Downgrade repository format.
authorOleksandr Gavenko <>
Mon, 19 Sep 2011 23:31:41 +0300
changeset 1001 4dd76ea12a6d
parent 1000 e608e9bb8499
child 1002 234cd58cae56
Downgrade repository format.
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/hg.rst	Mon Sep 19 23:31:41 2011 +0300
@@ -0,0 +1,451 @@
+-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+ Mercurial.
+.. contents::
+                Some Projects that Use Mercurial
+User config.
+Put to your ~/.hgrc::
+  [ui]
+  ; Editor for editing commit message.
+  editor = gvim
+  ; Who commit.
+  username = Oleksandr Gavenko <>
+  ; Use internal merge algorithm, which mark conflict like <<<<<< ====== >>>>>>.
+  ; Save previous file version in '*.orig' file, after merge must be marked as
+  ; resolved by running 'hg resolve -m <file>'.
+  merge = internal:merge
+  [web]
+  ; Default encoding for file hosted by 'hg serv'.
+  encoding = utf-8
+Multiline log message for log command.
+By default 'hg log' show only first line of log message. To see all message
+  $ hg log -v
+or put into ~/.hgrc::
+  [defaults]
+  log = -v
+Follow history ever when file copied.
+By default 'hg log' show only history after last file copy. To see log message
+before copying run::
+  $ hg log -f
+or put into ~/.hgrc::
+  [defaults]
+  log = -f
+Useful extension.
+Put to your ~/.hgrc:
+  [extensions]
+  ; To allow 'fetch' command.
+  hgext.fetch =
+  ; To allow Mercurial Queues.
+ =
+  ; To import revisions from foreign VCS repositories into Mercurial.
+  hgext.convert =
+  ; Usage:  hg glog <dir>
+  hgext.graphlog =
+  ; Enable '.hgeol' tracking (fix for CR/LF).
+  hgext.eol =
+Downgrade repository format.
+To get list of supported repo formats type::
+  $ hg help config
+and look for "format" section. To be Mercurial 0.9.4 compatible use::
+  $ hg clone -U --pull \
+    --config format.usefncache=0 --config format.dotencode=0 $oldr $newr
+Clone specific branches.
+  $ hg clone http://your/repo -r $branch
+Closing branches.
+  $ hg branches
+  $branch (inactive)
+  ...
+  $ hg branches -a
+  ...                     # no $branch
+  $ hg up -r $branch
+  $ hg ci --close-branch -m "Bla-bla-bla"
+  $ hg up -r default
+  $ hg branches
+  ...                     # no $branch
+  $ hg branches -c
+  $branch (inactive)
+  ...
+To reopen closed branch just update to it and commit anything!
+Remove/rename files history from repo.
+  $ cat >filemap.txt <<EOF
+  exclude path/to/file-or-dir
+  rename path/to/source path/to/destination
+  ...
+  EOF
+  $ hg convert --filemap filemap.txt $repo_orig $repo_new
+  $ hg -R $repo_new up
+Fix branch names.
+  $ hg conver --branchmap $branchmapfile oldrepo newrepo
+To convert non-ASCII names use UTF-8 coding for 'branchmap' file.
+When converted names with spaces only last space in 'branchmap' file treat as
+separator between old branch name and new, so new branch name can not contain
+Join history of two repos.
+  $ cat >filemap1.txt <<EOF
+  rename . dir1
+  EOF
+  $ cat >filemap2.txt <<EOF
+  rename . dir2
+  EOF
+  $ hg convert --filemap filemap1.txt $repo1 $repo_new
+  $ hg convert --filemap filemap2.txt $repo2 $repo_new
+  $ hg -R $repo_new merge
+  $ hg -R $repo_new ci -m "Join $repo1 and $repo2."
+Publishing repo.
+With static HTTP hosting you can copy via rsync, ftp, scp, etc., so long as all
+the files beneath .hg are copied. Also since 1.1 pull protocol can detect static
+HTTP hosting::
+  $ hg clone
+Set allowed project by specifying paths to they (keys are URL, values are fs
+  [paths]
+  myproject = /home/user/hg/myproject
+  otherproject = /home/user/hg/otherproject
+You can use single wildcard '*' to search current subdirs or double wildcard
+'**' to search subdirs recursively::
+  [paths]
+  myproject = /home/user/hg/my/*
+  otherproject = /home/user/hg/other/**
+Alternatively you can set a collection of repos (keys and values are both
+filesystem paths, keys should be prefixes of the values and are "subtracted"
+from the values in order to generate the URL paths to each repository)::
+  [collections]
+  /home/user/hg = /home/user/hg
+  /home/another/hg = /home/another/hg
+Allow archive downloads::
+  [web]
+  allow_archive = gz, zip, bz2
+Make web page look nice::
+  [web]
+  # Use 'cd /lib/python2.x/site-packages/mercurial/templates; find . -type d' to see available
+  # styles. Some interesting: gitweb, coal, monoblue.
+  style = gitweb
+Set another settings::
+  [web]
+  encoding = UTF-8
+  maxchanges = 100
+  maxfiles = 100
+In each $proj/.hg/hgrc put::
+  [web]
+  contact = ADMIN <>
+  description = <p style="color: red;">$proj</b> allow make a <a href="">BIG Thing.</a>
+  # Do not use name, in this case you see dir name where project lcated.
+  # name = $proj
+To allow push in 'hg serv'::
+  [web]
+  allow_push = *
+  push_ssl = false
+                Publishing Mercurial Repositories
+init.d script.
+  #!/bin/sh
+  CMD=/usr/bin/hg
+  PORT=7878
+  SRC=/srv/hg
+  CONGIG=/srv/hg/hgweb.config
+  PIDFILE=/var/run/
+  case "$1" in
+  start)
+    echo "Mecurial Server service starting."
+    (cd "$SRC"; $CMD serve -d -p $PORT --pid-file "$PIDFILE")
+    ;;
+  stop)
+    if [ -f "$PIDFILE" ]; then
+      PID=`cat "$PIDFILE"`
+      if [ "$PID" -gt 1 ]; then
+        kill -TERM $PID
+        echo "Stopping the Mercurial service PID=$PID."
+      else
+        echo Bad PID for Mercurial -- \"$PID\".
+        echo You may remove \"$PIDFILE\" manually.
+      fi
+    else
+      echo No PID file recorded for mercurial.
+    fi
+    ;;
+  *)
+    echo "$0 {start|stop}"
+    exit 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+Manage patches with MQ.
+First enable MQ, add following to your ~/.hgrc::
+  [extensions]
+ =
+Second get unpatched sources and put it to hg repository::
+  $ tar zxf proj-x.y.z.tar.gz
+  $ mv proj-x.y.z proj
+  $ cd proj
+  $ hg init
+  $ hg ci -m "Added x.y.z version of proj."
+Init MQ and take name for first patch::
+  $ hg qinit
+  $ hg qnew first.patch
+Next make changes by editing source and save it to patch::
+  $ $EDITOR file.c
+  ...
+  $ hg diff
+  ...
+  $ hg qrefresh
+  $ hg diff      # <-- have zero diff
+You can make second patch by applying existing one::
+  $ hg qnew second.patch
+  $ patch -p1 <bugfix.patch
+  $ hg qrefresh
+You can take list of patches (from old to new) and revert or apply patches by
+qpop/qpush command::
+  $ hg qseries   # <-- what patches have
+  first.patch
+  second.patch
+  $ hg qapplied  # <-- what patches applied
+  first.patch
+  second.patch
+  $ hg qpop
+  $ hg qseries
+  first.patch
+  second.patch
+  $ hg qapplied
+  first.patch
+You can revert or apply all patches by single command::
+  $ hg qpop -a
+  $ hg qpush -a
+You can delete patch from patch list (before that you need de-apply patch)::
+  $ hg qpop -a
+  $ hg qdelete first.patch
+To add new version of source and fix patches for it first de apply patches,
+then pull new changes and try apply patches on top of new sources::
+  $ hg qpop -a
+  $ rm *       # .hg dir not deleted because its name start with dot
+  $ cd ..
+  $ tar zxf proj-a.b.c.tar.gz
+  $ cp -R proj-a.b.c/* proj
+  $ cd proj
+  $ hg addremove -s 70
+  $ hg ci -m "Added a.b.c version of proj."
+  $ hg qpush -a
+To apply series of already done patches use::
+  $ ls /path/to/bugfixes/*.patch | xargs hg qimport
+You can fix patch description message from command line::
+  $ hg qser -s
+  makefile-doc.patch:
+  $ hg qpush
+  applying makefile-doc.patch
+  now at: makefile-doc.patch
+  $ hg qref -m 'Add description about Makefile usage.'
+  $ hg qser -s
+  makefile-doc.patch: Add description about Makefile usage.
+or from editor by::
+  $ hg qref -e
+Remove all patches from MQ.
+  $ hg qpop -a
+  $ for patch in `hg qser`; do hg qrm $patch; done
+Show supported/loaded plugin.
+  $ hg help extensions
+  $ hg showconfig extensions
+  $ hg clone --config$host:$port \
+    --config http_proxy.user=$user --config http_proxy.passwd=$password  $addr
+Free Mercurial hosting.
+                Free Hosting of Mercurial Repositories
+Merge or rebase uncommitted changes.
+  $ hg diff > .diff   # save local changes
+  $ hg revert -a
+  $ hg fetch
+  $ patch -p1 <.diff
+Check for bad branch names.
+  import re
+  goodbranch_re = r'((bug|feature)#\d|release-1\.\d\.\d|default)$'
+  def precommit_badbranchname(ui, repo, hooktype, **kwargs):
+      ui.warn('"%s" hook failed\n' % hooktype)
+      for rev in repo:
+          branch = repo[rev].branch()
+          re_ = re.compile(goodbranch_re)
+          if not re_.match(branch):
+              ui.warn('Invalid branch name "%s".\nUse one of default, bug#ID, feature#ID or release-1.XX.XX.\n' % branch)
+              return True
+      return False
+  [hooks]
+  precommit.badbranchname = python:.hg/
+  # =
+  prechangegroup.badbranchname = python:.hg/
+Read more:
+Ignore patterns.
+  $ cat $proj/.hgignore
+  syntax: glob
+  *.o
+  .obj
+  *.exe