Move en-punctuation and en-phonetic to `gadict` project.
authorOleksandr Gavenko <>
Tue, 10 Jul 2012 11:46:30 +0300
changeset 1327 149b58b87e81
parent 1326 8aac6cb8518d
child 1328 b2881ca2dc05
Move en-punctuation and en-phonetic to `gadict` project.
--- a/en-phonetic.rst	Sun Jul 08 13:31:00 2012 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,413 +0,0 @@
--*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
-* About.
-* Деление на слоги (syllable).
-** В слове число слогов равно числу гласных звуков.
-ba-by, pis-ton
-** Если на границе слогораздела одна согласная, то она отходит ко второму слогу.
-e-ven, o-pen, i-tem
-** Если на границе слогораздела более одной согласной, то только первая согласная относится к первому слогу.
-hus-band, pen-cil, mem-ber, sym-ptom
-** Слог образуют сочетания согласных с "l" и "r", если за ними следует конечное нечитаемое "e".
-ta-ble, a-ble, cy-cle, a-cre
-* Типы слогов.
-** Открытый слог (open syllable).
-*** Заканчивается на гласную.
-*** Слог, который стоит перед ND / LD, считается открытым.
-** Закрытый слог (closed syllable).
-*** Заканчивается на согласную, кроме "r".
-** Ударный слог (stressed syllable).
-*** Обычно первый слог.
-pi-lot [ˈpaɪlot], paper [ˈpeɪpə]
-*** В производных словах смещение ударения как правило не происходит.
-nature/natural [ˈneɪʧə/ˈnæʧrəl], mark/remark [mɑːk/rɪˈmɑːk], press/impress [pres/ɪmˈpres]
-** Неударный слог (unstressed syllable).
-* Буква "e" в конце слова не читается.
-life [laɪf], table [teɪbl], dandle [dændl]
-* "a" в открытом ударном слоге  - [eɪ].
-  na-me [neɪm], la-ter [ˈlaɪtə]
-  !!! have [hæv], many [ˈmenɪ], family [ˈfæemɪlɪ]
-* "a" перед "nge" - [eɪ].
-  range [reɪndʒ], danger [deɪndʒə]
-* "ai" в ударном положении - [eɪ].
-  main [meɪn], traine [treɪn], raise [reɪz]
-  !!! said [sed]
-* "ay" в ударном положении - [eɪ].
-  may [meɪ], pay [peɪ], stay [meɪ]
-* "a" в закрытом ударном слоге - [æ].
-  cat [cæt], lat-ter [ˈlætə], fan-cy [ˈfænsɪ]
-* "ar" - [ɑː].
-  car [cɑː], arm [ɑːm], park [pɑːk]
-* "a" в сочетании "ass" - [ɑː].
-  glass [ɡlɑːs], pass [pɑːs], class [klɑːs]
-  !!! mass [mæs]
-* "a" в сочетании "ast" - [ɑː].
-  fast [fɑːst], mast [mɑːst], cast [cɑːst]
-  !!! tasty [ˈteɪstɪ]
-* "a" в сочетании "ant" - [ɑː].
-  grant [ɡrɑːnt], plant [plɑːnt], slant [slɑːnt]
-* "a" в сочетании "anch" - [ɑː].
-  branch [brɑːnʧ]
-* "a" в сочетании "alf" - [ɑː].
-  half [hɑːlf], calf [kɑːlf]
-* "a" в сочетании "ask" - [ɑː].
-  ask [ɑːsk], task [tɑːsk], mask [mɑːsk]
-* "a" в сочетании "ath" - [ɑː].
-  father [ˈfɑːθə], bath [bɑːθ]
-  !!! gather [ˈɡæðə]
-* "a" в сочетании "ance" - [ɑː].
-  chance [ʧɑːns], advance [ədˈvɑːns]
-* "a" в сочетании "aft" - [ɑː].
-  shaft [ʃɑːft], after [ˈɑːftə], craft [krɑːft], draft [drɑːft]
-* "air" - [ɛə].
-  stair [stɛə], hair [hɛə], affair [əˈfɛə]
-* "are" - [ɛə].
-  care [kɛə], fare [fɛə], scare [skɛə]
-* "a" перед "ll" или "l"+согласная - [ɔː].
-  ball [bɔːl], chalk [ʧɔːk], install [ɪnˈstɔːl], almost [ɔːlməust]
-* "au" - [ɔː].
-  launch [lɔːnʧ]
-  !!! aunt [ɑːnt]
-* "aw" - [ɔː].
-  saw [sɔː],
-* "aught" - [ɔːt].
-  naught [nɔːt]
-* "auth" - [ɔːθ].
-  author [ˈɔːθə]
-* "ar" после "w" или "qu" - [ɔː].
-  war [wɔː], warm [wɔːm], quartz [kwɔːts]
-* "a" в закрытом слоге после "w" или "wh" - [ɔ].
-  want [wɔt], wash [waʃ], what [wɔt]
-* "a" в неударном положении - [ə].
-  data [ˈdeɪtə], agenda [əˈdʒendə]
-* "ai", "ay" в неударном положении - [ɪ].
-  captain [ˈkæptɪn], Monday [ˈmʌndɪ]
-* "age" в неударном положении - [ɪdʒ].
-  marriage [ˈmærɪdʒ], sausage ['sɔsɪdʒ]
-* "e" в открытом ударном слоге - [iː].
-  he [hiː], le-gal [ˈliːɡəl]
-* "ea" - [iː].
-  mean [miːn], seat [siːt], speak [spiːk]
-  !!! great [ɡreɪt], bread [bred], head [hed]
-* "ee" - [iː].
-  keen [kiːn], feel [fiːl], see [siː]
-* "e" в закрытом ударном слоге - [e].
-  bed [bed], letter [ˈletə], nest [nest]
-* "ea" перед "d", "n", "th", "sure" - [e].
-  bread [bred], ready [ˈredɪ], weather [ˈweθə], pleasure [ˈpleʒə], measure [ˈmeʒə], meant [ment]
-* "er" в ударном слоге - [əː].
-  her [həː], term [təːm], serve [səːv], permanent [ˈpəːmənənt]
-* "ear" + согласная - [əː].
-  heard [həːd], learn [ləːn], earth [əːθ]
-* "ear" - [ɪə].
-  near [nɪə], fear [fɪə], clear [klɪə]
-* "eer" - [ɪə].
-  engineer [ˌendʒɪˈnɪə], cheer [ʧɪə]
-* "ere" - [ɪə].
-  mere [mɪə], here [hɪə], sphere [sfɪə]
-  !!! there [θɛə], where [wɛə], were [wəː]
-* "e" в закрытом неударном слоге - [ə].
-  sentence - [ˈsentəns]
-* "er" в неударном положении - [ə].
-  member [ˈmembə], answer [ˈɑːnsə], maker [ˈmeɪkə], perhaps [pəˈhæps]
-* "e" в открытом неударном слоге - [ɪ].
-  event [ɪˈvent], effect [ɪˈfect], elect [iˈlekt]
-* "er" в открытом неударном слоге - [ɪ].
-  regret [rɪˈɡret], repair [rɪˈpɛə], remain [rɪˈmeɪn]
-* "et" в конце слова - [ɪt].
-  market [ˈmɑːkɪt], planet [ˈplænɪt], genet [ˈdʒenɪt], cutlet [ˈcʌltɪd]
-* "ei" в неударном слоге - [ɪ].
-  foreign [ˈfɔrɪn]
-* "ey" - [ɪ].
-  hockey [ˈhɔkɪ], money [ˈmʌnɪ]
-* "ew" - [juː].
-  new [njuː], few [fjuː]
-* "ew" после звуков [r, l, dʒ] - [uː].
-  crew [kruː], grew [gruː]
-* "eu" - [juː].
-  deuce [djuːs]
-* "ei" в ударном слоге - [eɪ].
-  vein [veɪn], freight [freɪt], eight [eɪt]
-* "ey" в ударном слоге - [eɪ].
-  they [θeɪ]
-* "i" в открытом ударном слоге - [aɪ].
-  fi-ve [faɪv], li-ner [ˈlaɪnə],  pi-lot [ˈpaɪlət], time [taɪm]
-  !!! machine [məʃiːn], cinema [ˈsɪnimə], live [lɪv], give [ɡɪv]
-* "i" перед "nd" - [aɪ].
-  kind [kaɪnd], find [faɪnd].
-  !!! wind [wɪnd]
-* "i" перед "ld" - [aɪ].
-  wild [waɪld], mild [maɪld]
-* "i" перед "gn" - [aɪ].
-  sign [saɪn], design [dɪˈzaɪn]
-* "i" перед "gh" - [aɪ].
-  light [laɪt], sight [saɪt]
-  !!! wind [wɪnd]
-* "ie" на конце односложных слов - [aɪ].
-  die [daɪ], lie [laɪ]
-* "i" в закрытом ударном слоге - [i].
-  pin [pɪn], din-ner [ˈdɪnə], stick [stɪk], since [sɪns]
-* "i" в неударном положении - [i].
-  immense [ɪˈmens], imagine [ɪˈmædʒɪn]
-* "ir" в ударном положении - [əː].
-  first [fəːst], girl [ɡəːl], third [θəːd]
-* "ire" - [aɪə].
-  fire [faɪə], mire [maɪə], entire [inˈtaɪə]
-* "ia" - [aɪə].
-  diamond [daɪəmənd], dialogue [ˈdaɪəlɔɡ]
-* "io" - [aɪə].
-  prior [praɪə], pioneer [ˌpaɪəˈniə], violate [ˈvaɪəleɪt]
-* "ie" в середине корневых слов - [iː].
-  field [fiːld], brief [briːf], grieve [ɡriːv]
-  !!! friend [frend]
-* "o" в открытом ударном слоге - [ou].
-  no [nou], ro-se [rouz], so-fa [ˈsoufə]
-  !!! do [duː], does [dʌz]
-* "old" - [oul].
-  cold [could]
-* "ol" - [oul].
-  control [kəntroul]
-* "oll" - [oul].
-  roll [roul]
-* "oa" - [ou].
-  road [roud], boat [bout], load [loud], loan [loun], oak [ouk]
-* "ow" в конце слов - [ou].
-  know [nou], window [ˈwindou], low [lou]
-  !!! now [nau], how [hau], cow [kau]
-* "o" перед "st" - [ou].
-  post [poust], most [moust]
-  !!! cost [kɔst], lost [lɔst], frost [frɔst]
-* "o" в закрытом ударном слоге - [ɔ].
-  on [ɔn], clock [clɔk], ob-ject [ɔbdʒɪkt], stop [stɔp], not [nɔt], got [ɡɔt]
-* "ou" в середине слова - [au].
-  town [taun], brown [braun], found [faund], pound [paud], sound [saund]
-  !!! enough [ɪˈnʌf], country [ˈkʌntrɪ], trouble [trʌbl], touch [tʌʧ], young [jʌŋ], bowl [boul]
-* "or" в ударном положении - [ɔː].
-  fork [fɔːk], short [ʃɔːt], sport [spɔːt], port [pɔːt]
-* "oor" - [ɔː].
-  floor [flɔː], door [dɔː]
-  !!! pore [puə]
-* "ore" - [ɔː].
-  more [mɔː], core [cɔː], bore [bɔː], ore [ɔː], before [bɪˈfɔː]
-* "oar" - [ɔː].
-  board [bɔːd]
-* "our" в середине слова - [ɔː].
-  mourn [mɔːn], source [sɔːs]
-  !!! courage [ˈcʌridʒ]
-* "our" под ударением - [auə].
-  our [auə], hour [hauə], sour [sauə]
-* "or" в неударном положении - [ə].
-  visitor [ˈvɪzɪtə], doctor [ˈdɔktə], operator [ˈɔpəreɪtə]
-* "our" на конце слов - [ə].
-  labour [ˈleɪbə], vapour [ˈveɪpə]
-* "oi" - [ɔɪ].
-  voice [vɔɪs], coil [cɔɪl], toil [tɔɪl], oil [ɔɪl], noise [nɔɪz]
-* "oy" - [ɔɪ].
-  alloy [ˈælɔɪ], boy [bɔɪ], toy [tɔɪ]
-* "oo" - [uː].
-  food [fuːd], root [ruːt], noon [nuːn], too [tuː], moon [muːn], pool [puːl], doom [duːm]
-  !!! good [ɡud], wood [wud], foot [fut], blood [blʌd], flood [flʌd]
-* "oo" перед "k" - [u].
-  book [buk], look [luk], took [tuk], hook [huk]
-* "ous" на конце слов - [əs].
-  various [ˈvɛərɪəs], tremendous [trɪˈmendəs]
-* "oth" под ударением - [ʌθ].
-  mother [ˈmʌθə], other [ˈʌθə], brother [ˈbrʌθə], another [əˈnʌθə]
-  !!! both [bouθ]
-* "on" под ударением - [ʌn].
-  month [mʌnθ], son [sʌn], front [frʌnt], London [ˈlʌndən]
-  !!! on [ɔn]
-* "om" под ударением - [ʌm].
-  come [kʌm], some [sʌm]
-* "ov" под ударением - [ʌv].
-  cover [ˈkʌvə], oven [ˈʌvn]
-* "u" в открытом ударном слоге - [juː].
-  pu-pil [pjuːpl], stu-dent [ˈstjuːdənt], use [juːz]
-* "u" в закрытом ударном слоге - [ʌ].
-  num-ber [ˈnʌmbə], un-cle [ʌŋkl], bus [bʌs]
-  !!! put [put], push [puʃ], pull [pul], full [ful], bush [buʃ]
-* "ue" после "l", "r", "j" - [uː].
-  blue [bluː], true [truː]
-* "ui" после "l", "r", "j" - [uː].
-  cruise [kruːz], juice [dʒuːs], fruit [fruːt]
-* "u" в неударном положении - [ə].
-  upon [əˈpɔn], supply [səpˈlaɪ], suspend [səsˈpend], difficult [ˈdɪfɪcəlt]
-  !!! mercury [ˈməːkjuːrɪ]
-* "ur" в ударном слоге - [əː].
-  curtain [kəːtn], turn [təːn], curve [cəːv], surface [ˈsəːfɪs]
-* "u" перед "r" + гласная - [juə].
-  pure [pjuə], cure [kjuə], curious [ˈkjuərɪəs]
-  !!! sure [ʃuə]
-* "y" в открытом ударном слоге - [aɪ].
-  my [maɪ], try [traɪ], ty-pist [ˈtaɪpɪst], cycle [saɪkl]
-* "y" в закрытом ударном слоге - [ɪ].
-  sym-bol [ˈsɪməl], symptom [ˈsɪmptəm]
-* "y" в открытом неударном слоге - [ɪ].
-  sorry [ˈsɔrɪ], tasty [ˈteɪstɪ], family [ˈfæemɪlɪ], tardy [ˈtɑːdɪ]
-* "y" в начале слов перед гласными - [j].
-  yet [jet], yard [jɑːd], year [jəː]
-* "yr" + гласная - [aɪə].
-  tyre [taɪə], tyrant [taɪərənt], gyroplane [dzaɪrəpleɪn]
-* "yr" + согласная - [əː].
-  myrtle [məːtl]
-* "alk" - [ɔːk].
-  chalk [ʧɔːk], talk [tɔːk], walk [wɔːk]
-* "aught" - [ɔːt].
-  XXX
-* "bt" - [t].
-  debt [det], doubt [daut]
-* "c" обычно - [k].
-  cap [kæp], come [kʌm], cup [kʌp]
-* "c" перед буквами "e", "i", "y" - [s].
-  cent [sent], face [feɪs], city [ˈsɪtɪ]
-* "ch" - [ʧ].
-  child [ʧaɪld], chalk [ʧɔːk], chain [ʧeɪn], chess [ʧes]
-* "cial" - [ʃ(ə)l].
-  special [ˈspeʃ(ə)l], commercial [kəˈməːʃ(ə)l]
-* "cient" - [ʃ(ə)nt].
-  efficient [ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nt]
-* "ck" - [k].
-  black [blæk], clock [klɔk], thick [θɪk].
-* "g" обычно - [g].
-  game [ɡeɪm], glad [ɡlæd], go [ɡəu]
-* "g" перед буквами "e", "i", "y" - [dʒ].
-  gypsy [ˈdʒɪpsɪ], gem [dʒem]
-* "gn" - [n].
-  sign [saɪn], gnome [nəum]
-* "gm" - [m].
-  paradigm ['pærədaɪm]
-* "gh" не читается.
-  though [ðou], through [θruː]
-  !!! enough [ɪˈnʌf], laugh [lɑːf]
-* "ght" - [t].
-  might [maɪt], fight [faɪt]
-* "igh" - [aɪ].
-  high [haɪ], fight [faɪt]
-* "ild" - [aɪld].
-  child [ʧaɪld], wild [waɪld]
-* "imb" - [aɪm].
-  climb - [klaɪm]
-* "ince" - [aɪns].
-  XXX
-* "ind" - [aɪnd].
-  mind [maɪnd], find [faɪnd], kind [kaɪnd]
-* "ing" - [iŋ].
-  signing [ˈsaɪniŋ], running [ˈrʌnɪŋ]
-* "ink" - [iŋk].
-  think [θɪŋk], link [lɪŋk]
-* "j" - [dʒ].
-  jump [dʒʌmp]
-* "kn" в начале слова - [n].
-  know [kəu], knot [nɔt]
-* "lf" - [f].
-  calf [kɑːf], half [hɑːf]
-  !!! gulf [ɡʌlf]
-* "lm" - [m].
-  balm [bɑːm], calm [kɑːm], holm [həum], palm [pɑːm]
-* "mb" - [m].
-  climb [klaɪm], limb [laɪm], comb [koum]
-* "mn" на конце слова - [m].
-  autumn [ˈɔːtəm], damn [dæm], hymn [hɪm]
-* "ness" в неударном положении - [nɪs].
-  emptiness - [ˈemptɪnɪs]
-* "ng" - [ŋ].
-  long [lɔŋ], song [sɔŋ], string [strɪŋ]
-* "ng" и "g" относится к разным слогам - [ŋɡ].
-  angry [ˈæŋɡrɪ], English [ˈɪŋɡliʃ]
-* "nk" - [ŋk].
-  ink [ɪŋk], think [θɪŋk]
-* "ough" без последующего "t" - [uː].
-  XXX
-* "ought" - [ɔːt].
-  brought [brɔːt], thought [θɔːt], fought [fɔːt]
-* "ould" - [ud].
-  could [kud], should [shud], would [wud]
-* "ph" - [f].
-  photo [ˈfoutou], sphere [sfɪə], phrase [freɪz]
-* "pn" - [n].
-  pneumonia [njuːˈmənjə]
-* "pt" - [t].
-  receipt [rɪˈsɪːt]
-* "qu" - [kw].
-  quick [kwɪk], question ['kwesʧ(ə)n]
-* "ft" - [f].
-  often [ɔfn]
-* "r" в конце слов если следующее слова начинается с гласной - [r].
-  our own room [auər oun rum]
-* "s" в начале слов - [s].
-  send [send], spend [spend]
-* "s" перед и после глухой согласной - [s].
-  test [test], cups [kʌps]
-* "s" после гласных - [z].
-  as [az], days [deɪz]
-* "s" между гласными - [z].
-  nose [nouz]
-* "s" на конце слов после звонких согласных и гласных - [z].
-  pens [penz], bells [belz]
-* "sh" - [ʃ].
-  she [ʃiː], should [ʃud], sheep [ʃiːp]
-* "sion" после гласной - [ʒn].
-  incision [ɪnˈsɪʒ(ə)n]
-* "sion" после согласной - [ʃn].
-  pension [penʃn]
-* "sl" - [l].
-  aisle [aɪl], island [ˈaɪlənd]
-* "ss" - [s].
-  chess [ʧes], Bess [bes], dress [dres]
-* "st" - [s].
-  castle [kaːsl], listen [lɪsn], whistle [wɪsl]
-* "ssion" - [ʃ(ə)n].
-  commission [kəˈmɪʃ(ə)n], progression [prəuˈɡreʃ(ə)n]
-* "ssure" - [ʃə].
-  XXX
-* "stion" - [sʧn].
-  question [qwesʧn]
-* "sure" -[ʒə].
-  measure [ˈmeʒə], pleasure [ˈplezhə]
-* "tch" - [ʧ].
-  watch [wɔʧ], pitch [pɪʧ]
-* "tion" - [ʃ(ə)n].
-  communication [kəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n], station [steɪʃ(ə)n], nation [neɪʃn]
-* "th" в начале и в конце знаменательных слов - [θ].
-  thin [θin], thick [θik], bath [bɑːθ]
-* "th" в служебных словах, наречиях, местоимениях - [ð].
-  the [ðə], with [wið], though [ðou], then [ðen], this [ðis], that [ðæt]
-* "th" между двумя гласными - [ð].
-  bathe [beið], clothe [klouð]
-* "ture" - [ʧə].
-  picture [ˈpɪkʧə], lecture [ˈlekʧə], culture [ˈcʌlʧə]
-* "x" - [ks].
-  six [sɪks]
-* "wa" - [wɔ].
-  want [wɔnt], wash [wɔʃ]
-* "wh" перед гласными кроме "o" - [w].
-  while [waɪl], whack [wæk]
-* "wh" перед "o" - [h].
-  who [huː], whom [huːm], whose [huːz]
-* "wha" - [wɔ].
-  what [wɔt]
-* "wor" в ударном положении - [wəː].
-  worse [wəːs], world [wəːld], work [wəːk], worm [wəːm]
-  !!! worn [wɔːn]
-* "wr" - [r].
-  write [raɪt], wrong [rɔŋ]
-* "xh" - [ks].
-  exhibition [ˌeksɪˈbɪʃn]
--- a/en-punctuation.rst	Sun Jul 08 13:31:00 2012 +0300
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
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--*- mode: outline; coding: utf-8 -*-
-                          English Punctuation Guide.
-* Punctuation symbol.
-  !  exclamation mark
-  "" single quotation marks
-  '' double quotation marks
-  '  apostrophe
-  ,  comma
-  -  hyphen
-  .  full stop (period USA)
-  :  colon
-  ;  semi colon
-  ?  question mark
-  ... ellipsis
-* General rules.
- * Put end-of-sentence punctuation inside quotation marks.
- * Put commas and other sentence punctuation outside of parentheses.
- * Put a comma (plus a space) before and, but, or, and nor when they join two
-   sentences.
- * The semicolon (;) is not used widely in English and probably should be
-   avoided by non-native writers.
- * Names of newspapers, books, movies, ships, magazines, journals, and poems
-   are usually italicized  or underlined.
-** Capital letter.
- 1 A capital is used for the first letter of a new sentence, of quoted speech
-   or proper nouns.
- 2 The first letter of a sentence does not need to be capitalized if it is
-   included in parenthesis within another sentence.
- 3 A capital letter is always used for the first person singular subjective
-   personal pronoun I.
- 4 A capital is used for the first letter of key words in headings and titles.
-   If such titles are hyphenated then both components are given capitalized
-   first letters.
- 5 A capital is used for the first letter of key words in historical events.
- 6 A capital is used for the first letter of religions and many other
-   religious words.
- 7 A capital is used for the first letter of names of months and days of the
-   week, but not of seasons.
- 8 Holidays should also be capitalized.
-  [3] My boss and I agreed that I should make up for the time I  had lost.
-  [4] The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries
-  [4] The Centers for Disease Control
-  [4] Vice-President Dick Cheney
-  [5] The Battle of Waterloo
-  [5] The Great Fire of London
-  [6] Devout Christians do daily Bible study.
-  [7] After a long, hot summer she married him on a sultry Saturday in September.
-  [8] January 1 is New Year's Day.
-** Spaces.
- * Put one space after punctuation.
- * Put no spaces before punctuation, but always put a space between words.
- * Put no spaces after periods inside abbreviations.
- * Put no space before or after an apostrophe.
- * Put no space on the "inside" of quotation marks (often called "quotes").
- * Put no space on the "inside" of parentheses.
-Some old rules:
- * Put two spaces after colons and between sentences.
-* Exclamation mark, '!'.
- * Exclamation marks act as a full stop.
- * An exclamation mark is most often used to show shock, surprise, horror or
-   pleasure.
- * No space is needed before an exclamation mark, at least one space after one
-   (two spaces for purists).
-  Oh! Wow! Brilliant!
-  It was shocking!
-* Apostrophe, "'".
- * Apostrophes next to the letter ('s) indicate possession or belonging.
- * They are also used to show missing letters in shortened words, especially in
-   informal writing.
- * No space is needed before or after the apostrophe.
-  This is Lynne's web site.
-  It's a nice day today, isn't it? I've got an idea. Let's go out.
-* Comma, ','.
- 1 Separate items in long lists.
- 2 Commas point out brief pauses in a complex sentence or a long prepositional
-   phrase.
- 3 Comma is included before the conjunction 'and' which comes
-   before the final element of a list (for purists).
- 4 Introduce a direct quote.
- 5 Separate appositives (a noun, or noun phrase) or non-defining relative
-   clauses.
- 6 Use a comma if your subject has two or more adjectives describing it.
- * You do not put a space before a comma, but you do need a space after one.
- ? We don't usually put a comma before the word 'and'.
-  [1] There were a lot of people in the room, teachers, students and parents.
-  [2] The teachers were sitting, the students were listening and the parents
-  were just worrying.
-  [2] Although he wanted to come, he wasn't able to attend the course.
-  [3] I like reading, listening to music, and visiting with my friends.
-  [4] The boy said, "My father is often away during the week on business trips."
-  [4] His doctor replied, "If you don't stop smoking, you run the risk of a
-  heart attack."
-  [5] Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, comes from Seattle.
-  [5] My only sister, who is a fantastic tennis player, is in great shape.
-  [6] The powerful, resonating sound caught our attention.
-* Colon, ':'.
- 1 Colons precede a list, an explanation or an example.
- 2 The colon is used to separate two main clauses where the first is an
- introduction to the second.
- 3 To introduce a direct quote (a comma can also be used in this situation).
- * You do not put a space before a colon, but you do need a space after one.
-  [1] There are two main shopping areas in Nottingham: Broadmarsh Centre and
-  Victoria Centre.
-  [2] The pilot had an awful realization: he had forgotten to turn off the gas
-  at breakfast time.
-  [3] He announced to his friends: "I'm getting married!"
-* Full stop (period), '.'.
- 1 Full stops (periods in the USA) go at the end of sentences that are
-   statements.
- 2 They are also used to mark abbreviations. If such an abbreviation occurs at
-   the very end of a sentence, the final dot is not usually written twice.
- * You do not put a space before a full stop, but you do need at least one
-   space after one (two spaces for purists).
-  [1] My name is Lynn. I am a teacher.
-  [2] An overhead projector is often referred to as an O.H.P.
-* Hyphen, '-'.
- * Hyphens are used to connect words or syllables, or to divide words into
-   parts.
- * You don't use a space on either side of a hyphen.
-  There were ninety-nine red balloons.
-* Question mark, '?'.
- 1 Question marks go at the end of sentences that are questions.
- 2 You need a question mark at the end of tag questions.
- * For quotes within quotes, use single quotes.
- * You do not put a space before a question mark, but you do need at least one
-   space after one (two spaces for purists).
-For example:
-  [1] Is my name Lynn? Of course it is.
-  [2] It's a nice day, isn't it?
-* Semicolon, ';'.
- 1 Semicolons are used to separate two sentences that would otherwise be
-   joined with a word such as 'and', 'because', 'since', 'unless' or 'while'.
- 2 To separate groups of words that are themselves separated by commas.
- * You do not put a space before a semicolon, but you do need a space after one.
-  [1] I'm looking forward to our next lesson; I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.
-  [2] They plan to study German, for their travels; chemistry, for their work;
-  and literature, for their own enjoyment.
-* Quotation mark (speech mark), '""', "''".
-Double quotes '""', single quotes "''".
- * Quotation marks (single or double) are used to show words that are directly
-   spoken (direct speech).
- * Only the words actually being quoted are enclosed by speech marks.
- * You need a space before the opening speech mark, but no space after it, and
-   a space after the closing one, but no space before it.
- * Another general rule is to use a comma after the introduction to quoted
-   speech or writing.
- * Sometimes when writing a spoken sentence it is split in two. The speech
-   marks must then be placed at the beginning and end of each part of the
-   sentence. Commas are used to separate the spoken part from the rest of the
-   sentence.
- * If you need a question mark or exclamation mark the markers that punctuate
-   the quoted words are enclosed by the speech marks.
-  "Could everyone sit down please," said the teacher.
-  Jaime said, "I love you."
-  "I wonder," she said quietly, "whether people will ever truly understand each other."
-  "I don't understand," replied Nathan.    "Do you understand?" asked Nathan.   "I don't understand!" shouted Nathan.
-  Nathan replied, "I don't understand."    Nathan asked, "Do you understand?"   Nathan shouted, "I don't understand!"
-  He wrote in 1946 that, "The key word in digital computer is 'digital'."
-* Ellipsis, '...'.
- 1 Ellipsis used to show that something has been omitted, indicate missing
-   words in an incomplete quotation.
-  [1] Chomsky suggested that, "Language is a system that...can be described in
-  an algebraic notation."
-* Dash, '-', '--'.
- 1 The dash should be used when making a brief interruption within a
-   statement, a sudden change of thought, an additional comment, or a dramatic
-   qualification.
-* Parentheses '()'.
- 1 Use parentheses to clarify, to place an afterthought, or to add a personal
-   comment. Be sure to include the period after the closing parenthesis.
-  [1] Steve Case (AOL's former CEO) resigned from the Time-Warner board of
-  directors in 2005.
-  [1] You will need a flashlight for the camping trip (don't forget the
-  batteries!).
-  [1] Most grammarians believe that parentheses and commas are always
-  interchangeable (I disagree).
-* Brackets '[]'.
- 1 Use brackets to signify an editor's note in a regular piece of writing. You
-   can also use brackets to clarify or to revise a direct quote so that it
-   appeals to your own writing.
- 2 The first brackets are rounded, and brackets inside brackets are squared.
-  [1] "[The blast] was absolutely devastating," said Susan Smith.
-* Slash '/'.
- 1 Use the slash to separate "and" and "or", when appropriate.
- 2 The slash can replace the word "and" to join two nouns.
- 3 The slash is used when quoting lyrics and poetry to denote a line break. Be
- sure to add spaces between your slashes here.
-  [1] To register, you will need your driver's license and/or your birth
-  certificate."
-  [2] The student/part-time employee has very little free time.
-  [3] "Row, row, row your boat / gently down the stream / life is but a dream."