted (adj)
+person (n)
+personal (adj)
+personally (adv)
+persuade (v)
+pet (n)
+petrol (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas)
+petrol station (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gas station)
+pharmacy (n)
+phone (n & v)
+photo (n)
+photocopy (n)
+photo(graph) (n)
+photographer (n)
+photography (n)
+phrase (n)
+physics (n)
+piano (n)
+pick (v)
+pick up (phr v)
+• I picked up a pencil.
+• I'll pick up my sister from the station.
+picnic (n)
+picture (n)
+pie (n)
+piece (n)
+• a piece of cheese
+• to break into small pieces
+• a piece of furniture/advice
+pig (n)
+pile (n)
+pill (n)
+pillow (n)
+pilot (n)
+pin (n & v)
+pineapple (n)
+pink (adj & n)
+pipe (n)
+pirate (n)
+pity (n)
+• It's a pity you couldn't come to the party - it was great.
+pizza (n)
+place (n)
+• a safe place (n)
+• I've lost my place in the book. (n)
+• third place in a race (n)
+• London is a big place. (n)
+plain (adj)
+• It's plain to me. (clear)
+• a plain T-shirt (no design)
+plan (n & v)
+• a street plan (n)
+• a plan to do something (n)
+plane (n)
+planet (n)
+plant (n & v)
+plastic (adj & n)
+plate (n)
+platform (n)
+play (n & v)
+• a play at the theatre (n)
+• children playing (v)
+• to play football (v)
+• to play the guitar (v)
+• to play a CD (v)
+• to play the part of someone (act) (v)
+player (n)
+playground (n)
+pleasant (adj)
+please (exclam & v)
+• Come in, please. (exclam)
+• to please someone (v)
+pleased (adj)
+pleasure (n)
+plenty (pron)
+plug (n)
+• a plug for the bath
+• an electrical plug
+plus (prep & conj)
+p.m. (adv)
+pocket (n)
+pocket money (n)
+poem (n)
+poet (n)
+poetry (n)
+point (n & v)
+• to point at something (v)
+• The pencil has no point on it. (n)
+police (n)
+policeman (n)
+police officer (n)
+police station (n)
+polite (adj)
+political (adj)
+politician (n)
+politics (n)
+pollution (n)
+pool (n)
+• a swimming-pool poor (adj)
+• She is very poor. (financial)
+• the poor man (sympathy)
+pop (n)
+• pop song/music/star/group
+popular (adj)
+population (n)
+port (n)
+position (n)
+positive (adj)
+possibility (n)
+possible (adj)
+possibly (adv)
+post (n & v)
+• to post a letter (v)
+• to send it by post (n)
+postcard (n)
+poster (n)
+postman (n)
+post office (n)
+postpone (v)
+pot (n)
+potato (n)
+pound (£) (n)
+pour (v)
+powder (n)
+power (n)
+powerful (adj)
+practice (n)
+practise (v) (n =Am Eng)
+pray (v)
+prayer (n)
+predict (v)
+prefer (v)
+pregnant (adj)
+preparation (n)
+prepare (v)
+prepared (adj)
+prescription (n)
+• medicine on a prescription
+present (adj & n)
+• to be present (adj)
+• at the present time (adj)
+• That will be all for the present. (n)
+• I got some lovely birthday presents. (n)
+presentation (n)
+president (n)
+press (v)
+• to press a button
+• to press a suit
+pretty (adj & adv)
+prevent (v)
+previous (adj)
+previously (adv)
+price (n)
+primary school (n)
+prince (n)
+princess (n)
+principal (adj)
+print (v)
+• to print a document
+printer (n)
+prison (n)
+prisoner (n)
+private (adj)
+prize (n)
+probably (adv)
+problem (n)
+produce (v)
+product (n)
+profession (n)
+professional (n)
+professor (n)
+program(me) (n)
+• TV programme
+• computer program
+progress (n)
+project (n)
+promise (n & v)
+• to promise to do something (v)
+• to keep a promise (n)
+promote (v)
+pronounce (v)
+• to pronounce a word correctly
+pronunciation (n)
+proper (adj)
+property (n)
+protect (v)
+proud (adj)
+prove (v)
+provide (v)
+public (adj & n)
+• public opinion (adj)
+• to make something public (adj)
+• to be open to the public (n)
+public transport (n)
+publish (v)
+pull (v)
+pullover (n)
+pump (n)
+• petrol/bike pump
+punish (v)
+pupil (n)
+puppy (n)
+pure (adj)
+purple (adj & n)
+purpose (n)
+• He did it on purpose. (deliberately)
+purse (n)
+push (n & v)
+put (v)
+put away (phr v)
+• He put the book away.
+put down (phr v)
+• She put her name down.
+put off (phr v)
+• The meeting was put off until the following week.
+put on (phr v)
+• He put on a suit.
+• Can you put on the light?
+• He didn't want to put on weight.
+put out (phr v)
+• The fire was quickly put out.
+put through (phr v)
+• Can you put me through to the manager, please?
+put up (phr v)
+• The company had to put up its prices.
+puzzle (n)
+pyjamas (n pi)
+qualification (n)
+qualified (adj)
+quality (n)
+quantity (n)
+quarter (n)
+queen (n)
+question (n)
+• to ask a question
+• the question being
+discussed (subject)
+questionnaire (n)
+queue (n)
+quick (adj)
+quickly (adv)
+quiet (adj)
+quit (v)
+quite (adv)
+• Are you quite sure?
+• quite old
+quiz (n)
+rabbit (n)
+race (n & v)
+• to win a race (n)
+• to race against fast runners (compete) (v)
+• to race home quickly (run) (v)
+racket (n)
+• tennis racket
+radio (n)
+rail (n)
+• to go by rail
+railway (n)
+rain (n & v)
+raincoat (n)
+rainforest (n)
+raise (v)
+• to raise your arm
+• to raise prices
+range (n)
+rap (n)
+rare (adj)
+rarely (adv)
+rather (adv)
+• She's rather tall for her age.
+• I'd rather go to the cinema than the theatre
+• Shall we stay in tonight, rather than go out?
+raw (adj)
+• raw meat
+reach (v)
+read (v)
+reader (n)
+reading (n)
+ready (adj)
+real (adj)
+realise (v)
+• He realised it was true.
+realistic (adj)
+really (adv)
+reason (n)
+reasonable (adj)
+reasonably (adv)
+rebuild (v)
+receipt (n)
+receive (v)
+recent (adj)
+reception (n)
+receptionist (n)
+recipe (n)
+recognise (v)
+recommend (v)
+• to recommend someone/something
+record (n & v)
+• to keep a record (n)
+• to break a record (n)
+• to record a song (v)
+recording (n)
+recover (v)
+• to recover from an illness
+recycle (v)
+• I don't recycle as much as I should.
+recycled (adj)
+recycling (n)
+red (adj)
+reduce (v)
+refreshments (n pi)
+refrigerator (n)
+refund (n)
+refuse (v)
+regarding (prep)
+regards (n)
+region (n)
+register (v)
+• He registered with a new doctor. (v)
+registration (n)
+regret (n & v)
+regular (adj)
+relation (n)
+• to visit a relation
+relationship (n)
+relative (n)
+• a relative came to stay
+relax (v)
+relaxation (n)
+relaxed (adj)
+reliable (adj)
+religion (n)
+remain (v)
+remember (v)
+remind (v)
+remote control (n)
+remove (v)
+rent (n & v)
+repair (n & v)
+repeat (v)
+replace (v)
+reply (n & v)
+report (n & v)
+reporter (n)
+request (n & v)
+require (v)
+rescue (n & v)
+research (v)
+reservation (n)
+reserve (n & v)
+• She was a reserve for the team. (n)
+• to reserve a seat (v)
+resort (n)
+respect (n & v)
+responsible (adj)
+rest (n & v)
+• a rest from work (n)
+• the rest of them (n)
+• The doctor told her to rest. (v)
+restaurant (n)
+result (n)
+retire (v)
+return (n & v)
+• to return home (v)
+• a return (ticket) (n)
+review (n)
+revise (v)
+revision (n)
+reward (n)
+rice (n)
+rich (adj)
+ride (n & v)
+rider (n)
+right (adj, adv & n)
+• the right time (correct) (adj)
+• the right person for the job (suitable) (adj)
+• my right foot (adj)
+• Everything will be all right. (adj)
+• Go right there. (directly) (adv)
+• Fill it right to the top. (completely) (adv)
+• the right to vote (n)
+right-hand (adj)
+ring (n & v)
+• stand in a ring (n)
+• a wedding ring (n)
+• Give me a ring tomorrow. (phone) (n)
+• Suddenly the bell rang. (v)
+ring back (phr v)
+ring up (phr v)
+• to telephone somebody
+rise (v)
+• The sun rises in the east.
+• Prices are rising.
+river (n)
+road (n)
+roast (adj & v)
+rob (v)
+rock (n)
+• rock (music) (n)
+• a hard piece of rock (n)
+role (n)
+roll (n)
+• a roll of film (n)
+• a bread roll (n)
+romance (n)
+romantic (adj)
+roof (n)
+room (n)
+• the sitting room
+• There's lots of room in here.
+rose (n)
+rough (adj)
+• a rough road
+• a rough idea
+• rough work
+round (adj, adv & prep)
+• a round object (adj)
+• the wrong way round (adv)
+• to sit round a table (prep)
+roundabout (n)
+route (n)
+routine (n)
+row (n)
+• a row of seats
+rubber (n)
+• a rubber (eraser)
+rubbish (n)
+rude (adj)
+rug (n)
+rugby (n)
+ruin (n)
+rule (n & v)
+• the rules of grammar (n)
+• to rule a country (v)
+ruler (n)
+• draw a line using a ruler
+run (v)
+• to run in a race
+• to run a business
+runner (n)
+running (n)
+run out (phr v)
+• He ran out of time and didn't finish.
+sad (adj)
+safe (adj)
+• to be safe from harm
+safely (adv)
+sail (n & v)
+sailing (n)
+salad (n)
+salary (n)
+sale (n)
+salesman/saleswoman (n)
+salmon (n)
+salt (n)
+same (adj, pron & adv)
+• at the same time (adj)
+• Your watch is the same as mine. (pron)
+• You should treat everyone the same.(adv)
+sand (n)
+sandal (n)
+sandwich (n)
+satisfactory (adj)
+satisfied (adj)
+sauce (n)
+saucepan (n)
+saucer (n)
+sausage (n)
+save (v)
+• to save someone
+• to save money
+• to save time
+say (v)
+• to say something to someone
+• I really can't say. (give an opinion)
+scared (adj)
+scarf (n)
+scary (adj)
+scene (n)
+scenery (n)
+school (n)
+schoolchild (n)
+science (n)
+science fiction (n)
+scientific (adj)
+scientist (n)
+scissors (n pi)
+scooter (n)
+score (n & v)
+• The score was 3-0. (n)
+• to score a goal (v)
+scream (n & v)
+screen (n)
+sculpture (n)
+sea (n)
+search (n & v)
+seaside (n)
+season (n)
+seat (n)
+seat belt (n)
+second (adv, det & n)
+• She came second and won silver.(adv)
+• This is the second time you've been late. (det)
+• sixty seconds in a minute (n)
+secondary (adj)
+• secondary school
+second-hand (adj & adv)
+secret (adj & n)
+secretary (n)
+section (n)
+security (n)
+see (v)
+• to see something (with the eyes)
+• to see the joke (understand)
+• to see someone about a
+problem (consult)
+seem (v)
+select (v)
+selfish (adj)
+self-service (adj)
+sell (v)
+send (v)
+sense (n)
+sensible (adj)
+sentence (n)
+• words in a sentence
+separate (adj)
+series (n)
+• a TV series
+serious (adj)
+• a serious person
+• a serious illness
+seriously (adv)
+serve (v)
+• to serve in a shop
+server (n)
+• a file server
+service (n)
+• a bus service
+• customer service
+session (n)
+• in a school, gym
+set (n & v)
+set off (phr v)
+• She set off early for work.
+set out (phr v)
+• They set out on the long journey.
+set up (phr v)
+• Her mother helped her to set up in business.
+several (det & pron)
+sew (v)
+sex (n)
+• the male/female sex
+shade (n)
+• to sit in the shade
+shadow (n)
+shake (v)
+shall (mv)
+shame (n)
+shampoo (n)
+shape (n)
+share (v)
+shark (n)
+sharp (adj)
+• a sharp knife
+• a sharp corner
+• a sharp picture
+shave (v)
+she (pron)
+sheep (n)
+sheet (n)
+• sheets on a bed
+• a sheet of paper
+• information sheet
+shelf (n)
+shine (v)
+shiny (adj)
+ship (n)
+shirt (n)
+shock (n)
+• to suffer from shock (n)
+shocked (adj)
+shocking (adj)
+shoe (n)
+shoot (v)
+• to shoot at the goal
+shop (n & v)
+shop assistant (n)
+shopping (n)
+shore (n)
+short (adj)
+shortly (adv)
+shorts (n pi)
+• a pair of shorts
+should (mv)
+shoulder (n)
+shout (n & v)
+show (n & v)
+• a film show (n)
+• Show it to me. (v)
+• The picture shows a village. (v)
+• It shows that they care. (v)
+shower (n)
+• a shower of rain
+• to have a shower
+shut (adj & v)
+shy (adj)
+sick (adj)
+side (n)
+sight (n)
+• Her sight is better with glasses.
+• in sight, out of sight
+sightseeing (n)
+sign (n & v)
+• a road sign (n)
+• to sign a document (v)
+• no sign of life (n)
+• signs of winter (n)
+signal (n & v)
+signature (n)
+signpost (n)
+silence (n)
+silent (adj)
+silk (adj & n)
+silly (adj)
+silver (adj & n)
+similar (adj)
+simple (adj)
+since (conj & prep)
+sincerely (adv)
+• Yours sincerely
+sing (v)
+singer (n)
+singing (n)
+single (n & adj)
+• a single (ticket) to
+Manchester (n)
+• to be single (unmarried) (adj)
+• a single room (adj)
+sink (n & v)
+• a kitchen sink (n)
+• The ship began to sink. (v)
+sir (n)
+• Yes, sir!
+sister (n)
+sit (v)
+sit down (phr v)
+site (n)
+sitting room (n)
+situated (adj)
+situation (n)
+size (n)
+skate (n & v)
+skateboard (n & v)
+skateboarding (n)
+skating (n)
+ski (n & v)
+skiing (n)
+skill (n)
+skin (n)
+skirt (n)
+sky (n)
+sleep (n & v)
+sleeve (n)
+slice (n)
+slim (adj)
+slip (v)
+• to slip on the ice
+slow (adj)
+slowly (adv)
+small (adj)
+smart (adj)
+• a smart idea (Am Eng)
+• smart clothes
+smell (n & v)
+smile (n & v)
+smoke (n & v)
+smoking (n)
+smooth (adj)
+• a smooth surface (level)
+• a smooth ride in the new car (comfortable)
+snack (n)
+snake (n)
+snow (n & v)
+snowboard (n & v)
+snowboarding (n)
+so (adv & conj)
+soap (n)
+soap opera (n)
+soccer (n)
+sociable (adj)
+social (adj)
+society (n)
+sock (n)
+sofa (n)
+soft (adj)
+• a soft material
+• a soft drink
+software (n)
+soldier (n)
+solution (n)
+solve (n)
+some (det & pron)
+somebody (pron)
+somehow (adv)
+someone (pron)
+something (pron)
+sometimes (adv)
+somewhere (adv)
+son (n)
+song (n)
+soon (adv)
+• I'll come soon.
+• as soon as I can
+sore (adj)
+sorry (adj)
+sort (n)
+• the same sort
+so-so (adj)
+soul (n)
+sound (n & v)
+• the sound of music (n)
+• It sounds like/as if...(v)
+soup (n)
+sour (adj)
+• a sour taste
+south (adj & adv, n)
+southeast (adj & n)
+southern (adj)
+southwest (adj & n)
+souvenir (n)
+space (n)
+• a parking space
+• write in the spaces
+• not enough space
+• outer space
+spare (adj & v)
+• spare cash, spare time (adj)
+• to spare the time (v)
+sparkling (adj)
+• Sparkling water, please.
+speak (v)
+speaker (n)
+special (adj)
+spectacular (adj)
+speech (n)
+speed (n)
+spell (v)
+spelling (n)
+spend (v)
+• to spend money/time
+spice (n)
+spicy (adj)
+spill (v)
+spinach (n)
+spite (n)
+• in spite of
+split up (phr v)
+• She's just split up with her boyfriend.
+spoil (v)
+spoon (n)
+sport (n)
+sports centre (n)
+spot (n)
+spy (n)
+square (adj & n)
+• a square room (adj)
+• a market square (n)
+squash (n)
+stadium (n)
+staff (n)
+stage (n)
+• to perform on a stage
+stairs (n pi)
+stall (n)
+• market stall
+stamp (n)
+• a postage stamp
+stand (v)
+star (n)
+• stars in the sky (n)
+• a film star (n)
+start (n & v)
+• a good start (n)
+• to start a race (v)
+station (n)
+• a bus/fire/radio station
+statue (n)
+stay (n & v)
+• to stay to dinner (v)
+• to stay with friends (v)
+• to stay looking young (v)
+• a two-night stay (n)
+stay behind (phr v)
+• She stayed behind after the lesson to speak to the teacher.
+steak (n)
+steal (v)
+steep (adj)
+step (n)
+• two steps forward
+• to climb the steps
+stick (n & v)
+• a walking stick (n)
+• to stick two things together (v)
+sticky (adj)
+still (adj & adv)
+• I prefer still to sparkling water. (adj)
+• Sit still! (adv)
+• She's still here. (adv)
+stir (v)
+stomach (n)
+stomach ache (n)
+stone (n)
+• a large stone
+• a stone bridge
+stop (n & v)
+• a bus stop (n)
+• The car stopped. (v)
+• It's stopped raining. (v)
+• The rain stopped me from going out. (v)
+store (n)
+• a department store (n)
+storm (n)
+story (n)
+straight (adj & adv)
+• to go straight on (adv)
+a straight road (adj)
+strange (adj)
+stranger (n)
+strawberry (n)
+stream (n)
+street (n)
+stress (n)
+• He didn't want the stress of a new job.
+stressed (adj)
+stressful (adj)
+strict (adj)
+strike (n & v)
+• to go on strike (n)
+• to strike something (v)
+stripe (n)
+strong (adj)
+student (n)
+studio (n)
+• TV/artists/recording studio
+studies (n pi)
+study (n & v)
+• to study physics (v)
+• to study the map (v)
+• Social Studies (n)
+stuff (n)
+stupid (adj)
+style (n)
+stylish (adj)
+subject (n)
+• the subject of a discussion
+• the subject of a sentence
+• a school subject
+subtract (v)
+subway (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: underground)
+succeed (v)
+success (n)
+successful (adj)
+such (det)
+sudden (adj)
+suddenly (adv)
+suffer (v)
+sugar (n)
+suggest (v)
+suggestion (n)
+suit (n)
+• to wear a suit
+suitable (adj)
+suitcase (n)
+sum (n)
+sun (n)
+sunbathe (v)
+sunglasses (n pi)
+sunny (adj)
+sunrise (n)
+sunset (n)
+sunshine (n)
+supermarket (n)
+supper (n)
+support (n & v)
+• She gave me a lot of support during my exams. (n)
+• to support a weight (v)
+• to support a team (v)
+supporter (n)
+suppose (v)
+• I suppose it's true.
+• You aren't supposed to drive fast.
+• It's supposed to be a good film.
+sure (adj & adv)
+• I'm sure you're right. (adj)
+• to make sure (adv)
+surf (v)
+surfboard (n)
+surfing (n)
+surname (n)
+surprise (n & v)
+surprised (adj)
+surprising (adj)
+surround (v)
+• The cottage is surrounded by beautiful countryside.
+sweater (n)
+sweatshirt (n)
+sweet (adj & n)
+• sweet food (adj)
+• a sweet face (adj)
+• a sweet smell (adj)
+• to eat a sweet (n)
+swim (n & v)
+swimmer (n)
+swimming (n)
+swimming costume (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bathing suit)
+swimming pool (n)
+swimsuit (n)
+switch (n & v)
+• light switch (n)
+• to switch on a machine (v)
+system (n)
+table (n)
+table-cloth (n)
+tablet (n)
+table tennis (n)
+take (v)
+• to take someone's hand
+• to take someone's things (steal/ borrow)
+• to take a photo
+• to take a long time
+• to take a holiday
+takeaway (n)
+take away (v)
+• Take 15 away from 78.
+take care of (v)
+• take care of someone.
+take off (phr v)
+• Do you want to take off your coat?
+• The plane takes off at 6.
+take part (in) (v)
+• Everybody took part in the meeting.
+take place (v)
+• The meeting took place at six.
+take up (phr v)
+• He decided to take up a new hobby.
+talent (n)
+talented (adj)
+talk (n & v)
+talk show (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chat show)
+tall (adj)
+tap (n)
+• a cold-water tap (n)
+taste (n & v)
+• to have good taste (n)
+• to taste food (v)
+• It tastes good. (v)
+tasty (adj)
+tax (n)
+taxi (n)
+tea (n)
+teach (v)
+teacher (n)
+teaching (n)
+team (n)
+tear (n & v)
+• Tears ran down her cheeks. (n)
+• to tear a piece of paper (v)
+technique (n)
+technology (n)
+teenager (n)
+telephone (n & v)
+television (TV) (n)
+tell (v)
+• to tell a story
+• to tell someone something
+• to tell someone to do something
+• you can't always tell
+temperature (n)
+• to have a temperature
+• air temperature
+temporary (adj)
+tennis (n)
+tense (n)
+tent (n)
+term (n)
+terrible (adj)
+terribly (adv)
+terrific (adj)
+terrified (adj)
+test (n & v)
+text (n & v)
+textbook (n)
+text message (n)
+than (conj & prep)
+thank (v)
+thanks (exclam)
+thank you (exclam)
+that (conj, det & pron)
+the (det)
+theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: theater)
+their (det)
+theirs (pron)
+them (pron)
+themselves (pron)
+then (adv)
+there (adv)
+therefore (adv)
+these (det & pron)
+they (pron)
+thick (adj)
+thief (n)
+thin (adj)
+thing (n)
+think (v)
+• to think about something
+• I think he's left.
+• What did you think of the film?
+• I think I'll go.
+• I'm thinking of going.
+thirsty (adj)
+this (det & pron)
+those (det & pron)
+though (conj)
+thought (n)
+• to have thoughts about something
+• to be deep in thought
+thriller (n)
+throat (n)
+through (prep)
+throw (v)
+throw away (phr v)
+• He threw away the old TV.
+thumb (n)
+thunder (n)
+thunderstorm (n)
+tick (n & v)
+ticket (n)
+tidy (adj & v)
+tidy up (phr v)
+• Please tidy up when you've finished.
+tie (n & v)
+• a shirt and tie (n)
+• to tie with string (v)
+tiger (n)
+tight (adj)
+• tight shoes
+tights (n pi)
+• a pair of tights
+till (conj & prep)
+• to wait till the end (prep)
+• till he comes (conj)
+time (n & v)
+• What time is it? (n)
+• It took a long time. (n)
+• the last time (n)
+• Is it time yet? (n)
+• Four times five is twenty. (v)
+timetable (n)
+tin (n)
+• a tin of peas
+• made of tin
+tiny (adj)
+tip (n)
+• the tip of the pencil
+• a tip for the waitress
+tired (adj)
+tiring (adj)
+tissue (n)
+title (n)
+to (prep)
+toast (n)
+• toast for breakfast
+today (adv & n)
+toe (n)
+together (adv)
+toilet (n)
+tomato (n)
+tomorrow (adv & n)
+tongue (n)
+tonight (adv & n)
+too (adv)
+• I've been there, too.
+• It's too heavy to lift.
+tooth/teeth (n)
+toothache (n)
+toothbrush (n)
+toothpaste (n)
+top (adj & n)
+• top of the class (adj)
+• at the top of his voice (n)
+topic (n)
+total (adj & n)
+totally (adv)
+touch (v)
+tour (n & v)
+tour guide (n)
+tourism (n)
+tourist (n)
+tourist information centre (n)
+tournament (n)
+toward(s) (prep)
+towel (n)
+tower (n)
+town (n)
+toy (n)
+track (n)
+• a race track
+tracksuit (n)
+trade (n)
+traditional (adj)
+traffic (n)
+traffic jam (n)
+traffic light(s) (n)
+train (n & v)
+• to travel by train (n)
+• to train in a skill (v)
+trainer (n)
+• a pair of trainers
+• a personal trainer
+training (n)
+tram (n)
+transfer (v)
+translate (v)
+translation (n)
+transport (n)
+trash can (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:rubbish bin)
+travel (v)
+travel agent (n)
+tree (n)
+trend (n)
+trick (n)
+trip (n)
+• a weekend trip
+trouble (n)
+trousers (n pi)
+truck (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lorry)
+trunk (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: boot)
+• the trunk of a car
+true (adj)
+• Is it true?
+• a true friend
+trumpet (n)
+trust (v)
+• to trust someone
+truth (n)
+try (v)
+• to try to do something
+• to try (out) something
+try on (phr v)
+• to try on shoes
+T-shirt (n)
+tube (n)
+• a tube of toothpaste
+tuna (n)
+tune (n)
+tunnel (n)
+turkey (n)
+turn (n & v)
+• to turn your head (v)
+• to turn the page (v)
+• It's my turn. (n)
+• The wheels began to turn. (v)
+turn down (phr v)
+• Could you turn down the music?
+turning (n)
+• the first turning on the left
+turn into (phr v)
+• The water had turned into ice.
+turn off (phr v)
+• She turned off the engine.
+turn on (phr v)
+• Can you turn on the TV?
+turn up (phr v)
+• Turn up the radio I can hardly hear it.
+twice (adv)
+twin (n)
+type (n & v)
+• a type of person (n)
+• to type a letter (v)
+typical (adj)
+typically (adv)
+tyre (n)
+ugly (adj)
+umbrella (n)
+unable (adj)
+unbelievable (adj)
+uncle (n)
+uncomfortable (adj)
+under (prep)
+• under the bed
+• under £10.00
+underground (adj & n)
+• underground trains (adj)
+• to travel by underground (n)
+underline (v)
+underneath (prep)
+underpants (n)
+understand (v)
+underwear (n)
+undress (v)
+unemployed (adj)
+unemployment (n)
+unexpected (adj)
+unfair (adj)
+unfit (adj)
+unforgettable (adj)
+unfortunately (adv)
+unfriendly (adj)
+unhappy (n)
+unhealthy (adj)
+uniform (n)
+union (n)
+unit (n)
+unkind (adj)
+unknown (adj)
+unimportant (adj)
+uninterested (adj)
+uninteresting (adj)
+universe (n)
+university (n)
+unless (conj)
+unlikey (adj)
+unlucky (adj)
+unnecessary (adj)
+unpack (v)
+unpleasant (adj)
+until (prep & conj)
+unusual (adv)
+unwell (adj)
+up (adv & prep)
+• to walk up the hill (prep)
+• Are you up yet? (awake and dressed) (adv)
+• Lift your head up. (adv)
+• Speak up, please. (adv)
+update (n & v)
+upload (n)
+upon (prep)
+• once upon a time
+• That depends upon when you finish.
+upper (adj)
+upset (adj)
+upstairs (adj & adv)
+up to (prep phr)
+• up to six people up to date (prep phr)
+urgent (adj)
+urgently (adv)
+us (pron)
+use (n & v)
+• Can you use a computer? (v)
+• It's for the use of teachers only. (n)
+• Is this any use to you? (n)
+• used to (v)
+• I used to cycle a lot when I was younger.
+• I'm not used to getting up early.
+useful (adj)
+user (n)
+usual (adj)
+usually (adv)
+v/versus (prep)
+• Manchester United v Liverpool
+valley (n)
+valuable (adj)
+value (n)
+van (n)
+vanilla (n)
+variety (n)
+various (adj)
+vase (n)
+vegetable (n)
+vegetarian (n & adj)
+vehicle (n)
+very (adv)
+vet (n)
+via (prep)
+video (n & v)
+video clip (n)
+video game (n)
+view (n)
+• a beautiful view
+village (n)
+violin (n)
+virus (n)
+• a computer virus
+visa (n)
+visit (n & v)
+visitor (n)
+vocabulary (n)
+voice (n)
+volleyball (n)
+volume (n)
+vote (n & v)
+vowel (n)
+wage(s) (n)
+wait (n & v)
+waiter (n)
+waiting room (n)
+waitress (n)
+wake (v)
+wake up (phr v)
+walk (n & v)
+walking (n)
+wall (n)
+wallet (n)
+want (v)
+war (n)
+wardrobe (n)
+warm (adj)
+warn (v)
+warning (n)
+wash (n & v)
+wash up (phr v)
+washing machine (n)
+washing-up (n)
+• to do the washing-up
+waste (adj & v)
+watch (n & v)
+• My watch keeps good time. (n)
+• I watched TV last night. (v)
+water (n & v)
+waterfall (n)
+wave (n & v)
+• waves at sea (n)
+• to wave goodbye (v)
+way (n)
+• Is this the way?
+• the wrong way
+• a long way
+• to stand in the way
+• That's the way to do it.
+• way of life
+• way in, way out
+we (pron)
+weak (adj)
+• to feel weak
+• a weak excuse
+wear (v)
+• to wear a dress
+wear out (phr v & adj)
+• You'll wear out those shoes. (v)
+• My shoes are worn out. (adj)
+weather (n)
+weather forecast (n)
+web (n)
+webcam (n)
+web page (n)
+website (n)
+wedding (n)
+week (n)
+weekday (n)
+weekend (n)
+weekly (adj & adv)
+• a weekly magazine (adj)
+• to phone home twice weekly (adv)
+weigh (v)
+weight (n)
+welcome (n & v)
+• a warm welcome (n)
+• Welcome to London! (v)
+well (adj, adv & exclam)
+• I'm very well, thanks. (adj)
+• to behave very well (adv)
+• Shake the bottle well. (adv)
+• Well, here we are. (exclam)
+well done! (adv)
+well-dressed (adj)
+well-known (adj)
+well made I well-made (adv & adj)
+west (adj, adv & n)
+western (adj)
+wet (adj)
+• wet clothes
+• wet weather
+whale (n)
+what (det & pron)
+whatever (pron & det)
+wheel (n)
+wheelchair (n)
+when (adv)
+whenever (conj)
+where (adv & conj)
+wherever (conj)
+whether (conj)
+which (pron & det)
+while, whilst (conj)
+white (adj)
+who (pron)
+whole (adj & n)
+whose (det & pron)
+why (adv)
+wide (adj)
+• a wide road
+wife (n)
+wild (adj)
+wildlife (n)
+will (mv)
+willing (adj)
+win (v)
+wind (n)
+• A strong wind was blowing.
+window (n)
+windscreen (n)
+windsurfing (n)
+windy (n)
+wing (n)
+• a bird's wing
+• the wing of an aeroplane
+winner (n)
+wise (adj)
+wish (n & v)
+• Best wishes. (n)
+• Wish me luck. (v)
+• I wish you were here. (v)
+with (prep)
+within (prep)
+without (prep)
+woman (n)
+wonder (v)
+• I wonder what he said.
+wonderful (adj)
+wood (n)
+• to be made of wood
+• in a large wood
+wooden (adj)
+wool (n)
+word (n)
+• words in a sentence
+• He didn't say a word.
+work (n & v)
+• school work (n)
+• to work for a living (v)
+• hard work (n)
+• to be out of work (n)
+worker (n)
+working (adj)
+workout (n)
+• I like a good workout at the gym.
+work out (phr v)
+• I work out at the gym every day.
+world (n)
+worried (adj)
+worry (n & v)
+worse (adj & adv)
+worst (adj & adv)
+worth (adj)
+would (mv)
+wow (exclam)
+wrap (up) (v & phr v)
+• to wrap (up) a parcel
+write (v)
+write down (phr v)
+• write down an address
+writer (n)
+writing (n)
+written (adj)
+wrong (adj)
+yard (n)
+yeah (exclam)
+year (n)
+yellow (adj)
+yes (adv)
+yesterday (adv)
+yet (adv)
+yoga (n)
+yoghurt (n)
+you (pron)
+you know (exclam)
+young (adj)
+your (det)
+yours (pron)
+yourself (pron)
+youth (n)
+zebra (n)
+zero (n)
+zone (n)
+zoo (n)
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+according to
+air conditioning
+air force
+alarm clock
+all right
+apart from
+apartment building
+as well
+at all
+at first
+at last
+at least
+at once
+at present
+at the same time
+bank account
+base on
+bathing suit
+because of
+be over
+board game
+boarding pass
+booking office
+brand new
+break down
+break in
+break up
+bring up
+bus station
+bus stop
+by accident
+by hand
+by mistake
+by name
+call for
+call in
+car park
+carry on
+carry out
+CD player
+cell phone
+central heating
+changing room
+chat show
+check in
+check out
+chest of drawers
+come on
+credit card
+cross out
+cut up
+deal with
+department store
+digital camera
+dining room
+disc jockey
+driving licence
+due to
+DVD player
+end up
+exchange rate
+extreme sport
+face to face
+fast food
+feel like
+fill in
+fill up
+film maker
+film star
+find out
+first name
+French fries
+frying pan
+full stop
+full time
+gas station
+get along
+get back
+get down
+get fit
+get in
+get off
+get on
+get on
+get rid of
+get up
+give back
+give in
+give out
+give up
+give way
+global warming
+go for
+good afternoon
+good morning
+go off
+go on
+go out
+grocery store
+grow up
+hand in
+hand out
+hang out
+hang up
+have got to
+have to
+hip hop
+hold up
+how much
+ice cream
+ice hockey
+ice skating
+ID card
+identity card
+in advance
+in fact
+in front of
+ingredients in half
+in ink
+in love
+in pencil
+in order
+in order to
+in the end
+in time
+in two
+keep in
+keep on
+keep up
+knock down
+lie down
+living room
+look like
+look after
+look at
+look for
+look forward to
+look out
+look up
+a lot
+made of
+made from
+made out of
+main course
+make sure
+mineral water
+movie star
+movie theater
+MP3 player
+navy blue
+next to
+no one
+of course
+oh dear
+on board
+on business
+on fire
+on foot
+on holiday
+on purpose
+on request
+on sale
+on time
+opening hours
+out of
+out of date
+out of order
+out of work
+parking lot
+part time
+pencil case
+petrol station
+pick up
+pocket money
+police officer
+police station
+post office
+primary school
+public transport
+put away
+put down
+put off
+put on
+put out
+put through
+put up
+remote control
+ring back
+ring up
+run out
+science fiction
+seat belt
+set off
+set out
+set up
+shop assistant
+sit down
+sitting room
+soap opera
+split up
+sports centre
+stay behind
+stomach ache
+a straight road
+swimming costume
+swimming pool
+table tennis
+take away
+take care of
+take off
+take part
+take place
+take up
+talk show
+text message
+thank you
+throw away
+tidy up
+tour guide
+tourist information centre
+traffic jam
+traffic light
+traffic lights
+trash can
+travel agent
+try on
+turn down
+turn into
+turn off
+turn on
+turn up
+up to
+video clip
+video game
+waiting room
+wake up
+wash up
+washing machine
+wear out
+weather forecast
+web page
+well done
+well known
+well made
+work out
+write down
+you know
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+++ b/www/HACKING.rst Sun Jul 08 16:17:39 2018 +0300
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The TOEIC Service List home page.
+KET wordlist
+The KET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when
+preparing students for the KET and KET for Schools examinations.
+The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the CEFR.
+ Key English Test (KET) Vocabulary List © UCLES 2012.
+PET wordlist
+Preliminary and Preliminary for Schools Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide
+to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the Preliminary and
+Preliminary for Schools exam inations.
+The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the B1 level on the CEFR.
+ Preliminary (PET) Wordlist © UCLES 2012.
BNC+COCA wordlist